Its yellowish tropical fruit, 1¼ to 2 inches, globular or pear-shaped with thin, yellow, green or brown skin, is often made into jams and jellies. The meat is yellowish or pale green to pink in color
A guava is a round yellow tropical fruit with pink or white flesh and hard seeds. a tropical fruit with pink flesh and a lot of seeds (guayaba, from an language). Any of many trees and shrubs of the genus Psidium (myrtle family), native to the New World tropics. The two important species are common guava (P. guajava) and cattley, or strawberry, guava (P. littorale or P. cattleianum). The sweet pulp of the common guava fruit has a musky, sometimes pungent odour. The pulp of the strawberry guava fruit has a strawberry-like flavour. Guavas are processed into jams, jellies, and preserves. Fresh guavas are rich in vitamins A, B, and C; they are eaten raw or sliced and are served as desserts
A fruit cultivated in Peru and Brazil for over 500 years; it is very sweet but has a strong odor and many abrasive seeds; it is acid when unripe and ripens at room temperature, at which time it has a sweet aroma; bright yellow to hot pink flesh; best in sorbets, beverages and sauces because of the abundance of pithy seeds
A sweet, fragrant tropical fruit Guavas are oval, about 2 inches in diameter, and color ranges from yellow to bright red The ripe fruit is often used in jams, preserves, juices, and sauces Recipe: Double Crust Guava Pie
jellies small tropical American shrubby tree; widely cultivated in warm regions for its sweet globular yellow fruit small tropical shrubby tree bearing small yellowish fruit
A yellowish tropical fruit (psidium guajava) often made into jams and jellies. The guava fruit is 1¼ to 2 inches, globular or pear-shaped with thin, yellow, green, or brown skin; the meat is yellowish or pale green to pink in color
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