gregor; and strasser otto strasser

listen to the pronunciation of gregor; and strasser otto strasser
Englisch - Englisch
born May 31, 1892, Geisenfeld, Ger. died June 30, 1934, Berlin born Sept. 10, 1897, Windsheim, Ger. died Aug. 27, 1974, Munich German politicians. The brothers joined the Nazi Party in the early 1920s. Gregor became the party's leader in the north and built a mass movement with the help of Otto and the young Joseph Goebbels, appealing to the lower middle classes and workers by advocating a socialism couched in nationalist and racist terminology. Otto resigned in 1930, disillusioned by Adolf Hitler's nonsocialist goals. Gregor became head of the Nazi political organization, second only to Hitler in power, but he came to share his brother's disillusionment and resigned in 1932. Gregor was murdered on Hitler's orders in 1934; Otto escaped into exile in Canada, then returned to Germany in 1955