his approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual

listen to the pronunciation of his approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual
Englisch - Deutsch
Sein Vorgehen ist eher vom Bauch als vom Kopf bestimmt
his approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual


    his ap·proach to act·ing I·s vis·cer·al rath·er than in·tel·lec·tu·al

    Türkische aussprache

    hîz ıprōç tı äktîng îz vîsırıl rädhır dhın întılekçuıl


    /həz əˈprōʧ tə ˈaktəɴɢ əz ˈvəsərəl ˈraᴛʜər ᴛʜən ˌəntəˈlekʧo͞oəl/ /hɪz əˈproʊʧ tə ˈæktɪŋ ɪz ˈvɪsɜrəl ˈræðɜr ðən ˌɪntəˈlɛkʧuːəl/