The uptilt of wing panels toward the tips Dihedral is applied for purposes of stability and to provide a turning moment for rudder-only models
upward or positive slope of the wings or tail flats (anhedral is the downward or negative slope)
The upward sweep of the wings, when viewed from the front Dihedral aids an aeroplane's stability in roll In early aircraft this was "rigged-in" by tightening the appropriate bracing wires The opposite of dihedral is Anhedral, where the wings droop downwards from the fuselage to their tips Press 'Back' to return
The Dihedral of a wing is the V-shape the wing makes or the angle between the wing and the horizontal Usually the greater the dihedral angle the more stable the aircraft will be (to a point!) and is common in trainer type aircraft A flat wing with little or no dihedral is less stable and more suited to aerobatics
An upward angling of the wings from the root (center) outward when viewed from the front - dihedral provides roll stability
hydrodynamically, the designed angle between the planing surface of the sponson and the surface of the water, measured laterally inside to outside; a negative angle is called anhedral