house committee on foreign affairs

listen to the pronunciation of house committee on foreign affairs
Englisch - Türkisch
Amerikan Temsilciler Meclisi Dış İlişliler Komitesi
Englisch - Englisch
The U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs, also known as the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is a standing committee of the United States House of Representatives which is in charge of bills and investigations related to the foreign affairs of the United States. It is currently chaired by Representative Tom Lantos of California. It is less powerful than its Senate counterpart, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, because the House committee is not involved in treaty or ambassador confirmation
house committee on foreign affairs


    House com·mit·tee on for·eign af·fairs

    Türkische aussprache

    haus kımîti ôn fôrın ıferz


    /ˈhous kəˈmətē ˈôn ˈfôrən əˈferz/ /ˈhaʊs kəˈmɪtiː ˈɔːn ˈfɔːrən əˈfɛrz/