general umumi sağlık servisinde baş doktor

listen to the pronunciation of general umumi sağlık servisinde baş doktor
Türkisch - Englisch
{n} one who cures by manual operations
{i} one who practices surgery, one who performs medical operations (Medicine)
a physician who specializes in surgery
One who performs surgery; a doctor who performs operations on people or animals
Called also surgeon fish, doctor fish, lancet fish, and sea surgeon
Any one of numerous species of chætodont fishes of the family Teuthidæ, or Acanthuridæ, which have one or two sharp lancelike spines on each side of the base of the tail
One whose profession or occupation is to cure diseases or injuries of the body by manual operation; one whose occupation is to cure local injuries or disorders such as wounds, dislocations, tumors, etc
whether by manual operation, or by medication and constitutional treatment
A surgeon is a doctor who is specially trained to perform surgery. a heart surgeon. see also plastic surgeon. a doctor who does operations in a hospital dental surgeon (surgien, from cirurgien, from cirurgie; SURGERY)
general umumi sağlık servisinde baş doktor