
listen to the pronunciation of import
Englisch - Türkisch
ithal etmek

Farklı ülkeler, pek çok mal ithal etmektedirler. - Different countries import many goods.

Japonya ham maddelerinin çoğunu ithal etmek zorunda. - Japan has to import most of its raw materials.

dışarıdan almak
(Ticaret) dış satınalma
yer değiştirme
(Bilgisayar) al
ithal malı

Polonya'dan Türkiye'ye ithal edilen bir sürü ürün var. - There are many products imported from Poland to Turkey.

Ülke ithalatını azaltmayı hedefliyor. - The country is aiming at decreasing its imports.

{f} ithal et

Farklı ülkeler, pek çok mal ithal etmektedirler. - Different countries import many goods.

Bunu Avustralya'dan ithal ettik. - We imported this from Australia.

{f} ima etmek
dışarıdan almak getir veri
{i} anlam

Kalbinden inanmak zihninle anlamaktan daha önemlidir. - Believing in your heart is more important than understanding with your mind.

Birbirimizi anlamak önemlidir. - To understand each other is important.

yabancı memleketten getirtilen mal
{f} ifade etmek
import license ithalât lisansı
(noun) içeri aktarım
ithal et, çalışılan programa getirmek
{f} önemi olmak
import duty ithalat gümruk resmi
{i} ifade

Gramer doğruluğunun önemini yeterince ifade edemem. - I cannot express enough the importance of grammatical accuracy.

Sami'nin ifadesi son derece önemliydi. - Sami's testimony was extremely important.

{i} manâ
{f} belirtmek
imports and exports ithalât ve ihracat
mana/ithal/ithal mal
{i} ithalat

Tom'un şirketi Hindistan'dan çay ithalatı yapıyor. - Tom's company imports tea from India.

Ülke ithalatını azaltmayı hedefliyor. - The country is aiming at decreasing its imports.

(verb) içeri aktarmak
{i} önem

Terörizm, bir ülkenin bölünmesi ve ayrılıkçı bölgelerin oluşumu için en önemli faktördür. - Terrorism is the most important factor for the division of a country and the creation of autonomous regions.

Önemli bir rolüm var. - I have an important part.

içeri aktarmak
ithal etme
(Bilgisayar) indirmek
(Bilgisayar) veri al
(Ticaret) ithalat yapmak
(Ticaret) imalat
(Bilgisayar) veri almak
(Bilgisayar) getir

Yeni yasa, eğitim sistemine önemli değişiklikler getirecektir. - The new law will bring about important changes in the educational system.

Mümkün olduğunca çok sayıda işçiyi bir araya getirmek önemlidir. - It's important to unite as many workers as possible.

(Hukuk) dış alım
içeri aktarım
{s} mühim

Keyfiyet, kemiyetten mühimdir. - Quality is more important than quantity.

Arkadaşlar onun için çok mühimdir. - Friends are very important to her.


O, egzersizin önemi üzerine vurgu yaptı. - He put emphasis on the importance of the exercise.

Bu problem sadece ikincil derecede önemli. - This problem is only of secondary importance.


Bu, Almanya'dan ithal edilen bir arabadır. - This is a car imported from Germany.

İthal arabalara güçlü bir talep vardır. - Imported cars are in strong demand.


Önemli bir rolüm var. - I have an important part.

Terörizm, bir ülkenin bölünmesi ve ayrılıkçı bölgelerin oluşumu için en önemli faktördür. - Terrorism is the most important factor for the division of a country and the creation of autonomous regions.

import a file
(Bilgisayar) dosya al
import article
(Ticaret) ithal malı
import broker
(Ticaret) ithalat simsarı
import broker
(Ticaret) ithalat komisyoncusu
import business
import cartels
(Ticaret) ithalat kartelleri
import centre
(Ticaret) ithalat merkezi
import complete
(Bilgisayar) alma tamamlandı
import contacts
(Bilgisayar) kişiler'i al
import contract
(Ticaret) ithalat sözleşmesi
import cookies
(Bilgisayar) tanımlama bilgilerini al
import cookies
(Bilgisayar) çerezleri al
import costs
(Ticaret) ithalat masrafları
import data
(Bilgisayar) veri al
import delimited
(Bilgisayar) sınırlandırılmış al
import elasticity
(Ticaret) ithalat esnekliği
import elasticity
(Ticaret) ithalat elastikliği
import error
(Bilgisayar) alma hatası
import excel data
(Bilgisayar) excel verisi al
import failed
(Bilgisayar) alım başarısız oldu
import failed
(Bilgisayar) alma işlemi başarısız
import failed
(Bilgisayar) alma başarısız oldu
import figure
ithalat rakamı
import file
(Bilgisayar) dosya al
import finance
(Ticaret) ithalat finansmanı
import financing
(Ticaret) ithalat finansmanı
import firm
ithalat firması
import from
(Bilgisayar) alma yeri
import from
(Bilgisayar) alma kaynağı
import from
import function
(Ticaret) ithalat fonksiyonu
import house
ithalat firması
import licenses
(Ticaret) ithal lisansları
import list
(Ticaret) ithal listesi
import lists from
(Bilgisayar) listelerin alınacağı yer
import loan
(Ticaret) ithalat kredisi
import mail
(Bilgisayar) posta al
import merchant
(Ticaret) ithalat tüccarı
import message
(Bilgisayar) alma iletisi
import messages
(Bilgisayar) ileti al
import now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi al
import objects
(Bilgisayar) nesneleri al
import options
(Bilgisayar) alma seçenekleri
import options
(Bilgisayar) seçenekleri al
import page
(Bilgisayar) sayfa al
import path
(Bilgisayar) alma yolu
import point
(Ticaret) ithal noktası
import policies
(Bilgisayar) ilke al
import prices
ithal fiyatları
import progress
(Bilgisayar) alma durumu
import queries
(Bilgisayar) sorguları al
import queries
(Bilgisayar) sorgu al
import quostas
ithalat kotası
import rejime
(Ticaret) ithalat rejimi
import result
(Bilgisayar) sonuçları al
import rules
(Bilgisayar) kural al
import server
alma sunucusu
import settings
(Bilgisayar) alma ayarları
import ship
(Ticaret) ithal malı getiren gemi
import sound
(Bilgisayar) ses al
import specialist
ithalat sorumlusu
import styles
(Bilgisayar) stil al
import summary
(Bilgisayar) alma özeti
import suppliers
(Ticaret) ithalatçı firmalar
import surcharge
(Ticaret) ek ithalat vergisi
import surcharge
(Ticaret) ithalatta
import survey
(Ticaret) ithalat gözetimi
import table
(Bilgisayar) tablo al
import table
(Bilgisayar) alma tablosu
import tariff
(Ticaret) ithalat gümrük tarifesi
import tariff
(Ticaret) ithalat tarifesi
import tax
(Ticaret) ithalat vergisi
import taxes
(Ticaret) ithalat vergileri
import template
(Bilgisayar) şablon al
import to
(Bilgisayar) alma yeri
import to
(Bilgisayar) alınacak yer
import transfer
(Ticaret) ithalat bedelinin transferi
import transfer
(Ticaret) ithalat transferi
import warning
(Bilgisayar) alma uyarısı
import xml
(Bilgisayar) xml al
(Bilgisayar) al/ver
(Bilgisayar) al/bağla
import certificate
ithalatçı belgesi
import commerce
ithalat ticareti
import credit
ithal kredisi
import duty
ithalat vergisi
import handicap
ithalat engeli
import licence
ithal lisansı
import permit
ithal izni
import quota
ithalat kotası
import reduction
ithalat azalması
import regime
ithalat rejimi
import restrictions
ithalat yasakları
import dependency
Dışalıma/ithalata bağımlılık

Dışsatımımızın dışalıma bağımlılığı son yıllarda artmaktadır.

import licence
İthalat izni, ithalat ruhsatı
import manager
İthalat müdürü
import substitution
(Ekonomi) İthal ikâmesi
import tariff
(Ticaret) İthalat gümrük tarifesi
import trade
import deposit
(Avrupa Birliği) ithalat teminatı
import deposit
(Ticaret) ithalat depozitosu
import duty
ithal resmi
import duty
ithal harcı
import levy
(Avrupa Birliği) ithalat prelevmanı
import license
(Ticaret) ithal lisansı
import license
(Ticaret) ithal izin belgesi
import license/permit
ithal izni
import permit
permi, ithalat izni
import permit
(Ticaret) ithal izin belgesi
import permit
ithalat izni
import permit
(Ticaret) ithal permisi
import regime
(Ticaret) ithal rejimi
import substitution
(Avrupa Birliği) ithal ikamesi
import surplus
ithalat fazlası
import trade
(Ticaret) ithalat ticareti

Dergi senatöre karşı birçok ciddi suçlama yaydı. - The magazine spread many important charges against the Senator.

{s} ithal edilmiş

Tom ithal edilmiş bir arabayı kullanıyor. - Tom drives an imported car.

Bu, Malezya'dan ithal edilmiş bir ham maddedir. - This is a crude material imported from Malaysia.

do not import
(Bilgisayar) alma
file to import
(Bilgisayar) alınacak dosya
file to import
(Bilgisayar) alınan dosya
önem derecesi

Yüzyıllık Yalnızlık İspanyol edebiyatının Don Kişottan bu yana en önemli eseri sayılır. - One Hundred Years of Solitude is considered the most important work of Spanish literature since Don Quixote.

kendini beğenmiş
önem teşkil eden
(Ticaret) ithal etme
(Ticaret) ithalat yapma
(Bilgisayar) alınmış
(Bilgisayar) alınan
(Bilgisayar) alınıyor
(Bilgisayar) boş dosya alınıyor
(Bilgisayar) alınan
(Ticaret) ithal etme
product import
mal ithalatı
sound import
(Bilgisayar) ses al

Ender vahşi hayvanların bu ülkeye ithalatı kesinlikle yasaklanmıştır. - The importation of rare wild animals to this country is strictly prohibited.


Ender vahşi hayvanların bu ülkeye ithalatı kesinlikle yasaklanmıştır. - The importation of rare wild animals to this country is strictly prohibited.

capital import
sermaye ithali
compensation import permit
takas ithal hakkı
demand of import
İthalata olan talep

If there is current account surplus, there will be increase in demand of import.


Sen bizim için çok önemlisin. - You're very important to us.

İnsanoğlunun tarih derslerinden çok şey öğrenmemesi tarihin öğretmek zorunda olduğu tüm derslerin en önemlisidir. - That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach.

weight; import; value
ağırlık, ithalat; değeri
actual import
(Ticaret) fiili ithal
compensation import permit
(Ticaret) takas vesikası
csv import
(Bilgisayar) csv al
do not import column
(Bilgisayar) sütundan veri alma
enzyme import
(Ticaret) enzim ithalatı
free import
(Ticaret) serbest ithalat
free import
(Ticaret) gümrüksüz ithalat
gold import point
(Ticaret) altın ithal noktası
gold import point
(Ticaret) altın giriş noktası
html import
(Bilgisayar) html al
import duty
{s} ithal edilebilir
(sıfat) ithal edilebilir
(Ticaret) ithali mümkün
{i} etki, nüfuz, itibar
{i} saygınlık
{i} kibir
{i} itibar
{s} sözü geçer
{s} okkalı
{s} kibirli
{s} etkili, nüfuzlu, itibarlı
sıkkıcı bir şekilde
Türkisch - Türkisch
(Hukuk) İthalat
Englisch - Englisch
To bring (something) in from a foreign country, especially for sale or trade
To be important; to be significant; to be of consequence

See how much it importeth to learn to take Time by the Fore-Top.''.

Something brought in from a foreign country, especially for sale or trade
Significance, importance

It was a matter of great import.

To load a file into a software application for use as a resource in a greater data file
To be of importance to (someone or something)

This Letter is mistooke: it importeth none here: It is writ to laquenetta.

To mean, signify
To be incumbent on (someone to do something)

It imports us to get all the aid and assistance we can.

To be important or crucial to (that something happen)

It much imports your house That all should be made clear.

To express, to imply
The practice of importing
To bring information into the current program from another location or program See export
Importance; weight; consequence
Process of bringing data or software from one system into another
To move an item or file into an application or environment which is different than that native to it The file is converted to the new format while attempting to change as little as possible about the appearance of the file when printed For instance, MS Word for the Macintosh is able to import files from a few MS-DOS word processors
Copying data from a client program, such as Microsoft Excel 2002, into the team Web site
When someone brings goods from a third country to his own country inside the EEA A body who brings a package marked with the EEC mark into a Member State is not considered to import the package if he shows that the package is from a Member State in which it was liable to be tested in accordance with directives 76/211/EEC or 75/106/EEC and has not, since leaving that State been in a country which is not a Member State
A target item (e g a piece of executable code, variable, or constant) in another module a module links to by address Converse of export
Transferring data from one application into a data file from a standard-format export file to be brought (imported) into another application
That which a word, phrase, or document contains as its signification or intention or interpretation of a word, action, event, and the like
Goods or services purchased from another country and brought into one's own country (G)
a meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred; "the significance of his remark became clear only later"; "the expectation was spread both by word and by implication"
1 (noun) Something, such as food, lumber or a manufactured product that is bought or brought from another country 2 (verb) To bring or buy something from another country
To import products or raw materials means to buy them from another country for use in your own country. Britain last year spent nearly £5000 million more on importing food than selling abroad To import from Russia, a Ukrainian firm needs Russian roubles. imported goods from Mexico and India. export Import is also a noun. Germany, however, insists on restrictions on the import of Polish coal export + importation im·por·ta·tion restrictions concerning the importation of birds
If you wish to load in Carnet a list created with another program, you must first export it as a tab-delimited text file with the other program, then import the text in Carnet
1 (~ a binding into a module M) To make a binding exported by another module accessible in the module M 2 (~ a module into a library L) To make a module exported by another library accessible in the library L
To bring in and/or buy goods and services from another country
the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambigtuous"
We import teas from China, coffee from Brasil, etc
all goods entering any of the seaports or airports of entry of the Philippines properly cleared through the Customs or remaining under Customs control, whether the goods are for direct consumption, for merchanting, for warehousing or for further processing (National Statistics Office)
commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country an imported person brought from a foreign country; "the lead role was played by an import from Sweden"; "they are descendants of indentured importees
Merchandise imported, or brought into a country from without its boundaries; generally in the plural, opposed to exports
To load an file into an software application for use as a resource in a greater data file
To bring in from an outside source, as in importing an image into a Word document
– all goods entering any of the seaports or airports of entry of the Philippines properly cleared through the Customs or remaining under Customs control, whether the goods are for direct consumption, for merchanting, for warehousing or for further processing
indicate or signify; "I'm afraid this spells trouble!"
{i} bringing in of goods from another country; meaning, significance; loading into a program of a file which was created by a different program (Computers)
To carry or include, as meaning or intention; to imply; to signify
To bring motor fuel into this state by motor vehicle, marine vessel, pipeline, or any other means However, import does not include bringing motor fuel into this state in the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle if the motor fuel is used to power that motor vehicle Motor fuel delivered into this state from outside of this state by or for the seller constitutes an import by the seller, and motor fuel delivered into this state from out of this state by or for the purchaser constitutes an import by the purchaser
To be of importance or consequence to; to have a bearing on; to concern
To convert a file, typically one generated by another application, to Palm database format
bring in from abroad
an imported person brought from a foreign country; "the lead role was played by an import from Sweden"; "they are descendants of indentured importees"
The import of something is its importance. Such arguments are of little import. = consequence
having important effects or influence; "decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself"; "virtue is of more moment that security"
Imports are products or raw materials bought from another country for use in your own country. farmers protesting about cheap imports
To transfer information from one system or program into another; usually, this information must be converted into a format that can be accepted by the new system or program For example, you can take a model that has been converted to EI format and import it into a GRADE application
commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country
To bring data from one program into another Antonym: Export, meaning to transfer to another program (Some sequencer manuals use the term "Export" to mean: Convert and save--as a MIDI file-- preparatory to transferring elsewhere )
To bring data into a document from another document, often generated by a different application For instance, you can import text and graphics into a page layout program, or import spreadsheet data into a word processor This data sharing is made possible by the applications' support of common file formats Compare open
The process of moving data from another computer program into the current computer program See also export
v t (a symbol into a package) to make the symbol be present in the package
If you import files or information into one type of software from another type, you open them in a format that can be used in the new software. You can import files from Microsoft Word 5.1 or MacWrite II. export
Something that is brought here from another country
To buy goods and services from another country
The process of bringing data into a document from another computer, program, type of file format, or device
The import of something is its meaning, especially when the meaning is not clearly expressed. I have already spoken about the import of his speech
{f} bring from another place; bring in goods from a foreign country; signify, imply; be important, be significant
To bring in from abroad; to introduce from without; especially, to bring (wares or merchandise) into a place or country from a foreign country, in the transactions of commerce; opposed to export
To signify; to purport; to be of moment

What is important is not which university you've graduated from but what you've learned in the university. - What's important isn't which university you've graduated from but what you've learned in the university.

It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of the habit of early rising. - It can't be stressed how important it is to wake up early.

import tariff
An import tariff or import duty is a schedule of duties imposed by a country on imported goods. It is paid at a border or port of entry to the relevant government to allow a good to pass into that government's territory
import agent
(Internet Directory Administrator's Guide; search in this book) [definition #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide; search in this book)
import agent
(Internet Directory Administrator's Guide) [definition #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
import agent
(Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
import credit
credit opened by an importer at a bank in his own country upon which an exporter may draw
import duties
taxes levied on products brought in from foreign countries
import duty
a duty imposed on imports
import duty
tax levied on products brought in from foreign countries
import license
permit to bring goods from one country into another country
import of currency
act of bringing in a nation's currency from abroad (such as collecting US dollars abroad and bringing them back to the United States)
import quota
limit placed on the amount of goods that can be brought in from foreign countries
import substitutions
locally manufactured products
import surcharge
additional fee placed on products brought in for sale from foreign countries
import taxes
import duties, taxes paid on goods from other countries
import trade
selling of imported goods
Capable of being imported
Insupportable, unbearable

So both attonce him charge on either side, / With hideous strokes, and importable powre .

The quality or condition of being important or worthy of note
The act or an instance of importing
The act or an instance of carrying or conveying, especially into some system, place, area or country
Simple past tense and past participle of import
One who, or that which, imports: especially a person or company importing goods into a country

The data importer has crashed. Did we receive a corrupted file?.

invisible import
any import that does not have a tangible physical presence
parallel import
A legitimate product imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property owner
the act or practice of bringing from one country into another
{n} a thing imported, meaning, importance
file import
(Computers) bringing in a file created in another application into the application in which one is working (by altering it to fit the desired format)
Not to be endured; insupportable; intolerable
{s} capable of being imported, may be brought in
Personal status or standing
a prominent status; "a person of importance
the quality of being important and worthy of note; "the importance of a well-balanced diet" a prominent status; "a person of importance
{i} significance, consequence, worth; status, important position
the quality of being important and worthy of note; "the importance of a well-balanced diet"
Significance or prominence
Importance means having influence, power, or status. the importance of sth
Subject; matter
(Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
The importance of something is its quality of being significant, valued, or necessary in a particular situation. We have always stressed the importance of economic reform Safety is of paramount importance
A rating of what has the most significance between the two disputants
Importunity; solicitation
The importance (or priority) value assigned to a workload element relative to the other workload elements at the same level of the workload hierarchy For example, given two workload Applications, where one is a production, high-availability application and the other is a maintenance application, you would assign the first a higher importance value than the second Oracle Expert uses this value to ensure that higher priority Applications, Business Units, Transactions, and Requests are favored over less important ones during the optimization process The range of importance values is from 1 to 9999, with 1 being the lowest importance See also relative importance
The quality or state of being important; consequence; weight; moment; significance
(Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack; search in this book)
Import; meaning; significance
a prominent status; "a person of importance"
Bearing on; forcible; driving
having authority or ascendancy or influence; "an important official"; "the captain's authoritative manner"
Someone who is important has influence or power within a society or a particular group. an important figure in the media world
Most mom macros that set the size or measure of something MUST be given a unit of measure mom's macros do not have default units of measure There are a couple of exceptions, the most notable of which are PT_SIZE and LS Both use *points as the default unit of measure, which means you don't have to append "p" to their argument
Having relevant and crucial value
Importunate; pressing; urgent
Carrying or possessing weight or consequence; of valuable content or bearing; significant; weighty
Legal citation uses a technical language of abbreviations and formatting that allows one to reference these legal authorities with sufficient precision that others can find and use legal authorities Legal authorities, i e statutes and court cases are extensively cited in the presentation of legal arguments and opinions In the RAU Law Library, Level 6, shelf number R2 RAIS you will find the Index to legal citations and abbreviations by Donald Raistrick
of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis; "a crucial moment in his career"; "a crucial election"; "a crucial issue for women"
importante; to be important, importar
Something that is important is very significant, is highly valued, or is necessary. The planned general strike represents an important economic challenge to the government It's important to answer her questions as honestly as you can It was important that he rest. + importantly im·por·tant·ly I was hungry, and, more importantly, my children were hungry
Only the Tibetan Translation Tool classes are freely available for off-line use The dictionaries themselves must be purchased from third parties
Standards which are considered to be key indicators of the overall quality of the laboratory, but may not directly affect the work product or the integrity of the evidence
having or suggesting a consciousness of high position; "recited the decree with an important air"; "took long important strides in the direction of his office"
Information in a document is important if understanding that information is crucial to understanding the document
This information is not intended to substitute or replace the professional medical advice you receive from your child's physician The content provided on this page is for informational purposes only, and was not designed to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease Please consult your child's physician with any questions or concerns you may have regarding a medical condition
adj penting
of great significance or value; "important people"; "the important questions of the day" having or suggesting a consciousness of high position; "recited the decree with an important air"; "took long important strides in the direction of his office
{s} significant; consequential; influential; prominent; pompous, arrogant
Full of, or burdened by, import; charged with great interests; restless; anxious
important in effect or meaning; "a significant change in tax laws"; "a significant change in the Constitution"; "a significant contribution"; "significant details"; "statistically significant"
very useful -- " focus on finding the important words and " (110)
of great significance or value; "important people"; "the important questions of the day"
the commercial activity of buying and bringing in goods from a foreign country
The act or practice of importing, or bringing into a country or state; opposed to exportation
That which is imported; commodities or wares introduced into a country from abroad
{i} act of importing, act of bringing in; import, something which is brought in from another place
The act of carrying, conveying, or delivering
The act or practice of importing, or bringing into a country or state; -- opposed to exportation
commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country
adj impor
{s} brought in from another country (of goods or merchandise); brought in
past of import
used of especially merchandise brought from a foreign source; "imported wines"
malaria acquired outside a specific area (e g , the United States and its territories)
used of especially merchandise brought from a foreign source; "imported wines
to bring from another country, eg ingredients
A firm that buys products in foreign markets and then imports them for resale in its home country
The party responsible for the import of goods For customs purposes it is the party who makes, or on whose behalf an agent makes, an import declaration This party may be the party who has possession of the goods or to whom the goods are consigned
The individual, firm or legal entity that, in the course of trade, brings articles of trade from a foreign source into a domestic market
An organization that typically operates at arms length or under contractual agreement with manufacturers to bring products made in another country into Canada
Any person engaged in the business of importing or bringing firearms or ammunition into the United States for purposes of sale or distribution The term shall include any person who engages in such business on a part-time basis
The person who owns the pollutant when it first enters Florida
a person or company who imports goods into a country
someone whose business involves importing goods from outside (especially from a foreign country)
The individual, form or legal entity that brings articles of trade from a foreign source into a domestic market in the course of trade
The U S Customs Service defines "importer" as a person primarily liable for the payment of duties on the merchandise, or an authorized agent acting on the importer's behalf The importer may be: (a) a consignee, (b) the importer of record, or (c) the actual owner of the merchandise if the actual owner has filed with Customs a declaration acknowledging ownership along with a superseding bond (See 119 CFR 141 20 ) See: Importer of Record
Any person who places on the EEA market a product from a third country
An importer is a country, firm, or person that buys goods from another country for use in their own country. an importer of exotic food. a person, company, or country that buys goods from other countries so they can be sold in their own country   exporter
The first business with employees working with the Customs Territory of the United States that receives hazardous chemicals produced in other countries for the purpose of supplying them to distributors or employers within the United States
One who imports; the merchant who brings goods into a country or state; opposed to exporter
Any dealer who introduces molluscan shellfish into domestic commerce An importer has ownership of the shellfish, but need not take physical custody of the shellfish (3)
{i} person or company that imports goods from another country
plural of importer
Purchasing and marketing other nations’ products
Importing refers to the ability of an application to read and use data produced by a different application Importing implies that the receiving application does the reformatting It is the opposite of exporting
Full of meaning
the commercial activity of buying and bringing in goods from a foreign country
the purchase of goods and services from foreign sources
To bring a file created in one application or program into another application for use in that program
{i} bringing in of goods from a foreign country
present participle of import
Goods and services made abroad and sold here
The flow of money to the rest of the world in exchange for foreign produced goods and services
trade goods brought into a colony or country from another country
to bring in a product from abroad
Goods and services one country's residents purchase and transport from another country
USA Trade presents imports on a general imports basis and reports value on customs basis General imports measures the total physical arrivals of merchandise from foreign countries, whether such merchandise enters consumption channels immediately or is entered into bonded warehouses of Foreign Trade Zones under Customs custody
Municipal solid waste and recyclables that have been transported to a state or locality for processing or final disposition (but that did not originate in that state or locality)
goods that come into the country from foreign sources
Goods and services produced in other countries and sold in Canada
goods produced abroad but bought domestically
goods and services that individuals and businesses in a country purchase from foreign countries
Goods and services one country purchases from another The opposite of exports, too many imports can result in an unfavorable balance of trade
the total value of the goods and services that people in one country buy from people in other countries (chapter 6)
goods bought in from other countries
All goods which have crossed Canada's territorial boundary, whether for immediate consumption in Canada or stored in bonded customs warehouses
are travel, tourism, and transport services
{i} commodities imported from abroad; (US Environmental Protection ) urban solid waste and recyclable products that have been transferred to a state or place to be processed or for final placement which did not originate in that state or place; (Electric Utility) capacity of power or energy acquired by one public service from others under exchange or purchase agreement
goods and services that one country buys from another country
Display a list of all currently available WINPROCs (previously defined with IMPORT: ), showing for each its resolved address, the DLL in which it is defined, and its name
plural of import
Goods and services one country purchases from another The opposite of exports, too many imports can result in an unfavorable balance of trade BACK TO TOP
US imports (of merchandise, not services), as recorded by Census, consist of government and non-government purchases of merchandise from foreign countries These imports exclude all American goods returned to the United States by its Armed Forces, purchases of electricity, in-transit shipments through the United States, temporary shipments, low-valued nondutiable shipments by mail, purchases of electricity and transactions not considered to be of statistical significance However, imports reflect only the physical movement of goods there is not necessarily any change in ownership
This entry provides the total US dollar amount of imports on a c i f (cost, insurance, and freight) or f o b (free on board) basis
Goods brought into a country
Goods or services consumed (used/bought) in one country which has been bought from another country for example machinery, clothes, etc Also see exports
third-person singular of import
goods and services the people of one country buy from other countries
personal import
import made by a private individual and not by a licensed importer
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