high waters

listen to the pronunciation of high waters
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von high waters im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

high water
yüksek su
high water
high water
gelgitte suyun en yüksek durumu
Englisch - Englisch
high tides
flooders, pants that are too short for the wearer, pants that end above the ankles (Slang)
high water
The location of high tide on a coastal area
high water
The highest stage of a river
high water
The maximum level attained
high water
The highest level reached by the water during one tidal cycle Also called high tide
high water
(1) High tide (2) The state of a body of water that has reached its highest level
high water
water level at its highest point at a high elevation
high water
The maximum height reached by a rising tide The high water is due to the periodic tidal forces and the effects of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or oceanographic conditions For tidal datum computational purposes, the maximum height is not considered a high water unless it contains a tidal high water
high water
(abbreviated HW; also called high tide) The highest limit of the surface water level reached by the rising tide High water is caused by the astronomic tide-producing forces and/or the effects of meteorological, hydrologic and/or oceanographic conditions
high water
The maximum height reached by a rising water level The high water is due to the periodic water level forces and the effects of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or lake conditions
high water
Maximum height reached by a rising TIDE The height may be solely due to the periodic tidal forces or it may have superimposed upon it the effects of prevailing meteorological conditions Nontechnically, also called the high tide
high water
Maximum height reached by a rising tide The height may be due solely to the periodic tidal forces or it may have superimposed upon it the effects of prevailing meteorological conditions Use of the "high tide" is discouraged "
high water
the tide when the water is highest
high water
High water is the time at which the water in a river or sea is at its highest level as a result of the tide. Fishing is possible for a couple of hours either side of high water. come hell or high water: see hell = high tide. the period of time during which the water in a river or the sea is at its highest level because of the tide come hell or high water hell (22)
plural of highwater
high waters