
listen to the pronunciation of impression
Englisch - Türkisch

Amerika izleniminiz nedir? - What is your impression of America?

-O reklam güçlü bir izlenim bırakıyor-Özellikle müzik.O, kafanın içinde kalıyor. - That commercial makes a strong impression - especially the music. It stays in your head.


İzlenimin nedir, doktor? - What's your impression, doctor?

Amerika izleniminiz nedir? - What is your impression of America?


Tom Mary'yi epeyce etkiledi. - Tom made quite an impression on Mary.

Bugünün Pekin'i bende çok derin bir etki bıraktı ve merakımı uyandırdı. - Today's Beijing has given me a very deep impression and aroused my curiosity.

{i} intiba

Tom'un mükemmel ahlakı, Meryem'in anne babasında büyük bir intiba bıraktı. - Tom's impeccable manners made a big impression on Mary's parents.

{i} iz
(Diş Hekimliği) Ağızda dişler üzerinde aljinat ZOE, stenç, alçı, agar, silikon, vb. ölçü maddeleri ile alınan negatif katut; sonra sert alçı bu ölçünün içine dökülerek kalıp ( model ) elde edilir ve teknik laboratuarda protez yapımına geçilir
{i} taklit
(Tıp) impresyon
{i} kanı

Doğruyu söylemediğin kanısındayım. - I get the impression that you aren't telling the truth.

{i} baskı
{i} belirti

Genç insanlar çok hassastır. - Young people are very impressionable.

O zamanlar genç ve hassastım. - I was young and impressionable at that time.

{i} damga
{i} tesir
bana öyle geliyordu ki impressionableaşrı duygun
(Tıp) İntiba, impressio
kolayca etkileni
I Was under the impression that zannediyordum ki
(Askeri) BASIM: Haritanın basılışı esnasında mürekkeple boyanmış olarak pafta üzerinde belirtilen şekiller

İlk izlenimler en kalıcı olanlardır. - First impressions are the most lasting.

Çin bana birçok farklı izlenimler verir. - China gives me many different impressions.

izlenim uyandırmak
hayran bırakmak

Ben gerçekten onu hayran bırakmak istiyorum. - I really want to impress him.

Ben gerçekten onları hayran bırakmak istiyorum. - I really want to impress them.

{f} iz bırakmak
{f} etkilemek

Herkesi etkilemek istiyorum. - I want to impress everyone.

Seni etkilemek istiyordum. - I wanted to impress you.

impression formation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) izlenim oluşumu
impression management
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) izlenim idaresi
impression mark
(Tekstil) damga baskı
impression mark pressing
(Tekstil) damga baskı
impression roller
baskı rulosu
impression management
Algı yönetimi
impression management
Goffman'ın, kitle toplumun-daki bireylerin toplumsal veya ekonomik güce sahip patronlarının, arkadaşlarının, öğrencilerinin, vb. gözünde kabul edilebilir bir imaj yaratmak için giriştiği bilinçli veya bilinçsiz çabalar için kullandığı bir terim
impression of a seal
(Politika, Siyaset) mühür baskısı
{f} baskı yapmak
{f} sıkıştırmak
{s} kolay etkilenen

O zamanlar genç ve kolay etkilenendim. - I was young and impressionable at that time.

kolay etkilenir
basmak (damga)
tesir etmek

İlk izlenimler önemlidir. - First impressions are important.

Onun hakkında izlenimlerin neydi? - What were your impressions of it?

strong impression
derin etki
wrong impression
yanlış izlenim
as a first impression
ilk izlenim olarak
kafasına sokmak

Japon öğrencilerinin genel kültür bilgisinden etkilendim. - I was impressed by the general knowledge of Japanese students.

Sergi çok etkileyiciydi. - The exhibition was very impressive.


O genç, duyarlı bir delikanlı. - He's a young, impressionable teenager.

Ben saf ve duyarlıydım. - I was naive and impressionable.

çabuk etkilenir
nazik yürekli
sense impression
{f} basmak
I was under the impression that ...
Öyle zannediyordum ki ..../Bana öyle geliyordu ki
a lasting impression
derin bir iz; büyük bir etki
bad impression
kötü zan
create an impression
Bir etki yaratmak
create an impression
Bir izlenim bırakmak; bir etki bırakmak
deep impression
kuvvetli etki, derin etki
force of impression
izlenim yürürlüğe
form an impression
Bir izlenim edinmek ya da oluşturmak
give the impression
have the impression
izlenim var
{f} aklına sokmak
{f} zorlamak
{s} aşırı duygusal
make a good impression
İyi bir izlenim oluşturmak

When you go for a job interview, you should make a good impression.

make a good impression
iyi bir izlenim bırakmak
make a good/bad impression on s.o
birinde iyi/kötü bir izlenim bırakmak
make an impression
Bir izlenim bırakmak; bir etki bırakmak
make impression
make the impression that
izlenim olun
teeth impression
(Diş) Diş baskısı, dişin kalıpla alınan kalıp izi
to give the impression
izlenimini vermek için
to make impression upon (someone)
(birinin) üzerinde intiba bırakmak
tooth impression
Diş izi

This is his tooth impression. I understand is because he ate an apple this morning.

tooth impression
(Diş) Diş baskısı, dişin kalıpla alınan kalıp izi
under impression
izlenim altında
under the impression
izlenimi altında
bore impression
(Askeri) NAMLU İÇİ KALIBI: Bir top namlusunun içindeki yiv ve setlerin vaziyetini tayin etmek için plastik bir madde ile alınan kalıp
bore impression
(Askeri) namlu içi kalıbı
dental impression technique
(Diş Hekimliği) diş ölçü tekniği
do an impression of smb
taklit etmek
fingerprint impression
parmak izi basma
first impression
ilk izlenim
give smb, a wrong impression
yanlış izlenim uyandırmak
give the impression of
izlenimi vermek
give the impression of
izlenimini vermek
{f} damgalamak
x anlat/bas/hayran bırak
{f} (damga) basmak
zorla bahriye tayfası yapmak
istimlak impressment zorla alma
{f} zorla askere almak
{f} kamulaştırmak
{f} el koymak

Havaiili konuşmayı öğrenmek istiyorum, böylece kız arkadaşımı etkileyebilirim. - I want to learn to speak Hawaiian, so I can impress my girlfriend.

Sergi çok etkileyiciydi. - The exhibition was very impressive.

etkile,v.etkile: n.etkileme
istimlak etmek
{f} on/upon aklına sokmak
{s} hassas

Genç insanlar çok hassastır. - Young people are very impressionable.

O zamanlar genç ve hassastım. - I was young and impressionable at that time.

{s} aşırı duyarlı, hassas
{s} kolayca etkilenen
lasting impression
kalıcı izlenim
make a good impression on
iyi etki bırakmak
sense  impression
duyunun dimağa yaptığı etki
Englisch - Englisch
The indentation or depression made by the pressure of one object on or into another

His head made an impression on the pillow.

An online advertising performance metric representing an instance where an ad is shown once
An impersonation
The overall effect of something, e.g., on a person

What is your impression of Beatles' music?.

An outward appearance
{i} strong feeling or idea left by an experience; effect; vague memory; stamp, imprint; stamping, impressing
If someone gives you a particular impression, they cause you to believe that something is the case, often when it is not. I don't want to give the impression that I'm running away from the charges
Your impression of a person or thing is what you think they are like, usually after having seen or heard them. Your impression of a situation is what you think is going on. What were your first impressions of college? My impression is that they are totally out of control
The image transferred from the printing plate to the substrate Also the adjustment required to affect the above transfer
an outward appearance; "he made a good impression"; "I wanted to create an impression of success"; "she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting"
An impression is counted each time a visitor to your web site views a web page that contains a banner An impression is also called a view or an exposure
The act of impressing, or the state of being impressed; the communication of a stamp, mold, style, or character, by external force or by influence
A single image transferred by a printing device to one side of a sheet of paper
(1) In printing, the pressure of type, plate or blanket as it comes in contact with the paper (2) An image of any kind imposed on a surface to top
The results of one rotation of a plate cylinder on a printing press
An indistinct notion, remembrance, or belief
Impressiveness; emphasis of delivery
In painting, the first coat of color, as the priming in house painting and the like
The image caused by the pressure of the printing plate or blanket as the paper is printed
An "impression" is a visitor looking at a page An impression can be a "unique" (first-time visit) or can be a "reload" The "impression" statistics are a join of the "unique" statistics and the "reload" statistics
all the copies of a work printed at one time; "they ran off an initial printing of 2000 copies"
Product resulting from one cycle of printing machine The pressure of the image carrier, whether it be the type, plate or blanket, when it contacts the paper
If someone or something makes an impression, they have a strong effect on people or a situation. The aid coming in has made no impression on the horrific death rates
The overall effect of something
A print that is part of the stated edition or artist's proofs Sometimes the term refers to the quality of the image
A print on paper from a wood block, metal plate, or the like
An impression is a single piece of paper with an image printed on it from a matrix The term as applied to prints is used in a manner similar to the term "copy" as applied to a book
(1) the result of printing; a printed copy; (2) the pressure of copy on printing plate as it comes into contact with the substrate
a concavity in a surface produced by pressing; "he left the impression of his fingers in the soft mud"
A cast made of the contours within the external ear from which an earmold (for BTE instruments) or custom shell (for ITE, ITC and CIC instruments) is made Impressions typically are made using a silicone or audalin material which is plastic for insertion and cures within a few minutes for removal
If you are under the impression that something is the case, you believe that it is the case, usually when it is not actually the case. He had apparently been under the impression that a military coup was in progress
a clear and telling mental image; "he described his mental picture of his assailant"; "he had no clear picture of himself or his world"; "the events left a permanent impression in his mind"
a symbol that is the result of printing; "he put his stamp on the envelope"
The pressure of the type on the paper, or the result of such pressure, as regards its appearance; as, a heavy impression; a clear, or a poor, impression; also, a single copy as the result of printing, or the whole edition printed at a given time
One display of a banner to a single viewer Advertising rates are often related to the total number of times the banner is displayed
a vague idea in which some confidence is placed; "his impression of her was favorable"; "what are your feelings about the crisis?"; "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity"; "I had a feeling that she was lying"
a perception which involves actual hearing, seeing, feeling, etc , rather than just thinking about these things [text] Notice Hume draws the distinction between impressions and ideas in terms of their differing degrees of "liveliness "
The indentation or depression made by the pressure of one object on another
That which impresses, or exercises an effect, action, or agency; appearance; phenomenon
The squeeze pressure required to effectively transfer the proper amount of ink to the newsprint
the act of pressing one thing on or into the surface of another; "he watched the impression of the seal on the hot wax"
An impression of an object is a mark or outline that it has left after being pressed hard onto a surface. the world's oldest fossil impressions of plant life
the act of pressing one thing on or into the surface of another; "he watched the impression of the seal on the hot wax" an impressionistic portrayal of a person; "he did a funny impression of a politician" (dentistry) an imprint of the teeth and gums in wax or plaster; "the dentist took an impression for use in preparing an inlay" an outward appearance; "he made a good impression"; "I wanted to create an impression of success"; "she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting" a vague idea in which some confidence is placed; "his impression of her was favorable"; "what are your feelings about the crisis?"; "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity"; "I had a feeling that she was lying" all the copies of a work printed at one time; "they ran off an initial printing of 2000 copies
all the copies of a work printed at one time; "they ran off an initial printing of 2000 copies
The ad impression is the metric a site uses for measuring inventory Different definitions exist for this term: 1 The viewing of a page or ad(s) by the user The assumption is that the page or ad images were successfully downloaded and the user viewed the page or ads on the page are recorded whether or not a user clicks on an ad 2 The request for a page or ad Agencies usually collect a fee for every thousand impressions (hence the term CPM cost per thousand)
A measure of how many times a banner is displayed Count one impression each time the banner is shown
the number of copies of an edition printed at any one time (same as "printing")
That which is impressed; stamp; mark; indentation; sensible result of an influence exerted from without
The pressure of the plates and type in contact with the paper at the moment of printing
The result of one cycle of a plate cylinder on a printing press
The pressure applied to the form by means of a platen or cylinder to give a print from
(dentistry) an imprint of the teeth and gums in wax or plaster; "the dentist took an impression for use in preparing an inlay"
an impressionistic portrayal of a person; "he did a funny impression of a politician"
The number of impressions is the number of times an ad is displayed on Google or on Google's partner sites
An impression is an amusing imitation of someone's behaviour or way of talking, usually someone well-known. He did impressions of Sean Connery and James Mason. = impersonation
Also called an ad or page impression The display of a single creative to a consumer on a website A single page view can have more than one impression if there is more than one advertising location on the page, or if dynamic ad rotation is used
Influence or effect on the senses or the intellect hence, interest, concern
impression management
In sociology and social psychology, impression management is a goal-directed conscious or unconscious process in which people attempt to influence the perceptions of other people about a person, object or event; they do so by regulating and controlling information in social interaction. It is usually used synonymously with self-presentation, in which a person tries to influence the perception of their image. The notion of impression management also refers to practices in professional communication and public relations, where the term is used to describe the process of formation of a company's or organization's public image
Any sensation that persists after the stimulus has ceased
To affect (someone) strongly and often favourably

You impressed me with your command of Urdu.

An impression on the mind, imagination etc

Such admonitions, in the English of the Authorized Version, left an indelible impress on imaginations nurtured on the Bible .

To mark or stamp (something) using pressure

We impressed our footprints in the wet cement.

To produce a vivid impression of (something)

That first view of the Eiger impressed itself on my mind.

To seize or confiscate (property) by force

The liner was impressed as a troop carrier.

To make an impression, to be impressive

Henderson impressed in his first game as captain.

present sense impression
A statement made by a person (the declarant) that conveys his or her sense of the state of an event or the condition of something, made spontaneously while the person was perceiving (i.e. contemporaneous with) the event or condition, or "immediately thereafter."
sulfur impression
a sulfur cast
sulphur impression
Alternative spelling of sulfur impression
under the impression
Thinking or making assumptions, often incorrectly

Under the impression he was about to be fired, he decided to quit.

be under the impression
think that -, have the feeling that -, have the opinion that -
{i} act of affecting strongly; impression, imprint; stamping, stamp used to make a mark using pressure
{n} a stamp, motto, edition, influence
I have the impression that
it seems to me that -
create a false impression
giving a false appearance, make an erroneous impression, create incorrect opinions
created a false impression
gave a false appearance, made an erroneous impression, created incorrect opinions
created an impression
made an impression, left a lasting memory, produced a strong effect
deep impression
strong effect
did not make any impression
was quite forgettable, was not memorable in the least
false impression
misleading idea of something, misleading concept of someone
first impression
first discussion or consideration of a particular matter
first impression
the making of an initial judgment
give a false impression
deceive, mislead, appear differently than is the case
good impression
favorable imprint or effect on the mind
reproduce by printing
{f} affect strongly; have a strong positive effect on a person's feelings; make an impression; cause favorable admiration; emphasize; stamp, imprint, make a mark using pressure; stir up interest to oneself
the act of coercing someone into government service dye (fabric) before it is spun produce or try to produce a vivid impression of; "Mother tried to ingrain respect for our elders in us"
impress positively; "The young chess player impressed her audience"
To press, stamp, or print something in or upon; to mark by pressure, or as by pressure; to imprint (that which bears the impression)
have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; "This child impressed me as unusually mature"; "This behavior struck me as odd"
A mark made by pressure; an indentation; imprint; the image or figure of anything, formed by pressure or as if by pressure; result produced by pressure or influence
An impression, and impressed image or copy of something
produce or try to produce a vivid impression of; "Mother tried to ingrain respect for our elders in us"
The act of impressing or making
If something impresses itself on your mind, you notice and remember it. But this change has not yet impressed itself on the minds of the British public
the act of coercing someone into government service
A stamp or seal used to make an impression
take (someone) against his will for compulsory service, especially on board a ship; "The men were shanghaied after being drugged"
If someone or something impresses you as a particular thing, usually a good one, they gives you the impression of being that thing. Billy Sullivan had impressed me as a fine man
To compel (someone) to serve in a military force
Something impressed
The act of impressing
The act of impressing, or taking by force for the public service; compulsion to serve; also, that which is impressed
Characteristic; mark of distinction; stamp
mark or stamp with or as if with pressure; "To make a batik, you impress a design with wax"
To be impressed; to rest
If you impress something on someone, you make them understand its importance or degree. I had always impressed upon the children that if they worked hard they would succeed in life I've impressed upon them the need for more professionalism I impressed on him what a huge honour he was being offered
If something impresses you, you feel great admiration for it. What impressed him most was their speed Cannon's film impresses on many levels. + impressed im·pressed I was very impressed by one young man at my lectures
dye (fabric) before it is spun
To fix deeply in the mind; to present forcibly to the attention, etc
To produce by pressure, as a mark, stamp, image, etc
impress positively; "The young chess player impressed her audience
to imprint (a mark or figure upon something)
To take by force for public service; as, to impress sailors or money
to imprint; to inculcate
A device
Someone who is impressionable, usually a young person, is not very critical and is therefore easy to influence. The law is intended to protect young and impressionable viewers. someone who is impressionable is easily influenced, especially because they are young
Susceptible of impression; capable of receiving impressions; emotional
{s} easily influenced, moldable, susceptible; may be marked by pressure
Liable or subject to impression; capable of being molded; susceptible; impressible
easily impressed or influenced; "an impressionable youngster"; "an impressionable age"
easily impressed or influenced; "an impressionable youngster"; "an impressionable age
the number of times a banner is downloaded to be viewed by a visitor
The first step in making a model of your teeth You bite into a container filled with alginate, and the alginate hardens to produce a mold of your teeth
The actual number of people who've seen a specific Web page Impressions are much more accurate than hits when discerning how much traffic your Web page actually receives Impressions are sometimes called "page views "
The number of times an "ad banner" is downloaded and presumably seen by users
Number of times an ad banner is downloaded and presumably seen by visitors
plural of impression
With regard to online advertising, it is the number of times an ad banner is downloaded and presumably seen by users Guaranteed impressions refers to the minimum number of times an ad banner will be seen by users Definition courtesy of www netlingo com
taking a mould of the upper and lower teeth and gums used to make the denture
Counting term for banner displays in an advertising campaign
The actual number of people who've seen a specific Web page Impressions are sometimes called "page views " Back to Top
- refers to the number of times a banner is displayed Each time a banner is displayed, counts as one impression Also called Banner Views
The first step in making a model of your teeth You bite into a container filled with a rubber type material, and that material hardens to produce a mold of your teeth
{i} (Dentistry) imprint of the teeth
The number of times a banner is shown on pages being viewed by visitors This is the standard way of determining exposure for an advertisement on the Web
The total net audience (unduplicated) or the gross audience (duplicated) exposed to a media schedule
The approximate number of times users see your ad the number of times an ad banner is requested by site visitors' browsers--and presumably seen by the user Guaranteed impressions are the minimum times an ad banner has the opportunity to be seen by visitors (as specified in the contract)
The number of times a visitor sees an advertisement on the site
The number of times a banner advertisement is downloaded and presumably viewed However, if the same banner advertisement appears on multiple pages simultaneously this statistic may understate the actual number of impressions, due to browser caching
The number of times an ad is delivered When an advertiser buys advertising on a CPM basis, the advertiser is paying for every 1,000 impressions that the site can deliver Different sites measure an impression differently Some sites count an impression when an ad is requested, others only when an ad is fully downloaded, and there are other definitions that are used as well A savvy advertiser will ask publishers how they define impressions Top
The number of times a printing plate transfers ink to paper Also refers to the number of instances an advertisement is exposed to a specific group of people
Impression is actually the mold of your teeth We use a soft gelatin-like material to take the impression A small tray that fits over your teeth is filled with the material while it is soft In a matter of a few moments, as the impression material gets hard, your teeth leave an imprint
– Just seeing an advertisement on a page without clicking on it
This term is often used to tell advertisers how many times their banner ad was seen by visitors viewing the page
"Impression" is industry parlance for an actual ad viewed For example, there are three ads on this page, so you've just accounted for three impressions Why thank you! Of course, it's next to impossible to know if someone actually sees a given advertisement on the Web After all, a user might not scroll down far enough to see the ad, could be surfing with images turned off, or might press Stop before the ad is fully loaded into the browser window This can make impression-counting on the Web a thorny endeavor, but then the same goes for other media as well (who knows whether people are actually watching the commercial or off in the kitchen getting another beer?) Short of guessing, you're probably better off slaughtering a goat and examining its entrails
The number of people who have seen a specific Web page There has been much debate over how to value and therefore charge for advertising space on a Website Impressions is a more relevant business measurement than hits because it aggregates all the hits per page to measure the number of people who have seen a specific Web page Online ad rates are often determined by the number of impressions Impressions are also referred to as page views
Page Impressions; The number of times an Ad Spot is retrieved from the server
indelible impression
strong impression, lasting impact
made an impression
make a good impression
impress positively
makes an impression
creates a certain opinion, makes people believe that -
page impression
A page impression occurs every time a particular Web page is displayed by someone using the Internet
page impression
Occurs every time a particular Web page is displayed by someone using the Internet A page impression is similar to a "hit," except that a hit is also registered when a spider, or similar program, accesses the Web page
page impression
a successful page request that displays the desired content in a user's browser
page impression
page view
strong impression
powerful impression, powerful effect, great influence