hukbalahap rebellion

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Englisch - Englisch
or Huk Rebellion (1946-54) Peasant uprising in Luzon, Philippines. The rich Luzon plain was farmed by a large tenant-farmer population working on vast estates, a situation that led to periodic peasant revolts. The area became a focal point for communist organizers in the 1930s. One communist organization, the Hukbalahap (or Huks), was a successful anti-Japanese guerrilla group during World War II (1939-45). By the war's end it had also seized most of the Luzon large estates, established a government, and was collecting taxes. When the Philippines became independent in 1946, the Huks began a rebellion after they were prevented from taking government seats to which they had been elected. They were successful for four years and in 1950 nearly seized Manila. Defeated by Philippine troops equipped with advanced U.S. weaponry and by the rise of the popular Ramon Magsaysay, their leader, Luis Taruc, surrendered in 1954