hanehalkı geliri

listen to the pronunciation of hanehalkı geliri
Türkisch - Englisch
(Ticaret) household income
the total income of all members of a household
The money income of all family members in a household, including those temporarily absent Annual income is asked for the 12 months preceding the interview Includes income from all sources, such as wages and salary, commissions, tips, cash bonuses, income from a business or farm, pensions, dividends, interest, unemployment or work men's compensation, social security, veterans' payments, rent received from owned property (minus the operating costs), public assistance payments, regular gifts of money from friends or relatives not living in the household, alimony, child support, and other kinds of periodic money income other than earnings Excludes in-kind income such as room and board, insurance payments, lump-sum inheritances, occasional gifts of money from persons not living in the same household, withdrawal of savings from banks, tax refunds, and the proceeds of the sale of one's house, car or other personal property
the total income of all members of a household It is used by loan providers in evaluating applications for joint personal loans
The combined pre-tax income of each person in the household who is 15 years old or over This measure refers to income reported for the year prior to the survey
The total income of all members of a household An important measure used by credit card issuers when evaluating applications for joint credit
The combined income of all household members from all sources, including wages, commissions, bonuses, Social Security and other retirement benefits, unemployment compensation, disability, interest, and dividends
Includes the income of the householder and all other persons 15 years old and over in the household, whether related to the householder or not Because many households consist of only one person, average household income is usually less than average family income
The total income of all members of a household The income can come from many sources, including wages, commissions, bonuses, alimony, child support, Social Security/retirement benefits, unemployment compensation or disability, dividends, and interest Income from alimony, child support, or separate maintenance payments need not be disclosed unless you want it considered in determining your creditworthiness
The income of all adult members of the household If the unit is a deemed unit, the definition of household income is determined by its federal program If the unit is a pledged unit, use the information on page 13 to determine household income
Choose One No IncomeUnder 20,000 USD20,000 - 34,999 USD35,000 - 49,999 USD50,000 - 74,999 USD75,000 - 99,999 USD100,000 - 149,999 USDOver 150,000 USD
The total combined income of all persons who are age 21 or older and who are expected to live in the SONYMA financed property regardless of whether they have signed or will sign the mortgage application Back to top
The total income of all members of a household An important yardstick used by credit card issuers evaluating applications for joint credit
Household income, is a combination of income from all household members that are working