A reward is a sum of money offered to anyone who can give information about lost or stolen property or about someone who is wanted by the police. The firm last night offered a £10,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the killer
Let the horse know he did well: lower the hands or cease all action, pat, talk smoothly, dismount or provide with a treat
the offer of money for helping to find a criminal or for returning lost property
{i} prize, award; money that is offered in return for information leading to the arrent of a criminal (or the return of lost property); recompense, benefit received as payment for a service
A scalar value which represents the degree to which a state or action is desirable Reward functions can be used to specify a wide range of planning goals (e g by penalizing every non-goal state, an agent can be guided towards learning the fastest route to the final state)
that which is offered or given in return for some service or attainment, as for excellence in studies, for the return of something lost, etc
A numerical representation of the value to the Animat of a detectable state change in the environment as a result of an action The term is also used to denote the payment of classifiers by the Credit Allocation mechanism triggered by the receipt of a reward