Having been made homogenous, said especially of milk (which when homogenized no longer separates into cream and skim milk)
ho·mog·enized in BRIT, also use homogenised Homogenized milk is milk where the fat has been broken up so that it is evenly distributed. homogenised homogenized milk has had the cream on top mixed with the milk
made homogeneous formed by blending unlike elements especially by reducing one element to particles and dispersing them throughout another substance
{s} made homogeneous; formed by blending dissimilar elements; (about milik) has been processed so that the cream is mixed into the other elements of the liquid (also homogenised)
{i} milk that its fat elements have been broken up and dispersed in an homogeneous manner so the cream is mixed with the liquid , milik that has been processed so that the cream is mixed into the other elements of the liquid
To create an emulsion by reducing all the particles to the same size The fat globules are broken down mechanically until they are evenly distributed throughout the liquid Homogenized milk and some commercial salad dressing are two examples of homogenized foods
ho·mog·enize homogenizes homogenizing homogenized in BRIT, also use homogenise disapproval If something is homogenized, it is changed so that all its parts are similar or the same, especially in a way that is undesirable. Even Brussels bureaucrats can't homogenize national cultures and tastes. to change something so that its parts become similar or the same
To create an emulsion by reducing all the particles to the same size In milk and salad dressings, for instance, all the fat globules are mechanically broken down until they are evenly distributed throughout the liquid