go to ground

listen to the pronunciation of go to ground
Englisch - Türkisch
yere gitmek
Englisch - Englisch
To hide from public view or sequester oneself, especially when authorities, members of the news media, or others are looking for one

Kerviel's identity was revealed on the Financial Times and Daily Telegraph websites, but was not confirmed by bank officials, who admitted on Thursday that the rogue trader appeared to have gone to ground and that they had no idea where he was.

To escape into a burrow, hole, etc. when being hunted

I heard them on the other bank, and then saw a man on a horse crossing the river, and went to ground like a jackal.

(Slang) fall out of a chair or bed (used mainly in nursing homes)
go to ground

    Türkische aussprache

    gō tı graund


    /ˈgō tə ˈground/ /ˈɡoʊ tə ˈɡraʊnd/


    ... ground that you possibly can imagine. ...
    ... wrestled fame to the ground, and we're stronger than ever. ...