an evil spell; "a witch put a curse on his whole family"; "he put the whammy on me" cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something
A system of numbers that many trackers use so that higher numbers may be fit into less digits This system counts from 0 to 9 like the normal system, but then counts from A to F before looping over to 10
Hexadecimal notation - a base-16 number system, where a=10, b=11, c=12, d=13, e=14, f=15 Written as 00h, $00 or 0016 Eg 10h = 16, 2Fh=47 (2*16+15), 123h=291 (1*162+2*16+3)
Short for hexadecimal A number system with a base of 16, designated by 10 digits and six letters In hexadecimal notation, the decimal numbers 0 through 15 are represented by the decimal digits 0 through 9 and the letters A through F A=decimal 10, B=decimal 11, and so forth
Short for base 16 or hexadecimal The word root "hex" has come to be associated with the number 6, as in hexagon The numbers past 9 are written with letters, so 0xa is 10 See bases for details
Hexadecimal - "Hex" is a prefix signifying 6 and "decimal" is a suffix signifying 10 Hexadecimal numbers follow a base 16 number system The base 10, or decimal number system is used by people
HEXadecimal The format of colours on the web Where you want to make the page background white you use '#FFFFFF' Hex codes are 3 groups of two numbers, which in turn signify the amount of Red, Green and Blue in the colour, (that's where the term RGB comes in) The range is 0 to 9 pus A to F 0 means none and F means full It took me a while to figure this out - but now we all know
Hexadecimal; a numerical system based on 16 digits The lower digits are 0 through 9 The higher digits are A through F On the Web, six-digit HEX numbers are used to specify (among other things) rgb color values The first two places represent red, next 2 = green, last 2 = blue For example, color="FF0000" would call for rgb 255,0,0 which is pure red For more info see http: //www davesite com/webstation/html/hexchart shtml or for an rgb to HEX converter, see http: //www public iastate edu/~cschan/rgb html For a HEX color sampler see http: //www albany net/~hfrankel/colorhex htm
A base-16 numbering system using 10 digits (0 through 9) and six letters (A through F) Used in the computer world as a shorthand way to write binary numbers, by substituting one hex digit for a four-digit binary number (for example, hex 9 binary 1001)
aka hexadecimalThe base 16 numbering system, sometimes used as a short way of representing binary numbers The digits 0-9 are used, plus the letters A-F which stand for numbers 10 to 15 The farthest-right digit is the ones place; the digit next to the left is the 16s place; the next place to the left is 16^2 = 256, etc Each place is 16 times the place immediately to the right of it
Türkisch - Englisch
Definition von hexing im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch