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homeo·path homeopaths in BRIT, also use homoeopath A homeopath is someone who treats illness by homeopathy
{i} one who treats by means of homeopathy, one who treats disease by providing small doses of a remedy that would produce symptoms of the disease in a healthy person
A system of therapy premised on the use of minute amounts of substances, call remedies, that in larger doses cause symptoms similar to those being treated
a system for treating disease based on the administration of minute doses of a drug that in massive amounts produces symptoms in healthy persons similar to those of the disease
Homeopathy is derived from the Greek word homoio meaning like or similar This natural system of medicine was developed over 200 years ago by Samuel Hahneman, a German physician It bases its practice on treating like with like This Homeopathic principle is based on treating an illness with a substance that produces, in a healthy person, similar symptoms to those experienced by the sick person, employing minute doses of natural remedies that are created from herbal, mineral and animal substances Homeopathy views symptoms as the body’s natural reaction in fighting the illness and, unlike conventional medicine, seeks to stimulate them rather than suppress them Homeopathy is widely practiced throughout Europe
The word homeopathy derives from the Greek word homoios, meaning "similar," and pathos, meaning "suffering " Homeopathic remedies are generally dilutions of natural substances from plants, minerals, and animals Bases on the principle of "like cures like," these remedies specifically match different symptom patterns or "profiles" of illness, and act to stimulate the body's natural healing response (3)
The art of curing, founded on resemblances; the theory and its practice that disease is cured (tuto, cito, et jucunde) by remedies which produce on a healthy person effects similar to the symptoms of the complaint under which the patient suffers, the remedies being usually administered in minute doses
Based on the hypothesis of "like cures like" and a deep emphasis on the principles of holistic medicine (treat the whole person), homeopathy first flourished in North America and Europe during the mid-19th century, when many physicians believed it to be an effective treatment for cholera Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s own healing power by introducing tiny doses of natural substances that should trigger a person’s body to correct itself naturally Extremely popular throughout the world today, naturopathic physicians and other trained homeopaths have led a resurgence of this therapy in the United States in the last decade
A therapeutic system of medicine that is based on the principle of similars- like cures like - which means that a substance that can cause certain symptoms in a healthy person can cure similar symptoms in an unhealthy person Homeopathy aims to aid and stimulate the body's own defense and immune processes Homeopathic medicines are derived from a variety of plants, animal materials and minerals These medicines are prescribed to fit each individual's needs, given in much smaller and less toxic doses than traditional medications, and are used for both prevention and treatment Established 200 years ago by German physician Samuel Hahneman, and is recognized by the World Health Organization as the second largest therapeutic system in the world
the medical practice of treating a disease with very small doses of a substance that would, in a healthy person, produce symptoms similar to the disease being treated These treatments are believed to stimulate the immune system
A type of medicine based on a principle of 'like cures like' A homeopath believes that, if a substance causes particular symptoms in a healthy person, the same substance (in small doses) can be used to treat those symptoms in an ill person
Based on the principle that "like cures like," a practitioner of Homeopathy will treat a person by using tiny amounts of a substance that, in a healthy person, will produce similar symptoms to the illness that a patient is experiencing Highly diluted traces of animal, botanical, mineral, and other natural substances are given to trigger the immune system and stimulate the body¹s self-healing abilities Homeopathic remedies are diluted in a specific way that increases their potential to remedy ailments while at the same time making toxicity impossible
The treatment of disease with a substance that is able to provoke similar signs/symptoms in a healthy body The usual dilution/succussion method of preparation, used for homeopathic medicines, is not an essential part of this definition (see 'potentisation' below) The body's reaction to these medicines is what brings about the curative process
One of the original alternatives to conventional medicine, homeopathy uses small, diluted doses of substances that cause illnesses as a means of curing them URL: http: //www homeopathy org/
System based on principle that a much diluted preparation of a substance that can cause symptoms in healthy individuals can cure same symptoms in a sick person Remedies made from naturally occurring plant, animal, mineral substances which may, in some cases, be poisonous, but are diluted so much that poisoning is impossible
A medical system based on the principle that "like heals like," homeopathy uses highly diluted solutions of natural substances from plants, animals and minerals-called "remedies" — to stimulate the body's healing responses
is a holistic medical science and as such it addresses the whole person--her life, her genetic background, the cause of her illness As a healing art, homeopathy goes as far back as any traditional medicine: back to the first time a woman treated her child with what her native land had to offer Homeopathic remedies are made out of wholesome natural ingredients and, when properly prescribed, can eliminate the underlying cause of disease, thus establishing a healthy balance between an organism and its environment
This holistic approach is based on the principle that "like cures like" The homeopath uses minute amounts of diluted substances to treat a wide range of medical conditions The patient's personality as well as his symptoms is assessed by the homeopathic doctor before prescribing a homeopathic remedy
A system of medicine based on giving patients very dilute amounts of a substance that, in larger amounts, would produce similar symptoms to the illness being treated
homeopa·thy in BRIT, also use homoeopathy Homeopathy is a way of treating an illness in which the patient is given very small amounts of a drug that produces signs of the illness in healthy people. a system of medicine in which a disease is treated by giving extremely small amounts of a substance that causes the disease (homöopathie, from homoios ( HOMO-) + pathos ). System of therapeutics founded in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann on the principle that "like cures like. " That is, substances that in healthy persons would produce the symptoms from which the patient suffers are used to treat the patient. Hahnemann further stated that the potency of a curative agent increases as the substance is diluted. When it was introduced, homeopathy was a mild, welcome alternative to heavy-handed therapies such as bleeding, but it has since been criticized for focusing on symptoms rather than causes. With the rise of alternative medicine, it has seen a resurgence
Homeopathy comes from the Greek words "homeo" meaning similar and "pathos" meaning disease or suffering; hence, the reason for calling homeopathy the "law of similars" (see below) Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances, i e plant, mineral and animal Because homeopathic medicines are highly diluted substances, absence of toxicity is assured Homeopathy is used all over the world, especially in Europe where Dr Samuel Hahnemann founded it as a science The manufacture and sale of homeopathic medicines are regulated by the FDA Homeopathic medicines were recognized as official drugs by a Congressional act in 1938
A method of healing where small amounts of a substance that cause symptoms when given in high doses to a healthy person are given to a sick person to cure the same symptoms
A school of medicine based on the theory of "like cures like " Minute quantities of natural earth-based substance stimulate the body's own self-healing ability
A system of medicine that stresses the administration of very small doses of treatments that, when given to a healthy person, would produce symptoms of the disease The system is based on the principal of "like cures like "
Based on the principles of holistic medicine, this like-cures-like approach stimulates a person's own curative powers by administering very small doses of natural substances Homeopathic remedies are widely used and gaining in popularity
Developed by Dr Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago, homeopathy is a system for treating illness based on the Law of Similars, {"Similia similibus curentur"} "Let likes be cured by likes " A substance will cure symptoms in a sick person that it has produced in a healthy person An example is a child who eats the berries of deadly nightshade (belladonna) and subsequently develops symptoms of belladonna poisoning which are similar to those of scarlet fever Belladonna, in safe nontoxic doses prepared according to homeopathic specifications, has cured many cases of this contagious disease