
listen to the pronunciation of highway
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} otoyol

Hangi otoyola karar verirsen ver, arabalarla ve kamyonlarla dolu olacaktır. - Whichever highway you decide on, it will be crowded with cars and trucks.

Bu otoyol bize çok zaman kazandırır. - This highway saves us a lot of time.

{i} otoban

Kaza otobanda gerçekleşti. - The accident took place on the highway.

Otobanda bir enkaz vardı. - There was a wreck on the highway.

ana yol

Ana yollar banliyölerin büyümesine katkıda bulunacaktır. - The construction of a highway will contribute to the growth of the suburbs.

Ana yoldan ayrıldıklarından beri, başka bir arabayla karşılaşmadılar. - Since they left the national highway, they hadn't come across another car.


Fransa'da çok iyi karayolları var. - In France there are very good highways.

Karayolları trafik kanununu bilmelisin. - You must know the highway code.

highwayman eşkıya
ana cadde

Dün karayolunda korkunç bir kaza vardı. - Yesterday, there was a terrible accident on the highway.

Hayat büyük bir karayolu gibidir. - Life is like a big highway.

{i} ekspres yol
genel yol
highway construction
yol yapımı
highway grade separation
highway regulation order
(Askeri) yol trafik düzenleme emri
highway robbery
(Kanun) adam kaldırmak
highway system
anayol sistemi
highway width
ana yol genişligi
highway code
trafik kuralları el kitabı
highway cut
otoyol geçişi
highway engineering
karayolu mühendisliği
highway patrol
yol devriyesi
highway width
ana yol genişliği
highway authority
karayolları amirliği
highway capability
(Askeri) YOL KABİLİYETİ: Yolun şekli, bakımı, meyli, virajları, hava şartları, yol üzerindeki diğer gidiş gelişler, kullanılan araç tipi vesaireyi tamamen dikkate almak şartıyla bir karayolu üzerinde nakledilebilecek araç miktarı (yol araç kabiliyeti) veya taşınabilen yükün şort ton miktarı (yol tonaj kabiliyeti). Bak. "highway tonnage capability" ve "highway vehicle capability"
highway capability
(Askeri) yol kabiliyeti
highway capacity
(Askeri) YOL KAPASİTESİ: Mevcut bütün gidiş ve geliş yollarından faydalanılmak suretiyle, belirli bir yol üzerinde elde edilebilecek azami trafik akışı. Buna (road capacity) de denir. Bak. "highway capacity "
highway capacity
(Askeri) yol kapasitesi
highway capacity
karayolu kapasitesi
highway clearance diagram
yol gabarisi
highway clearence diagram
yol geçiş açıklığı
highway clover leaf
(Askeri) YONCA YAPRAĞI KAVŞAK: İki veya daha fazla sayıdaki karayolunun yonca yaprağına benzer bir sistemde kesişmesi
highway clover leaf
(Askeri) yonca yaprağı kavşak
highway code
(isim) trafik kuralları el kitabı
highway commission
(Otomotiv) karayolları
highway crossing
karayolu geçidi
highway dispatch
(Askeri) KARAYOLU SEVKİYATI: Bak. "highway regulation"
highway dispatch
(Askeri) kara yolu sevkiyatı
highway information post
(Askeri) YOL TRAFİK DANIŞMA NOKTASI: Trafiğin yolunda yapılmasını temin için gerekli bilgileri vermek maksadıyla, askeri inzibat tarafından tesis edilen nokta. Bu nokta; yol trafik düzenleme noktası (highway traffic regulation post) ile yol trafik kontrol noktasına (highway traffic control post) ilave olarak kullanılır
highway information post
(Askeri) yol trafik danışma noktası
highway law
(Kanun) karayolları kanunu
highway law
(İnşaat) karayolu hukuku
highway laws
karayolları hukuku
highway lighting
karayolu aydınlatması
highway loading
karayolu yükü
highway maintenance
karayolu bakımı
highway networks
(Ticaret) karayolu ağı
highway regulation
(Askeri) YOL TRAFİK DÜZENLEMESİ: Karayolu ulaştırma tesis ve vasıtalarından, harekat ihtiyaçlarını karşılamada en verimli şekilde faydalanmak için, yolların araçlar, yayalar {kıta, mülteci ve siviller dahil) ve hayvanlar tarafından fiilen kullanılmasını zaman ve harekat bakımından planlama ve programlama. Buna {highway traffic regulation) de denir
highway regulation
(Askeri) yol trafik düzenlemesi
highway regulation order
(Askeri) YOL TRAFİK DÜZENLEME EMRİ: Bak. "highway traffic regulation order"
highway regulation point
(Askeri) yol trafik düzenleme noktası
highway regulation point
(Askeri) YOL TRAFİK DÜZENLEME NOKTASI: Bir yol ulaştırma hizmetinin yol üzerinde açtığı bir nokta. Bu nokta; varış ve kalkışları kaydeder ve bildirir; yürüyüşün devamı, sapmalar, yol değiştirmeler, tarifeler vesaire hakkında talimat yayınlamak suretiyle, karayolu unsurlarının hareketini düzenler
highway research
(İnşaat) karayolu araştırması
highway robbery
highway robbery
highway robbery
otoyol soygunu
highway routing
(Çevre) karayolu yönlendirmesi
highway tax
(Kanun,Ticaret) yol vergisi
highway tonnage capability
(Askeri) YOL TONAJ KABİLİYETİ: Yollarda bulunan köprü ve buna benzer tesisler üzerinden, bunları çökertmeden geçebilecek büyük araçların ağırlık bakımından kapasitesi
highway traffic
anayol trafiği
highway traffic control
(Askeri) YOL TRAFİK KONTROLU: Yol, trafik düzenleme ve yol disiplini kurallarının uygulanması. Trafik düzenleme nokta kontrolu (spot direction) de buna dahildir. ABD de bu iş, merkez komutanı ve askeri inzibatın görevidir
highway traffic control post
(Askeri) YOL TRAFİK KONTROL NOKTASI: ABD lerinde; karayolları üzerinde, askeri inzibat kuvvetlerinin yol trafik kontrolunu tatbik ettiği, bilgi verdiği ve istikamet gösterdiği nokta. Buna "traffic control post" da denir
highway traffic law
(Kanun) karayolları trafik kanunu
highway traffic regulation
(Askeri) YOL TRAFİK DÜZENLEMESİ: Bak. " highway regulation"
highway traffic regulation headquarters
(Askeri) YOL TRAFİK DÜZENLEME KARARGAHI: Bak. "highway traffic regulation"
highway traffic regulation order
(Askeri) YOL TRAFİK DÜZENLEME EMRİ: Komutan tarafından verilen yetkiye dayanarak trafik düzenleme karargahınca yol zaman çizelgesini, zamanı, tarihi, yürüyüş hızını ve yol trafik düzenlemesine ait diğer teferruatı belirtmek üzere verilen emir. Buna "highway regulation order" de denir
highway traffic regulation point
(Askeri) YOL TRAFİK DÜZENLEME NOKTASI: Bak. "highway regulation point" ve "traffic regulation point"
highway transport
(Askeri) KARA ULAŞTIRMA HİZMETİ: Karayolları ulaştırma teşkilatı, idaresi ve bu işte kullanılan birlik, personel vesaire. Buna "highway transport service"de denir
highway transport lift
(Askeri) KARAYOLU İLE TAŞIMA KAPASİTESİ: Bir araç veya oto birliği ile, bir seferde taşınabilecek yük tonajı veya personel
highway transport service
(Askeri) KARAYOLLARI ULAŞTIRMA HİZMETİ: Bak. "highway transport"
highway transportation
karayolu taşıma
highway transportation
(Askeri) KARAYOLU ULAŞTIRMASI: Mevcut karayolları üzerinde işleyebilecek araç kullanmak suretiyle, birlik ve ikmal maddeleri ile teçhizatın bir yerden başka bir yere nakli
highway transportation
(Askeri) kara yolu ulaştırması
highway transportation officer
(Askeri) KARA ULAŞTIRMA SUBAYI: Kara ulaştırmasında görevli subay
highway transportation officer
(Askeri) kara ulaştırma subayı
highway transportation survey
(Askeri) kara ulaştırma etüdü
highway transportation survey
(Askeri) KARA ULAŞTIRMA ETÜDÜ: Karayolları üzerindeki nakliyat faaliyetinin verim derecesini, yolların bakımı, araç ve yolların kullanılma şeklini tespit maksadıyla, nakliyat faaliyetinin incelenmesi ve etüdü
highway tunnel
karayolu tüneli
highway underpass
karayolu altgeçidi
highway underpass
karayolu altgecidi
highway vehicle capability
(Askeri) KARAYOLU ARAÇ KABİLİYETİ: Belirli bir yoldan bir gün zarfında geçen araç sayısı
highway vehicle capability
(Askeri) kara yolu araç kabiliyeti
divided highway
bölünmüş karayolu
arterial highway
ana cadde
arterial highway
belt highway
çevre yolu
divided highway
bölünmüş otoyol
divided highway
geliş gidiş yönleri ayrı otoyol
express highway
ekspres karayolu
dual carriage highway
Çift yönlü anayol
motor highway
motorlu karayolu
peripheral highway
Çevre yolu

the peripheral highway was opened to traffic by last week.

Federal Highway Administration
(Askeri) Federal karayolları İdaresi
data highway
elektronik otoyol, bilgi otoyolu
divided highway
ayrılmış otoban
drive on coast (highway)
arabayla sahilden gitmek
dual lane highway
(Askeri) çift şeritli kara yolu
electronic highway
elektronik otoyol, bilgi otoyolu
electronic highway
(Bilgisayar) bilgi otoyolu
elevated highway
(İnşaat) yükseltilmiş yol
elevated highway
viyadüklü karayolu
information highway
elektronik otoyol, bilgi otoyolu
queen's highway
halka açık yol
radial highway
radyal yol
where is the exit to the highway
anayol çıkışı nerede
Englisch - Englisch
Any public road for vehicular traffic
A main, direct public road, especially a multi-lane, high speed thoroughfare connecting major population centers
{n} a great way or road, a public road
{i} public road; main road, interstate, expressway; route, passage (over land or water)
A highway is a link between two units in the EWSD switching system
A road or way open to the use of the public; a main road or thoroughfare
as defined in the Highway Act, includes all public streets, roads, ways, trails, lanes, bridges, trestles, ferry landings and approaches, and any other public way
A free and public road or street which anyone has the right to use
An alternative term for 'bus' or 'trunk'; a major data path linking a number of devices with the data passing in parallel to increase speed
An arterial highway primarily designed for traffic movement and provides direct access to buildings and intersections Characteristics of highways include: intersections at grade level and geometric design features controlling speed and the safe movement of traffic
¾ a roadway open for use by the public that is maintained by the state of Idaho or its political subdivisions (county, city, agency, district) or the federal government
an interactive computer code that is used to calculate routes in accordance with HRCQ regulations (49 CFR 397 101) for spent-fuel shipment in the United States (ORNL/TM-12124 HIGHWAY 3 1-An Enhanced Highway Routing Model: Program Description, Methodology, and Revised User's Manual 1993 ) Back to Top
In common parlance, a road which offers higher speed limits than a normal urban street In legal parlance, any road which is available to use by the public
a major road for any form of motor transport
A main road or thoroughfare
A highway is a main road, especially one that connects towns or cities. I crossed the highway, dodging the traffic. Alaska Highway Alcan Highway Pan American Highway Trans Canada Highway
{i} thruway
Highway Code
The rules set forth in the Highway Code
Highway Code
The official road safety manual for the United Kingdom, covering pedestrians, animals, cyclists, motorcyclists and drivers
highway robbery
The act of robbing a traveler on a public road
highway robbery
Said of excessive or exorbitant prices

They think they can charge $400 for a shirt? That's highway robbery.

Highway Code
In Britain, the Highway Code is an official book published by the Department of Transport, which contains the rules which tell people how to use public roads safely. the set of official rules and laws about driving and using roads in Britain
highway code
{i} code of rules that govern the use of highways and public roads; official booklet published by the government that contains the regulations and information relating to the use of public roads in England
highway code
the code of rules governing the use of public roads
highway engineer
a civil engineer who specializes in the design and construction of roads and highways
highway patrol
A state law enforcement organization whose police officers patrol the public highways. the police who make sure that people obey the law on main roads in the US
highway robbery
{i} extremely high price, fee that is irrationally high (Informal); robbery of a traveler carried out on a public highway or road
highway robbery
robbery of travellers on or near a public road an exorbitant price; "what they are asking for gas these days is highway robbery
highway system
a transportation system consisting of roads for motor transport
highway tunnel
{i} tunnel through which a main road passes
Karakoram Highway
the highest paved international road in the world that connects China to Pakistan across the Karakoram mountain range, through the Khunjerab Pass at an altitude of 4,693 metres (15,397 feet), which makes it by far the highest paved international border crossing in the world
divided highway
A dual carriageway
hershey highway
The anus or anal sex
my way or the highway
An expression suggesting an ultimatum which indicates the listener(s) will either conform to the desires of the speaker or else the listener(s) will be excluded

Speaker Gingrich said today that if President Clinton follows through on his threat to veto key GOP legislation, the House will shut down parts of the federal government.

Adjectival form of the phrase my way or the highway

His my-way-or-the-highway attitude doesn't fit U.S. foreign-policy concerns or domestic issues.

An undivided road, usually two lanes, which is built on one roadway of a highway and functions as a temporary replacement until the second roadway is built
tourist highway
A road which is marketed as particularly suited for tourists; promoted by traffic signs or advertising material
Alaska Highway
formerly Alcan Highway Road through the Yukon, connecting Dawson Creek, British Columbia, with Fairbanks, Alaska, a distance of 1,523 mi (2,451 km). It was constructed by U.S. Army engineers in 1942 as an emergency war measure to provide an overland military supply route to Alaska. It is a scenic route now open year-round
Arava Highway
highway in southern Israel which crosses Arava (dry arid region)
Ayalon Highway
name of a system of roads in the center of Israel
Middle East information highway
information highway which serves the Middle East
Pan-American Highway
A system of roadways, about 25,744 km (16,000 mi) long, extending from Alaska to Chile and linking the nations of the Western Hemisphere. the Pan-American Highway a road that goes all the way from Canada to Argentina, connecting North, Central, and South America. It is about 25,000 kilometres/16,000 miles long. International highway system connecting North and South America. Conceived in 1923 as a single route, the road grew to include a number of designated highways in participating countries, including the Inter-American Highway from Nuevo Laredo, Mex., to Panama City, Pan. The whole system, extending from Alaska and Canada to Chile, Argentina, and Brazil, totals nearly 30,000 mi (48,000 km). Only some 240 miles (400 km) in the Panama-Colombia border area remain uncompleted
Queen's highway
(British) public throughway, highway
Trans-Canada Highway
World's longest national road, extending east-west for 4,860 mi (7,821 km) between Victoria, British Columbia, and St. John's, Newfoundland. Completed in 1965, it links many major Canadian cities and provides access to important national and provincial parks
a highway
coastal highway
road along the sea between Haifa and Tel Aviv
divided highway
A divided highway is a road which has two lanes of traffic travelling in each direction with a strip of grass or concrete down the middle to separate the two lots of traffic. a main road with two lines of traffic travelling in each direction, separated by a piece of land British Equivalent: dual carriageway
divided highway
a highway divided down the middle by a barrier that separates traffic going in different directions; "in England they call a divided highway a dual carriageway
divided highway
public road which has a dividing barrier which separates the flow of traffic
Plural of highway
information highway
nickname for the global computer networks which make up the Internet
interurban highway
inter-city highway, main road connecting different cities
super-highway information
communication system used for connecting to a variety of technological systems
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von highway im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

çevre yolu bypass, beltway, belt highway, Brit
ring road