have other fish to fry

listen to the pronunciation of have other fish to fry
Englisch - Türkisch
(deyim) daha önemli bir işi olmak
başka bir işi olmak
Englisch - Englisch
To have more important things to do

No, for certain. I have other fish to fry here..

have other things to do; have other concerns
have other fish to fry


    have oth·er fish to Fry

    Türkische aussprache

    häv ʌdhır fîş tı fray


    /ˈhav ˈəᴛʜər ˈfəsʜ tə ˈfrī/ /ˈhæv ˈʌðɜr ˈfɪʃ tə ˈfraɪ/