an arrangement scheme; "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult"; "it was an excellent design for living"; "a plan for seating guests"
An iterative decision-making process that produces plans by which resources are converted into products or systems that meet human needs and wants or solve problems
The invention and conduct of the subject; the disposition of every part, and the general order of the whole
At its simplest, a synonym for layout Many sign artists take the idea further, however, and say design is the process involved in creating a sign from the time the job is assigned until the actual manufacturing begins, and includes conceptualizing the idea, choosing the colors, typefaces, and graphics and then arranging them in a way that is most effective for catching viewer attention and conveying the client's message
Specifically, intention or purpose as revealed or inferred from the adaptation of means to an end; as, the argument from design
The process of conceiving, inventing, or contriving a scheme for turning a specification for a computer program into an operational program; the activity that links requirements development to construction "Design" also refers to the result of the design activity Compare Architecture and Detailed design
A design is the architectural model of a system that is created, modified, and analyzed by the use of an Aesop environment
A preliminary sketch; an outline or pattern of the main features of something to be executed, as of a picture, a building, or a decoration; a delineation; a plan
have designs on someone veya something birisinde veya bir şeyde gözü olmak
have designs on some·one veya some·thing birisinde veya bir şeyde gözü olmak