
listen to the pronunciation of image
Englisch - Türkisch

Birbirlerine bakan iki ayna, sonsuza kadar yinelenen bir görüntü yarattı. - The two mirrors facing each other created a repeating image that went on to infinity.

Image Viewer bir resim görüntüleme yazılımıdır. Bu yazılım çok küçük bir programdır. Bu yazılımda sadece basit fonksiyonlar var. Bu, Tatoeba Project kullanıcıları tarafından çevrilebilir. - Image Viewer is an image viewing software. This software is a very small program. This software has basic functions only. This is translatable by Tatoeba Project users.


Bu skandal, şirketimizin kamuoyundaki imajına ciddi olarak zarar verdi. - This scandal has severely damaged the public image of our company.

Seçilmek istiyorsan kamusal imajını geliştirmek zorunda kalacaksın. - If you want to get elected, you're going to have to improve your public image.

(Bilgisayar) görüntü görüntü
(Bilgisayar) görüntüsü

O, büyük babanın canlı görüntüsüdür. - It's the living image of your grandfather.

Onun bütün umursadığı onun görüntüsüdür. - All he cares about is his image.


Tom aynı görüntünün daha büyük versiyonunu görebilsin diye minyatür çizim üzerine tıkladı. - Tom clicked on the thumbnail so he could see a larger version of the same image.

(Tıp) Işık etkisi veya mercek vasıtasiyle meydana gelen suret; hayal, imaj
(Askeri) HAYAL, GÖRÜNTÜ: Bir cismin, optik veya elektronik vasıtalarla, herhangi bir vasat üzerindeki görünüşü
(Bilgisayar) yansıma

Heykeltıraş ahşabı Buda'nın görüntüsü şeklinde oydu. - The sculptor carved wood into an image of Buddha.


Şeytanın var olmadığını düşünüyorum, bence insanlık onu yarattı,kendi hayalinde ve tasvirinde - I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness.


Şeytanın var olmadığını düşünüyorum, bence insanlık onu yarattı,kendi hayalinde ve tasvirinde - I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness.

Ben onun o zaman ne kadar acımasız olduğunu hayal edemiyordum. - I could not image how cruel he was at that time.


Tanrı insanı kendi suretinde yarattı. - God created man in his own image.

Biz Tanrı'nın suretinde yaratıldık. - We were created in God's image.

{i} resim

Image Viewer bir resim görüntüleme yazılımıdır. Bu yazılım çok küçük bir programdır. Bu yazılımda sadece basit fonksiyonlar var. Bu, Tatoeba Project kullanıcıları tarafından çevrilebilir. - Image Viewer is an image viewing software. This software is a very small program. This software has basic functions only. This is translatable by Tatoeba Project users.

Dünya'nın Ay'dan görüntüsü, 20. yüzyılın ikonik resimlerinden birisidir. - The view of the Earth from the Moon is one of the iconic images of the 20th century.

{i} benzer

Onlar birbirlerinin benzeri. - They are the spitting image of one another.

{i} simge

Dünyanın Ay'dan görünümü, 20. yüzyılın simgesel görüntülerinden biridir. - The view of the Earth from the Moon is one of the iconic images of the 20th century.

f şekil
Işınların etkisi veya mercek vasıtasıyle meydana gelen şekil
{i} benzetme
toplumun kanaati
(Sanat) betim
image file
(Bilgisayar) resim dosyası
image files
(Bilgisayar) resim dosyaları
image folder
(Bilgisayar) resim klasörü
image frame
(Bilgisayar) resim çerçevesi
image map
(Bilgisayar) görüntü haritası
image mirror
(Bilgisayar) ayna tersi
image mirror
(Bilgisayar) görüntü yansıtma
image name
(Bilgisayar) yansıma adı
image plane
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) görüntüleme düzlemi
image tile
(Telekom) karo
image type
(Bilgisayar) yansıma türü
image viewer
(Bilgisayar) resim görüntüleyicisi
image writer
(Bilgisayar) imgeyazıcı
başlangıç sinyali
image admittance
görüntü admitansı
image attenuation
görüntü zayıflaması
image attenuation constant
görüntü zayıflama sabiti
image carrier
resim taşıyıcı dalga
image converter
görüntü değiştirici
image converter tube
görüntü çevirme tüpü
image dissector
görüntü bölücüsü
image distortion
görüntü bozulması
image drop out
resim kesilmesi
image drop-out
resim kesilmesi
image force
görüntü kuvveti
image frequency
hayal frekans
image height
resim yüksekıiği
image iconoscope
görüntü ikonoskopu
image impedance
görüntü empedansı
image interference
görüntü girişimi
image orthicon
görüntülü ortikon
image orthicon camera
imaj ortikon kamera
image orthicon tube
imaj ortikon lambası
image phase constant
görüntü faz sabiti
image plane
görüntü düzıemi
image point
görüntü noktası
image processing
görüntü işleme
image scale
görüntü ölçeği
image set
görüntü kümesi
image storing tube
görüntü depolama tüpü
image tube
görüntü tüpü
image acquisition
(Bilgisayar) Görüntü elde etme
image area
resim alanı
image breaker
ımage kesici
image capture
görüntü yakalama
image card
Görüntü kartı
image dot
ımage nokta
image manager
Görüntü yöneticisi
image of
image pattern
görüntü biçimi, görüntü örüntüsü
image picture
görüntü resmi
image reconstruction
görüntü oluşturma
image resolution
(Fotoğrafçılık) Resim çözünürlüğü
image response
görüntü yanıtı, hayal yanıtı
image that is deceiving to the eye
göz aldatıcı olduğu görüntü
image adapt
(Bilgisayar) görüntü bağdaştırma
image adapt
(Bilgisayar) görüntü bağdaş
image boot
(Bilgisayar) yansıma önyüklemesi
image building
imaj yaratma
image coding
imge kodlama
image compression
imge sikistirma
image contrast
(Nükleer Bilimler) görüntü kontrastı
image data
görüntü verisi
image definition
(Nükleer Bilimler) görüntü netliği
image degradation
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ BOZULMASI: Sensörün çalıştırılmasında, banyo usullerindeki hata veya filmin yanlış kullanılması nedeniyle tek sensör sistemlerinin yapısında mevcut optimum görüntü gücünün azaltılması. Sensör sistemleriyle ilgisi bulunmayan önlenemez faktörler (atmosfer olayları, kar vs) nedeniyle meydana gelen kalitedeki düşüklük bu terimle ilgili değildir
image displacement
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ KAYMASI: Bir fotoğrafta kayıtlarla ilgili bir hata
image enhancement
imge pekistirme
image focus
(Fotoğrafçılık) görüntü odak
image format
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ FORMATI: Görüntünün çıkarıldığı negatif skop veya diğer bir ortamın gerçek boyu
image frequency rejection
eslenik sikligin bastirilmasi
image intensifier
(Nükleer Bilimler) görüntü şiddetlendiricisi
image intensifier tube
imge yogunlastirici tup
image interpolation
imge aradegerlemesi
image interpreter
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ/HAYAL YORUMLAYICI: Hayaller bütününde gösterilen eşyayı, faaliyetleri ve araziyi tanımada, mahiyetini ortaya çıkarmada, yerini tespitte, tarif ve incelemede ve bunlardan istihbarat bilgileri çıkarmada nitelik sahibi bir askeri istihbarat uzmanı
image length
(Bilgisayar) resim uzunluğu
image load
(Bilgisayar) görüntü yükle
image magnification
(Nükleer Bilimler) görüntü büyütme
image making
imaj yaratmak
image metascope
(Askeri) Dürbünlü metaskop
image motion compensation
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ HAREKET TAZMİNİ: Bir hava veya uzay aracının kara hedeflerinin resimlerini çekerken ileriye doğru hareketini telafi etmek için filme kasten verilen belli bir süratteki hareket
image operator
imge isleci
image path
(Bilgisayar) resim yolu
image points
(Matematik) görüntü noktaları
image printer
image product library; integrated priority list
(Askeri) görüntü ürün kütüphanesi; birleştirilmiş öncelik listesi
image quality
(Nükleer Bilimler) görüntü kalitesi
image quality indicator
(Nükleer Bilimler) (iqi) görüntü kalite göstergesi
image quality indicator sensitivity
(Nükleer Bilimler) görüntü kalite göstergesi
image ratio
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) hayal frekans oranı
image recontruction
imgenin gericatilmasi
image registration
imge cakistirma
image restoration
imge onarimi
image symbol set
görüntü simge takımı
image url
(Bilgisayar) görüntü url
image width
(Bilgisayar) resim genişliği
image worship
image worship
image worship
image worship
puta tapma
image writer
self image
body image
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) beden imajı
body image
(Tıp,Spor) beden imgesi
choose button image
(Bilgisayar) düğme resmini seç
clip image
(Bilgisayar) küçük resim
core image
(Elektrik, Elektronik) çekirdek görüntüsü
corporate image
şirket imajı
create image
(Bilgisayar) resim oluştur
edge image
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ayrıt imgesi
ghost image
(Sinema) taşma
ghost image
(Teknik,Televizyon) hayalet
ghost image
(Teknik,Televizyon) gölge
(Bilgisayar) resimler

Tom oğlunun yatak odasını kedi ve köpek resimleriyle boyadı. - Tom painted his son's bedroom with images of dogs and cats.

Düşüncelerini resimlerle açıkladı. - She explained her ideas with images.

(İnşaat) sesle görüntüleme
left image
(Bilgisayar) sol resim
poor image
(Politika, Siyaset) olumsuz imaj
preview image
(Bilgisayar) resim önizleme
previous image
(Bilgisayar) önceki resim
product image
(Bilgisayar) ürün görünüşü
slide image
(Bilgisayar) slayt resmi
soul image
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ruh imajı
source image
(Bilgisayar) kaynak resim
source image
(Bilgisayar) kaynak yansıma
spitting image of
spitting image of
still image
(Bilgisayar) hareketsiz görüntü
thumbnail image
(Bilgisayar) küçük resim
visual image
görsel imaj
acuity of colour image
renkli görüntü keskinliği
additive method of image separation
görüntü ayrımı için katmalı işlem
after image
değişiklik sonrası kopya
anamorphic image
anamorfoz görüntü
apparent image
görünür görüntü
auditory image
işitsel imaj
black and white image
siyah beyaz görüntü
burned in image
izi kalan görüntü
card image
kart görüntüsü
ghost image
ghost image
graven image
oyma put
{f} tasvir et
infrared image converter
kızılaltı görüntü çeviricisi
inverse image
ters görüntü
latent image
gizli görüntü
latent image
görünmeyen resim
magnetic image
manyetik görüntü
mirror image
ayna görüntüsü
optical image
optik görüntü
real image
gerçek görüntü
screen image buffer
ekran görüntü tamponu
sound image
ses görüntüsü
stereoscopic image
üçboyutlu görüntü
the spit and image of
hık demiş burnundan düşmüş
Particle image velocimeter
Parçacık görüntü hız ölçeri
Particle image velocimetry
Parçacık görüntü hız ölçümü
be the spitting image of/be the spit and image of
k. dili hık demiş (birinin) burnundan düşmüş olmak
electron image
elektronik görüntü
tasvir edilen

İyi, yeterli şiirsel görüntüler. - Good, enough poetic images.

Hisleri, görüntüleri, düşünceleri ya da anıları iletmeyen müzik sadece arka fon gürültüsüdür. - Music that doesn't transmit feelings, images, thoughts, or memories is just background noise.

(Tıp, İlaç) görüntüleme

tıp/radyoloji alanındaki anlamı.

page image
Sayfa görüntüsü
preview image
radar image
radar görüntüsü
storage image
depolama görüntü
the image
very image of/spitting image of
tıpkısı, benzeri, aynı, hık demiş burnundan düşmüş
hayal eden
görüntü oluşturma
Englisch - Englisch
To reflect, mirror

we look into a pair of eyes deep as our own, imaging our own, but all unconscious of us; to whom we for the time are become as spirits and invisible!.

To create an image of
A mental picture of something not real or not present
To create a complete backup copy of a file system or other entity
A file that contains all information needed to produce a live working copy. (see disk image, executable image and image copy)
To represent symbolically
The subset of a codomain comprising those elements that are images of something

The image of this step function is the set of integers.

A characteristic of a person, group or company etc., style, manner of dress, how one is, or wishes to be, perceived by others
Something mapped to by a function

The number 6 is the image of 3 under f that is defined as f(x) = 2*x.

An optical or other representation of a real object; a graphic; a picture
{f} imagine; draw a likeness; describe; reflect; picture in the mind
– A set of attitudes or beliefs that a person or audience holds about a college or university Institutions have multiple images For example, older alums often view you differently than younger alumni; faculty with tenure often perceive you differently than faculty without Importantly, an image is how you are perceived and not necessarily how you are But because perceptions guide behavior, it is very important that you know how you are perceived by the audiences you value most
An imitation, representation, or similitude of any person, thing, or act, sculptured, drawn, painted, or otherwise made perceptible to the sight; a visible presentation; a copy; a likeness; an effigy; a picture; a semblance
To represent to the mental vision; to form a likeness of by the fancy or recollection; to imagine
If you are the image of someone else, you look very much like them. Marianne's son was the image of his father
Pictorial representation of data acquired by satellite systems, such as direct readout images from environmental satellites An image is not a photograph An image is composed of two-dimensional grids of individual picture elements (pixels) Each pixel has a numeric value that corresponds to the radiance or temperature of the specific ground area it depicts See gray scale
A concrete representation of an object or sensory experience Typically, such a representation helps evoke the feelings associated with the object or experience itself Images are either "literal" or "figurative " Literal images are especially concrete and involve little or no extension of the obvious meaning of the words used to express them Figurative images do not follow the literal meaning of the words exactly Images in literature are usually visual, but the term "image" can also refer to the representation of any sensory experience In his poem "The Shepherd's Hour," Paul Verlaine presents the following image: "The Moon is red through horizon's fog;/ In a dancing mist the hazy meadow sleeps " The first line is broadly literal, while the second line involves turns of meaning associated with dancing and sleeping
Can be a logo, photograph, custom graphic, map, or animated graphic The number of images on one page is determined by the size of the image file(s) Too many and the page takes too long to download (appear in the browser) One option commonly used is to have a smaller image (thumbnail) link to a larger photo to show detail
a picture or representation of an object or scene on paper or a display screen Remotely sensed images are digital representations of the earth
(1) A representation of information produced by radiant energy, such as light
An electronic picture, also called a graphic There are several formats for images EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)Highest quality image for electronic publishing (not Web page publishing) GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)Most common image format used for Web pages It is best used for images drawn by hand or created with a computer JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)Image format used for Web pages It is normally used for digital camera photos and scanned photos PICTMost commonly used image format for publishing TIFF (Tag Image File Format) High quality image Also used in publishing
(n ) A picture or graphic representation of an object
An image is a picture of someone or something. photographic images of young children
An image is a poetic description of something. The natural images in the poem are meant to be suggestive of realities beyond themselves
A copy of all or part of a disk drive retained for backup or replication purposes
A physical likeness or representation of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, or sculptured; a thought from the imagination made visible
To convert an idea to an image
A representation of anything to the mind; a picture drawn by the fancy; a conception; an idea
The figure or picture of any object formed at the focus of a lens or mirror, by rays of light from the several points of the object symmetrically refracted or reflected to corresponding points in such focus; this may be received on a screen, a photographic plate, or the retina of the eye, and viewed directly by the eye, or with an eyeglass, as in the telescope and microscope; the likeness of an object formed by reflection; as, to see one's image in a mirror
The representation of a human or nonhuman subject, or of an event
If you have an image of something or someone, you have a picture or idea of them in your mind. The image of art theft as a gentleman's crime is outdated
an iconic mental representation; "her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate
n 1 A stored description of a graphic picture, either as a set of brightness and color values of pixels or as a set of instructions for reproducing the picture 2 A duplicate, copy, or representation of all or part of a hard or floppy disk, a section of memory or hard drive, a file, a program, or data For example, a RAM disk can hold an image of all or part of a disk in main memory; a virtual RAM program can create an image of some portion of the computer's main memory on disk
Stemming from Latin imago (imitation, copy, likeness, bust), the image is generally a representation, or double of something The emphasis of this term does not lie on a graphic quality, but on the likeness (a difference that can be compared to index vs icon) Thus, the image is 192 a (mental) picture of something not real or present; 193 a figure of speech, especially a metaphor; 194 concrete representation, as in art, literature, or music; 195 in mathematics, the image is a set of values of a function corresponding to a particular subset of a domain; 196 in computer science it is an exact copy of data in a file transferred to another medium; 197 in the context of media theory and semiotics, the image of a person or an institution is the public opinion of that person or institution, especially as interpreted by the mass media
Show; appearance; cast
Picture or graphical representation In remote sensing and GIS as a term that describes digital representations of earth features
  In the field of image processing, a two-dimensional representation of a scene   Synonym  picture
{i} figure; form; reflection; picture; likeness; embodiment
A graphic representation of an object that is produced by an optical or electronic device An example of this is remotely sensed data from a satellite, scanned data and photographs An image is stored as a raster data set of binary or integer values representing the intensity of reflected light, heat or other range of values on the electromagnetic spectrum
The representation of a scene as recorded by a remote sensing system Although image is a general term, it is commonly restricted to representations acquired by non-photographic methods
A graphic representation or description of a scene, typically produced by an optical or electronic device Common examples include remotely sensed data (e g , satellite data), scanned data, and photographs An image is stored as a raster data set of binary or integer values that represent the intensity of reflected light, heat, or other range of values on the electromagnetic spectrum
a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture); "the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln"; "the emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone"
A graphic representation or description of an object that is typically produced by an optical or electronic device Common examples include remotely sensed data such as satellite data, scanned data, and photographs An image is stored as a raster data set of binary or integer values representing the intensity of reflected light, heat, or another range of values on the electromagnetic spectrum Remotely sensed images are digital representations of the earth
someone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an actor); "he could be Gingrich's double"; "she's the very image of her mother"
A graphic in GIF or JPEG file format that can be inserted in a world wide web page FrontPage lets you import images in the following formats and insert them as GIF or JPEG: GIF, JPEG, BMP (Windows and OS/2), TIFF, TAG, PCD, RAS, EPS, PCX, and WMF
language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense
an iconic mental representation; "her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate"
Hence: The likeness of anything to which worship is paid; an idol
A picture or graphics file that can be inserted on a Web page and displayed in a Web browser FrontPage lets you import images in the following formats: GIF, JPEG (standard and progressive), BMP (Windows and OS/2), TIFF, TGA, RAS, EPS, PCX, and WMF Imported images are converted to GIF format (for images containing up to 256 colors) or JPEG format (for images containing over 256 colors) when the page is saved to the current FrontPage web
A representation or duplicate of something In terms of graphics, an image is a stored description of a picture
a standard or typical example; "he is the prototype of good breeding"; "he provided America with an image of the good father"
A graphical presentation or photograph
imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind; "I can't see him on horseback!"; "I can see what will happen"; "I can see a risk in this strategy"
The image of a person, group, or organization is the way that they appear to other people. The tobacco industry has been trying to improve its image
(Jungian psychology) a personal facade that one presents to the world; "a public image is as fragile as Humpty Dumpty"
To represent or form an image of; as, the still lake imaged the shore; the mirror imaged her figure
An image is an online graphic Images may be photographs, line drawings or anything that could be scanned in or created online Images may be part of a Web page (inline image) or they may be attached to a hyperlink on a Web page
To create a complete backup copy of a filesystem
The optical reproduction of an object, produced by a lens or mirror A typical positive lens converges rays to form a “real” image which can be photographed A negative lens spreads rays to form a “virtual” image which can’t be projected
a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface; "they showed us the pictures of their wedding"; "a movie is a series of images projected so rapidly that the eye integrates them"
spitting image: see spit see also mirror image
A picture, example, or illustration, often taken from sensible objects, and used to illustrate a subject; usually, an extended metaphor
image consultant
A person whose occupation is to advise others on visual appearance, and verbal and non-verbal communication
image copies
plural form of image copy
image copy
A backup copy of a database in a format that may be used, along with incremental logs, to recreate the database after a hardware failure
image map
An image on a web page that is divided into shaped portions, each of which has an associated hyperlink
image maps
plural form of image map
image processing
any form of information processing for which both the input and output are images, such as photographs or frames of video
image space
That part of an optical system where real or virtual images are formed
image tube
a photoelectric device for intensifying faint astronomical images
image acquisition
(Bilgisayar) The process of capturing raw image data
image resolution
(Fotoğrafçılık) Image resolution describes the detail an image holds. The term applies to digital images, film images, and other types of images. Higher resolution means more image detail
image capture
Also referred to as digitization, is the process of creating a digital representation or image of an original through scanning or digital photography
image capture
(n ) The transducing of the information in a real image into the photographic or electronic medium
image capture
Process of obtaining a digital representation of an original through scanning, digital photography
image capture
The use of a device, such as a scanner or digital camera, to create a digital representation of an image This digital representation can then be stored and manipulated on a computer
image capture
Also referred to as digitisation, is the process of creating a digital representation or image of an original through scanning or digital photography
image compression
compression of the size of a picture file without harming the quality of the picture itself
image compression
the compression of graphics for storage or transmission
image distance
distance between an image and an optical device (such as a lens)
image of God
likeness of God
image plane
horizontal plane on which an image is reflected or displayed
image processing
Set of computational techniques for analyzing, enhancing, compressing, and reconstructing images. Its main components are importing, in which an image is captured through scanning or digital photography; analysis and manipulation of the image, accomplished using various specialized software applications; and output (e.g., to a printer or monitor). Image processing has extensive applications in many areas, including astronomy, medicine, industrial robotics, and remote sensing by satellites. See also pattern recognition
image processing
A method of electronic image management where a scanned image is filed in a database for later use
image processing
Capturing and manipulating images to enhance or extract information
image processing
The alteration or manipulation of images that have been scanned or captured by a digital recording device Can be used to modify or improve the image by changing its size, color, contrast and brightness, or to compare and analyze images for characteristics that the human eye could not oerceive unaided This ability to perceive minute variations in color, shape, and relationship has opened up many application for image processing
image processing
the manipulation of digital image data, including (but not limited to) enhancement, classification, and rectification operations
image processing
(n ) One of the methods used to enhance or manipulate the characteristics of a scanned or digitized image for analysis Typical image-processing techniques include filtering and thresholding
image processing
Capturing and manipulating images in order to enhance or extract information
image processing
Operations on images, such as scaling, inversion, summation, warping, and so on (See filter )
image processing
The process of converting 'raw' remotely sensed data into a usable form through the application of various transformations such as supervised and unsupervised classification schemes
image processing
Manipulation of an image to improve or change some quality of the image
image processing
The enhancement or other manipulation of an image--the result of which is usually another image
image processing
The manipulation of images that have been scanned or captured by a digital recording device
image processing
Image processing: a group of activities regarding the elaboration of images in raster format Many techniques used in this discipline require complex mathematical processes, aimed at determining the phenomena described by the image like for example, in GIS, pollution, humidity and termperature at ground level, vegetation, etc
image processing
Mapping from data domain to data domain (IP) versus mapping from data domain to picture domain (V)
image processing
Techniques and procedures dealing with the acquisition, analysis, and output of digital images
image processing
The application of computers to enhance an image
image processing
n The analysis, manipulation, storage, and display of graphical images from sources such as photographs, drawings, and video Image processing spans a sequence of three steps The input step (image capture and digitizing) converts the differences in coloring and shading in the picture into binary values that a computer can process The processing step can include image enhancement and data compression The output step consists of the display or printing of the processed image Image processing is used in such applications as television and film, medicine, satellite weather mapping, machine vision, and computer–based pattern recognition See also image enhancement, video digitizer
image processing
The general term "image processing" refers to a computer discipline wherein digital images are the main data object This type of processing can be broken down into several sub-categories, including: compression, image enhancement, image filtering, image distortion, image display and coloring, and image editing See also Machine Vision
image processing
{i} act of editing a picture file on a computer, IP
image processing
Think of "data processing": it refers to the manipulation of raw data to solve some problem or enlighten the user in some way not possible without the manipulation So it is with image processing Digitized images which have been "acquired" (scanned, captured by digital cameras) can be manipulated The purpose may be simply to improve the image - change its size, its color, or simply to touch-up parts of it But a more important application of image processing is to compare and analyze images for characteristics that a human eye alone couldn't perceive This ability to perceive minute variations in color, shape and relationship has opened up applications for image processing in high-speed manufacturing quality control, criminal forensics, medicine, defense, entertainment and the graphic arts
image processing
Edits, manipulations, interpretations, and analysis done with raster data
image processing
Manipulating bit-mapped images by adjusting graphic qualities such as contrast, intensity, and edge-line definition
image processing
Computerized routines for information extraction (e g , pattern recognition, classification) from remotely sensed images to obtain categories of information about specific features
image processing
operations designed to make an image more useful Image processing is often regarded as embracing image analysis, but in this course we tend to regard image processing as the set of methods used to enhance the image prior to image analysis
image processing
This deals with cleaning up blurred images and creating clear pictures
image processing
The steps necessary to convert a raw digital image, as received from a sensor, and make it interpretable The steps include removing possible errors caused by the sensor and geocoding the image to the area it covers so it can be used in reference to other images and data sets
image size
The physical dimensions of an image, not counting the white border around the image
image size
In a scanner interface, displays the amount of memory or disk space needed to scan and save the image selected in the preview window
image size
Actual dimensions of a printed image This refers only to the image itself and not to the size of the paper it is printed on
image size
Actual dimensions of an image, generally smaller than the size of paper itself
image size
The size of the work reproduced on a print, not the overall size of the paper used for the print
image size
the physical dimensions of the image as measured in the small squares (pixels) of a computer screen; an image filling a "typical" computer screen (13 inch diagonal) would be 640 x 480 pixels; compare to image file size above
image size
Describes the actual physical dimensions of an image, not the size it appears on a given display device
image tube
An electronic device that uses a photoelectric surface to release electrons and ultimately produce an image
image worship
worship of idols
imagination image
a mental image produced by the imagination
An image which persists or remains in negative after the original stimulation has ended
body image
The subjective inner picture of one's outward physical appearance
brand image
the set of emotional and sensory inputs a consumer associates with a particular product or service in their episodic memory system

Whenever Sally drinks her favorite beer, Coors’ brand image floods her senses with scenes of being on a hot beach drinking something refreshing.

controlling image
An image or metaphor that runs throughout and determines the form or nature of a literary work
disk image
A copy of all or part of a disk drive retained for backup or replication purposes
ghost image
a copy of all the contents of a hard drive, used as a backup
ghost image
any undesired image appearing at the image plane of an optical system; either a false image of the desired object, or an out-of-focus image of a bright source of light in the field of the optical system
global image
An image which is created for a corporate or international audience; a global branding image or marketing artwork
One who images or forms likenesses; a sculptor
The technigue or practice of creating images of otherwise invisible aspects of an object, especially of body parts
The use of mental images to alter a person's perceptions or behaviors
inverse image
The set of points that map to a given point (or set of points) under a specified function

Under the function given by f(x)=x^2, the inverse image of 4 is \{-2,2\}, as is the inverse image of \{4\}.

lenticular image
A picture made using lenticular printing where different images appear from different viewing angles

Cracker Jack prizes and modern CD covers often have lenticular images on them.

mirror image
An image that is reversed from left to right, as it would appear if seen in a mirror; a reflection
spitting image
The exact likeness (of someone)

Blimey, you're the spitting image of my brother.

{n} a statue, picure, likeness, idol, idea
{v} to imagin, conceive, represent
corporate image
The overall picture that people have of a company
An image
past of image
{i} person who images, one who forms likenesses; (Archaic) sculptor; electronic device that records images
Images are what makes the World wide web different from other methods of presenting data on the internet Most web browsers are capable of reading only two image formats: gif and jpeg As a rule of thumb, gif format is better for drawings and logos and jpeg is better for photographs On the web, an image can be made into a link so that clicking on the image is the same as clicking on highlighted text
a category of information for enhanced profiles that includes a photo or other image
Images are a subcategory of media type files Images are presented in the form of picture, x-ray, ECG, EKG, etc Images can be found in the patient chart under different categories such as physical exam, history, lab tests, and diagnostic tests
Acronym for International Marine Global Change Study, a joint project of SCOR and PAGES whose primary goals are to quantify climate and chemical variability of the ocean on time scales of oceanic and cryospheric processes, determine the sensitivity of the ocean to identified internal and external forcing functions, and determine the ocean's role in controlling atmospheric CO2 A global program including at least 30 dedicated oceanographic expeditions from 1994-2004 is planned to answer questions concerning how changes in ocean properties controlled the evolution of global heat transfer through to deep and surface ocean and so modified the climate, how changes in ocean circulation, chemistry, and biological activity have interacted to generate the observed record of pCO2 over the past 300 Ka, and how close continental climate has been linked to ocean surface and deep water properties
plural of image
pictures in people's minds of something (e g The words in a poem help create images in your mind )
To keep page load time to a minimum, keep the size of a graphic (GIF and JPG) under 30 kilobytes and the total number of graphics on any page to a minimum Including HEIGHT and WIDTH tags for all images helps them load faster Provide text equivalents for all non-text elements (e g , images, image map regions, graphical representations of text, etc ) so that those who view your pages without images will be able to understand it For more information about formatting and optimizing for the web, see Webmonkey: Design: Graphics, or Web Reference: Optimizing Graphics
The squaring of the waveform that happens in the conversion of digital audio bits into analog signals
third-person singular of image
for web pages Find out about different file formats, eg jpg, gif, png, compression basics, optimizing graphics and other essential information Image collections can be found on the web View the Mortlock Library Pictorial Slideshow
When in some chatting rooms, chatters can bring up pictures, or, to use the yuppy terminology, "images" This might include cute diagrams, pictures (sorry, images) of their favourite movie star or even photos of themselves This last one is considered a real risk, for people can talk along with you for ages, thinking your a really terrific human being before your mule-like features are revealed for all to see and the saying, "it's what inside that counts" becomes the conspicuous new subject in the room
Netscape can open * gif, * jpeg, and * xbm file formats
Images are generally useful and improve the web experience, but some users prefer not to see them Turning images off improves download speed for dial-up users, and eliminates advertisements that don't use scripting, movies, or Flash animation
tests or evaluation procedures that produce pictures of areas inside the body
A process whereby documents are scanned into a system and stored electronically
present participle of image
- The ability to accurately create a soundstage, incorporating a 3 dimensional effect possessing height, width and depth Good imaging should create the illusion of different instruments or vocalists placed in certain locations, such as what is experienced in a live show effect Imaging in a vehicle is greatly effected by limitation of the environment of listening area
The transmission of still images such as faxes, pictures, or slides
A technique that allows the students to slow down and focus individually on an issue The students, sitting quietly with eyes closed, allow pictures to form in their minds These images may be motivated by bits of narration, music, sounds, smells, etc
Imaging describes the extent to which an audio system reproduces the directional cues that enable the listener to locate the instruments and vocalists as they were positioned during recording and mixing (See also soundstage below) Good imaging creates a listening experience that seems natural and lifelike Since directional cues in sound come mainly in the higher frequencies, the key to attaining the best possible imaging is equal and unobstructed path lengths between the tweeters and the listeners ears That's one of the reasons why matched component speakers, with their versatile tweeter placement, sound as good as they do
Creating electronic files of objects or graphics
n The processes involved in the capture, storage, display, and printing of graphical images
The process of registering universal registered locations (URL), titles, descriptions, keywords and contact information with search engines and directories
the ability to form mental images of things or events; "he could still hear her in his imagination"
Tests that produce pictures of areas inside the body
This is what we call the work we perform on your image, such as dodging and burning; color correction; cloning, etc All of this work is done in Photoshop
{i} forming of mental images to control bodily processes (Psychology); photographing of the interior of the body by means of certain techniques and instruments (Medicine)
An audio reviewer’s description of the phenomenon whereby an audio system localizes individual instruments and performers within the soundstage between and behind the speakers
Imaging is a method for converting paper documentation into an electronic format, using scanners and associated techniques such as Optical Character Recognition, etc
Listening term A good stereo system can provide a stereo image that has width, depth and height The best imaging systems will define a nearly holographic re-creation of the original sound
listening term - it is the speakers ability to locate where each instrument or voice is located See Soundstage
To make a representation or imitation of the original sonic event
Method used to produce a picture of internal body structures Some imaging methods used to detect cancer are x-rays, CT scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
The ability to localize a sound in a stereo field or mix is called imaging Several things will affect the ability of a speaker system to image accurately: How matched the speakers are in construction and level (volume), exactly matched phase, and the interaction of the speakers with the listening environment will all be critical in determining imaging Assuming that the first items are determined by the speaker manufacturer and your system set up, careful acoustic treatment in your room can often make the largest difference in the clarity, stereo spread, and imaging of your studio monitoring system
The production of images of internal organs of the body Imaging techniques include x-ray and nuclear medicine procedures, CT scans, and MRI
(n ) The broad category of image-related computer technologies that includes computer graphics, image processing, image reconstruction, and scientific visualization Imaging technologies capture, store, display, and print graphical images
Imaging is the process of forming images that represent things such as sound waves, temperature, chemicals, or electrical activity. thermal imaging cameras. a technical process in which pictures of the inside of someone's body are produced, especially for medical reasons. diagnostic imaging medical imaging magnetic resonance imaging
Procedures that produce pictures of areas inside the body
The width and definition of a sound stage Instruments should appear to be coming from their correct positions, relative to recording
The use of a photosensitive system for the capture, recording, and retrieval of information associated with an object using electromagnetic energy [IUPAC Photo]
(medicine) obtaining pictures of the interior of the body
A system that allows documents such as new account agreements, to be stored as electronic images The image can then be viewed and printed from a special computer terminal Mutual fund companies also use imaging technology to store applications and letters related to a client's account
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von image im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

tagged image file format file
(Bilgisayar) tiff