Definition von have 3 im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
If you have something such as a part of your body in a particular position or state, it is in that position or state. Mary had her eyes closed As I was working, I had the radio on He had his hand on Maria's shoulder
vagueness You can use has it in expressions such as `rumour has it that' or `as legend has it' when you are quoting something that you have heard, but you do not necessarily think it is true. Rumour has it that tickets were being sold for £300
have WEAK STRONG has WEAK STRONG having had WEAK STRONG OTHER VERB USES AND PHRASES ; For meanings 1.-4., people often use have got in spoken British English or have gotten in spoken American English, instead of have. In this case, have is pronounced as an auxiliary verb. For more information and examples of the use of `have got' and `have gotten', see got. Please look at category
If you have something to do, you are responsible for doing it or must do it. He had plenty of work to do I have some important calls to make
If you have something done, someone does it for you or you arrange for it to be done. I had your rooms cleaned and aired You've had your hair cut, it looks great
You use have to say that someone or something owns a particular thing, or when you are mentioning one of their qualities or characteristics. Oscar had a new bicycle I want to have my own business You have beautiful eyes Do you have any brothers and sisters? I have no doubt at all in my own mind about this Have you any valuables anywhere else in the house?
If you have it in you, you have abilities and skills which you do not usually use and which only show themselves in a difficult situation. `You were brilliant!' he said. `I didn't know you had it in you.'
If someone has something unpleasant happen to them, it happens to them. We had our money stolen The dance hall once even had its roof blown off in World War II
If a woman has a baby, she gives birth to it. If she is having a baby, she is pregnant. My wife has just had a baby boy
If someone has you by a part of your body, they are holding you there and they are trying to hurt you or force you to go somewhere. When the police came, Larry had him by the ear and was beating his head against the pavement
You can use have in expressions such as `I won't have it' or `I'm not having that', to mean that you will not allow or put up with something. I'm not having any of that nonsense I will not have the likes of you dragging down my reputation
If you have someone do something, you persuade, cause, or order them to do it. The bridge is not as impressive as some guides would have you believe Mr Gower had had us all working so hard
If someone has it in for you, they do not like you and they want to make life difficult for you. He's always had it in for the Dawkins family
If you have it out or have things out with someone, you discuss a problem or disagreement very openly with them, even if it means having an argument, because you think this is the best way to solve the problem. Why not have it out with your critic, discuss the whole thing face to face?
If you are having someone on, you are pretending that something is true when it is not true, for example as a joke or in order to tease them. Malone's eyes widened. `You're having me on, Liam.'
You can use have instead of `there is' to say that something exists or happens. For example, you can say `you have no alternative' instead of `there is no alternative', or `he had a good view from his window' instead of `there was a good view from his window'. He had two tenants living with him We haven't any shops on the island
To have it off with someone or have it away with someone means to have sex with them
If you have something from someone, they give it to you. You can have my ticket I had comments from people in all age groups
If you have an illness or disability, you suffer from it. I had a headache He might be having a heart attack