hoşnut edici

listen to the pronunciation of hoşnut edici
Türkisch - Englisch
{a} giving content, making amends
{s} providing satisfaction, gratifying a need or appetite; adequate, sufficient
Something that is satisfactory is acceptable to you or fulfils a particular need or purpose. I never got a satisfactory answer = acceptable. something that is satisfactory seems good enough for you, or good enough for a particular situation or purpose = acceptable   unsatisfactory
meeting requirements; "the step makes a satisfactory seat" giving satisfaction; "satisfactory living conditions"; "his grades were satisfactory
Done to satisfaction; adequate or sufficient
giving satisfaction; "satisfactory living conditions"; "his grades were satisfactory"
giving satisfaction; "satisfactory living conditions"; "his grades were satisfactory
Giving or producing satisfaction; yielding content; especially, relieving the mind from doubt or uncertainty, and enabling it to rest with confidence; sufficient; as, a satisfactory account or explanation
Making amends, indemnification, or recompense; causing to cease from claims and to rest content; compensating; atoning; as, to make satisfactory compensation, or a satisfactory apology
meeting requirements; "the step makes a satisfactory seat"
hoşnut et
{f} delighted
hoşnut et
{f} delight
hoşnut et
hoşnut edici