gone away

listen to the pronunciation of gone away
Englisch - Türkisch
go away
(Fiili Deyim ) uzaklara gitmek

Uzaklara gitmek istemiyorum. - I don't want to go away.

Tom uzaklara gitmek istemiyor. - Tom doesn't want to go away.

go away

Uzaklara gitmek istemiyorum. - I don't want to go away.

Neden gitmek istiyorsun? - Why do you want to go away?

go away
çekip gitmek
go away
go away
çık git
go away
basıp gitmek
go away
go away
(deyim) (bir yeri) terk etmek
go away
(Dilbilim) terk etmek
go away
go away

Lütfen buradan uzaklaş ve canımı sıkmayı bırak. - Please go away and stop annoying me.

Eşyalarını al ve uzaklaş. - Pick up your things and go away.

go away
go away
Defolup gitmek
go away
git buradan
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von gone away im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

go away
To travel somewhere, especially on holiday or vacation
go away
Command asking someone to leave them alone
go away
To depart or leave a place
go away
To become invisible, vanish or disappear
go away
remove oneself, leave, depart
go away
become invisible or unnoticeable; "The effect vanished when day broke"
go away
If you go away, you leave a place or a person's company. I think we need to go away and think about this
go away
get lost, especially without warning or explanation; "He disappeared without a trace"
go away
If you go away, you leave a place and spend a period of time somewhere else, especially as a holiday. Why don't you and I go away this weekend?
go away
move away from a place into another direction; "Go away before I start to cry"; "The train departs at noon"
go away
go away from a place; "At what time does your train leave?"; "She didn't leave until midnight"; "The ship leaves at midnight"
gone away


    gone a·way

    Türkische aussprache

    gôn ıwey


    /ˈgôn əˈwā/ /ˈɡɔːn əˈweɪ/