The cows are fed antibiotics and hormones.
- İnekler antibiyotik ve hormonla beslenirler.
Harvard scientists have measured the amount of male hormone in the saliva of 58 single and married men with or without children.
- Harvard'ın bilim adamları, çocuk sahibi olan veya olmayan 58 bekâr ve evli erkek tükürüğündeki erkek hormon miktarını ölçtü.
Harvard scientists have measured the amount of male hormone in the saliva of 58 single and married men with or without children.
- Wissenschaftler der Universität Harvard haben die Menge männlichen Hormons im Speichel von 58 ledigen und verheirateten Männern mit oder ohne Kinder gemessen.
Teenagers are often said to have raging hormones.
- Teenagere siges ofte at have raserende hormoner.