
listen to the pronunciation of geodetic
Englisch - Türkisch
(Askeri) jeodeziye ait
(Askeri) jeodezi ile ilgili
geodetic survey
Arazi ölçümü
geodetic astronomy
jeodezik astronomi
geodetic computer
(Askeri) jeodezi hesapçısı
geodetic computer
(Askeri) JEODEZİ HESAPÇISI: Haritaların yapılmasında, tabii ve logaritmik fonksiyon çizelgelerini kullanarak matematik hesapları yapan kimse
geodetic control
(Askeri) JEODEZİ NİRENGİSİ: Arz yüzeyindeki noktaların, hesaplamada eğri mesafeleri dikkate alınmış yatay mevki
geodetic control
(Askeri) jeodezi nirengisi
geodetic coordinate
(Coğrafya) jeodezik koordinat
geodetic datum
(Askeri) Bak. "datum (geodetic) "
geodetic dome
(Jeoloji) geodezik kubbe
geodetic observation
(Çevre) jeodetik gözlem
geodetic satellite
(Coğrafya) jeodezi uydusu
geodetic surveying
(Askeri) JEODEZİ: Ölçü biliminde, yer yüzünün rakamlarını ve nirengi noktası koordinatlarını, rastlar ve diğer usullerle hesap ederek, haritalara temel hazırlayan branş
World Geodetic System
(Askeri) Dünya Jeodezik Sistemi
World Geodetic System 1984
(Askeri) Dünya Jeodezik Sistemi 1984
coast and geodetic survey
(Askeri) ABD TİCARET BAKANLIĞI HARİTA DAİRESİ: ABD Ticaret Bakanlığının, harita ve coğrafi bilgiler temin eden bir dairesi. Bu daire; ABD Anayurdu ile ABD dış topraklarının kıyılarını ölçer ve haritalarını yapar; deniz kabarma ve alçalmalarını, akıntıları etüt eder; hava seyrüsefer haritaları meydana getirir ve sefer için gerekli diğer bilgileri temin eder
Englisch - Englisch
of, or relating to geodesy; geodesic
Of or determined by geodesy; that part of applied mathematics which deals with the determination of the magnitude and figure either of the whole Earth or of a large portion of its surface Also refers to the exact location points on the Earth's surface
of or relating to or determined by geodesy
{s} of or pertaining to geodesy, pertaining to the branch of science which deals with the measurement of land and determination of geographical points
A latticework or basket-weave construction
The shortest possible line be drawn from one point of a surface to another, its plane of curvature is everywhere perpendicular to the surface Such a curve is called a Geodetic line
Of or pertaining to geodesy; geodesic
Of or pertaining to geodesy; obtained or determined by the operations of geodesy; engaged in geodesy; geodesic; as, geodetic surveying; geodetic observers
Referring to the determination of the size and shape of the earth and the precise location of points on its surface
Referring to the determination of the size and shape of the Earth and the precise location of points on its surface Geometrical attenuation That component of attenuation of seismic-wave amplitudes due to the radial spreading of seismic energy with distance from a given source
Relating to the Measurement of the Earth's Surface
Something pertaining to or determined by the physical shape of the earth or a large portion of its surface
geodetic effect
the change in the spin of a gyroscope as it moves through curved spacetime
geodetic survey
(Jeoloji) A survey of a large area of land in which corrections are made to account for the curvature of the earth
geodetic datum
– A mathematical model designed to fit part or all of the geoid, defined by the relationship between an ellipsoid and a point on the topographic surface established as the origin of a datum World geodetic datums are typically defined by the size and shape of an ellipsoid and the location of the center of the ellipsion with respect to the center of the earth
geodetic datum
(Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
geodetic datum
A mathematical model designed to best fit part or all of the geoid It is defined by an ellipsoid and the relationship between the ellipsoid and a point on the topographic surface established as the origin of datum
geodetic datum
A mathematical model designed to fit part or all of the geoid (the physical earth’s surface) Defined by the relationship between an ellipsoid and a point on the topographic surface established as the origin of a datum World geodetic datums are typically defined by the size and shape of the ellipsoid and the location of the center of the ellipsoid with respect to the center of the earth
geodetic datum
A specifically oriented ellipsoid typically defined by eight parameters which establish its dimensions, define its center with respect to Earth's center of mass and its orientation in relation to the Earth's average spin axis and Greenwich reference meridian See: Ellipsoid
geodetic datum
A datum consisting of five quantities, the latitude and longitude and elevation above the reference spheroid of an initial point, a line from this point, and two constants which define the reference spheroid Azimuth or orientation of the line, given the longitude, is determined by astronomic observations Alternatively, the datum may be considered as three rectangular coordinates fixing the origin of a coordinate system whose orientation is determined by the fixed stars, and the reference spheroid is an arbitrary coordinate surface of an orbiting ellipsoidal coordinate system
geodetic datum
A model of the Earth used for geodetic calculations Geodesy is the science of measuring the shape and size of the Earth, together with the determination of the exact position of particular points on its surface by taking the Earth's curvature into account
geodetic datum
(Spatial User's Guide and Reference; search in this book)
coast and geodetic survey
It now belongs to the Department of Commerce and Labor
coast and geodetic survey
A bureau of the United States government charged with the topographic and hydrographic survey of the coast and the execution of belts of primary triangulation and lines of precise leveling in the interior