höchster grad

listen to the pronunciation of höchster grad
Deutsch - Englisch
An extreme measure
The most extreme or furthest point of something
{n} the utmost part, excess, misery
the utmost point, side, or border, or that farthest removed from a mean position
the greatest or utmost degree; "the extremity of despair"
The extremity of a situation or of someone's behaviour is the degree to which it is severe, unusual, or unacceptable. In spite of the extremity of her seclusion she was sane In the past, the region had been protected by its forbidding geography and the extremities of its climate
Arm or leg
an extreme condition or state (especially of adversity or disease)
an external body part that projects from the body; "it is important to keep the extremities warm" that part of a limb that is farthest from the torso the outermost or farthest region or point the greatest or utmost degree; "the extremity of despair" an extreme condition or state (especially of adversity or disease)
arm and hand (upper extremity) or leg and foot (lower extremity)  
that part of a limb that is farthest from the torso the outermost or farthest region or point the greatest or utmost degree; "the extremity of despair"
the outermost or farthest region or point
The extremity of something is its furthest end or edge. a small port on the north-western extremity of the Iberian peninsula. the extremities of the aeroplane
{i} end part of a limb of the body (i.e the hand or foot); farthest or most remote part; extreme act, extraordinary act
One of locomotive appendages of an animal; a limb; a leg or an arm of man
The extreme part; the utmost limit; the farthest or remotest point or part; as, the extremities of a country
an external body part that projects from the body; "it is important to keep the extremities warm"
The utmost point; highest degree; most aggravated or intense form
Your extremities are the end parts of your body, especially your hands and feet. He found that his extremities grew cold