he was so afraid that he could not think clearly

listen to the pronunciation of he was so afraid that he could not think clearly
Englisch - Deutsch
Vor lauter Angst konnte er nicht klar denken
he was so afraid that he could not think clearly


    he was so a·fraid that he could not think clear·ly

    Türkische aussprache

    hi wız sō ıfreyd dhıt hi kûd nät thîngk klîrli


    /ˈhē wəz ˈsō əˈfrād ᴛʜət ˈhē ˈko͝od ˈnät ˈᴛʜəɴɢk ˈklərlē/ /ˈhiː wəz ˈsoʊ əˈfreɪd ðət ˈhiː ˈkʊd ˈnɑːt ˈθɪŋk ˈklɪrliː/