
listen to the pronunciation of general's
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von general's im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch


Genelde, İngiltere'de iklim yumuşaktır. - Generally speaking, the climate in England is mild.

Genel anlamda,geçen yıl hava ılımandı. - Generally speaking, the weather was mild last year.

in general
genel olarak

Amerikalılar, genel olarak, giyinip süslenmeyi sevmezler. - Americans, in general, don't like to dress up.

Genel olarak, Japonlar çalışkandır. - In general, Japanese are hardworking.

major general
in general

Çok anlamlı sözcük grupları genelde komik çevirilere neden olur. - Ambiguous phrases in general lead to amusing interpretations.

Genelde, Susie hoş bir öğrencidir. - In general, Susie is a nice student.

in general

Küçük kızlar genellikle oyuncak bebeklere bayılır. - Little girls in general are fond of dolls.

Genellikle çok hızlı süreriz. - In general, we drive too fast.

general's march
(Askeri) GENERAL SAYGI MARŞI: Askeri merasimlerde bir general şerefine çalınan marş
General Unified Ammunition Reporting Data System
(Askeri) Genel Birleştirilmiş Mühimmat Raporlama Veri Sistemi
{s} genel. i., ask. general
general surgeon
genel cerrah
{i} genel ilkeler

Bu programın genel ilkeleri bugün hâlâ geçerlidir. - The general principles of this programme are still valid today.

{s} tahmini
{s} baş

Çatalların yemek için genel kullanımı milattan sonra onuncu yüzyılda başladı. - The general use of forks for eating started in the tenth century A.D.

Belediye başkanı halka hitap etti. - The mayor addressed the general public.

{i} tarikat lideri
{s} umumi

Lemma 5 gelişigüzel seçilmiş Artin halkaları ile genellenemez - Lemma 5 cannot be generalized to arbitrary artinian rings.

İngiliz halkı genel olarak evcil hayvanlarına son derece düşkündür. - The British people in general are extremely fond of their pets.

(Tıp) Genel, umumi, generalis
general delivery postrestant
{i} komutan

Komutan onların ilerlemelerini emretti. - The general commanded them to move on.

general averagebüyük avarya
(Askeri) GENERAL: Konuşmalarda, her derecedeki generallere verilen sıfat
{i} orgeneral
{s} şef

Ne istiyorsun? diye sordu yerli şef. İngiliz general Kuzey Kutbundan Güney Kutbuna kadar olan tüm araziyi istiyoruz dedi. - What do you want? asked the Indian chief. We want all the land from the North Pole to the South Pole, said the English general.

general average
büyük avarya
general care
(Tıp) genel bakım
general cargo
(Ticaret) karışık yük
general cargo
general description
genel bilgiler
general enquiry
genel sorgulama
general hygiene
genel temizlik
general inspection
(Askeri) genel denetleme
general instruction
general instructions
genel talimatlar
general ledger
(Ticaret) defterikebir
general map
(Askeri) genel harita
general rule
(Politika, Siyaset,Teknik) genel kural
general rules
(Ticaret) genel hükümler
general staff
(Askeri) kurmay sınıfı
general staff
(Askeri) kurmay heyeti
general staff
(Askeri) genel kurmay başkanlığı
general staff
(Askeri) genel kurmay (başkanlığı)
general terms
genel koşullar
general total
genel toplam
general trends
(Politika, Siyaset) genel eğilimler
general use
genel kullanım
general view
genel görünüş
general view
genel görünüm
genel mahiyette
general cargokarışık yük
postanede sahibi
general acceptance
tam kabul
general acceptance
koşulsuz kabul
general acceptance
genel kabul
general agreement
genel sözleşme
general anesthesia
genel anestezi
general anesthetic
genel anestezik
general assembly
genel kurul
general assembly
genel kongre
general audit
umumi kontrol
general audit
umumi teftiş
general audit
genel denetim
general delivery
post restant
general delivery
genel dağıtım
general directorate
umum müdürlük
general directorate
genel müdürlük
general election
genel seçim

Onlar her yıl bir genel seçim düzenlerler. - They hold a general election every year.

Bu sonbaharda bir genel seçim olacağını söylüyorlar. - They say there will be a general election this fall.

general election
yalpı saylav
general equilibrium
genel denge
general expenses
umumi masraflar
general governor
genel vali
general grammar
genel dilbilgisi
general journal
genel yevmiye defteri
general linguistics
genel dilbilim
general management
genel müdürlük
general manager
genel müdür

Genel Müdür toplantı odasında. - The general manager is in the meeting room.

Merhaba, genel müdürle bir randevum var. Bu, röportajımın belgesi. - Hi, I have an appointment with the general manager. This is my interview notice.

general manager
umum müdür
general meeting
genel kurul
general pardon
genel af
general partner
komandite ortak
general partnership
sınırsız sorumlu ortaklık
general plan
genel plan
general policy
genel poliçe
general power of attorney
umumi vekâletname
general practitioner
pratisyen hekim
general purpose
her amaca uygun
general purpose
her işe elverişli
general purpose register
genel amaçlı yazmaç
general register
genel yazmaç
general reserve
genel rezerv
general staff
general store
general strike
genel grev
general symptom
genel semptom
general verdict
genel karar
general welfare
genel refah
general-purpose computer
genel amaçlı bilgisayar
general-purpose language
genel amaçlı dil
General Coordinator
Genel Koordinatör
General Directorate of Forestry
Orman Genel Müdürlüğü
General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre
Tapu Kadastro Genel Müdürlüğü
General Directorate of State Theatres
Devlet Tiyatrosu Genel Müdürlüğü
general accounting
Genel Muhasebe
general catalogue
genel katalog
general circulation
genel sirkülasyon, genel dolaşım
general classification
Genel sınıflandırma
general conditions
genel şartname
general council
Genel şura, genel konsey
general cross reference
Genel çapraz referans
general delivery
genel teslimat
general duties
Genel görevler
general electric
Genel elektrik
general factory meeting
genel fabrika toplantı
general german automobile association
Genel Alman otomobil derneği
general integral
genel integral, genel tümlev
general journal
ana yevmiye defteri
general knowledge
Genel bilgi, genel kültür
general ledger
defteri kebir
general medical condition
(Tıp, İlaç) Genel sağlık durumu
general motors
Genel motorlar
general necessity
Genel ihtiyaç
general of the air force
hava kuvvetleri genel
general packed radio services
Genel paket radyo servisleri
general partner
genel ortak
general post office
büyük postane
general practitioner
Pratisyen doktor, pratisyen hekim, stajyer avukat, dava vekili

I would like to visit my GP.

general practitoner
Genel practitoner
general preferences system
genel tercihler sistemi
general property tax
gayrimenkul vergisi
general public
Kamu, halk
general purpose computer
genel amaçlı bilgisayar
general report
Genel rapor
general staff news
genelkurmay haberleri
general surgery
(Tıp, İlaç) Genel cerrahi
general systems theory
genel sistem kuramı
general work
genel iş
General Services Administration; general support artillery
(Askeri) Genel Servis Yönetimi; genel destek topçusu
general service; general support; ground speed; group separator
(Askeri) genel hizmet; genel destek; yer hızı; grup ayıracı
Chairman's guidance; Coast Guard; commanding general; comptroller general
(Askeri) Komutanlık / Başkanlık Yönergesi; sahil güvenlik; Komutan (General); Komptrolör general
Türkisch - Türkisch

Definition von general's im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch

Kara ve hava ordularında albaylıktan sonra gelen ve mareşalliğe kadar olan yüksek rütbeli subaylara verilen genel ad
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von general's im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

General American
The form of pronunciation of the English language considered to be typical of the United States, largely derived from a Midwestern accent
General Packet Radio Service
a packet oriented Mobile Data Service available to users of Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and IS-136 mobile phones. It provides data rates from 56 up to 114 kbit/s
Including or involving every part or member of a given or implied entity, whole etc.; as opposed to specific or particular

One advantage of having profitable companies in Britain is that they pay large sums in corporate tax into the Exchequer, which in theory at least is used for the general good.

Prevalent or widespread among a given class or area; common, usual

The general opinion on Baz Luhrmann's overstuffed epic Australia seems to be that it throws in everything but the kitchen sink, and then tosses that in too, just to be sure.

Not limited in use or application; applicable to the whole or every member of a class or category

Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is a general term indicating a rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) coming from the top chambers of the heart - in essence, above (supra) the lower chamber (ventricular).

Short for general anaesthetic or general anaesthetia
A rank in the army and air force that is higher than colonel or brigadier, and is usually the highest rank group next to commander in chief, except in countries that use the rank of field marshal
Not limited to a specific class; miscellaneous, concerned with all branches of a given subject or area

His measured, springless walk was the walk of the skilled countryman as distinct from the desultory shamble of the general labourer .

a commissioned rank in the British Army and Royal Marines, above lieutenant general and below field marshal
Commander of an army

Hannibal was one of the greatest generals of the ancient world.

Giving or consisting of only the most important aspects of something, ignoring minor details; indefinite

Given the scarcity of relevant historical detail in the New Testament, we are left with only a general outline about Joseph.

a commissioned general officer in the United States Army, Marine Corps, or Air Force superior to a lieutenant general. A general is equal in rank or grade to a four star admiral. In the US Army, a general is junior to a general of the army. In the US Marine Corps, a general is the highest rank of commissioned officer. In the US Air Force, a general is junior to a general of the air force
Applied to a person (as a postmodifier or a normal preceding adjective) to indicate supreme rank, in civil or military titles, and later in other terms; pre-eminent

He becomes the chief chartered libertine, the whoremaster-general flourishing his standard over a female army .

general anaesthetic
Alternative spelling of general anesthetic
general anaesthetics
plural form of general anaesthetic
general anesthetic
An anesthetic that causes loss of sensation to the whole body
general anesthetics
plural form of general anesthetic
general availability
A release of software which is good enough to be made available outside the originating company (available to the general public)
general aviation
the section of the aviation industry that excludes both military and commercial passenger transport; for example sightseeing, pleasure flights, etc
general classification
The overall standings in a bicycle stage race, based on a rider's total elapsed time in all stages of the race with the lowest time being the leader. Cp: mountains classification, sprints classification, points classification
general classifications
plural form of general classification
general contractor
A contractor hired to manage a project and to hire subcontractors. (If a customer serves as their own general contractor then this means they undertake the management tasks and the hiring of subcontractors.)
general election
An election, usually held at regular intervals, in which candidates are elected in all or most constituencies or electoral districts of a nation
general formula
The molecular formula of a class of compounds in which actual numbers are represented by x, n etc., and organic radicals are represented as Rn

The general formula for alcohols is R-OH and the molecular formula for methanol is CH3-OH.

general formulae
plural form of general formula
general formulas
plural form of general formula
general knowledge
The wide body of information that a person acquires from education and from life; not all of it has practical use
general ledger
The central accounting record of a company or organization consisting of the accounts that support the value items shown in the major financial statements
general ledgers
plural form of general ledger
general manager
A manager with overall responsibility for an organisation or a distinct unit of an organisation
general managers
plural form of general manager
general of the army
A military officer of the highest rank in several countries that follow the United States military rank system, including Liberia
general of the army
A commissioned military officer of the highest rank in the United States, ranking directly above a general, and corresponding to marshal or field marshal in other countries. A general of the army is equal in grade or rank to an admiral of the fleet
general partnership
a business partnership in which each partner is liable for the firm's debts
general practice
The conduct of a profession, especially medicine or law, as a general practitioner, without a specialty
general practitioner
a physician who provides primary care; treating acute and chronic illnesses and providing preventive care and health education; a family doctor
general practitioners
plural form of general practitioner
general public
Those members of the public who have no special role in a specific public area, such as an airport, hospital or railway station; there will typically be restrictions on their access
general public
Members of the public not in the attentive public of any given issue; laypeople
general relativity
A theory extending special relativity and uniformly accounting for gravity and accelerated frames of reference, postulating that space-time curves in the presence of mass
general semantics
An educational discipline based on the notion that certain techniques can enhance one's ability to evaluate and respond to the world
general store
A store which sells a large variety of useful things, without specializing highly in any particular type of merchandise, and which is not departmentalized
general stores
plural form of general store
general strike
A coordinated work stoppage by a substantial proportion of the workers of a particular city, region or state, normally to achieve economic or political goals
general strikes
plural form of general strike
Attributive form of general election

general-election candidates.

{n} a whole, great military officer, director
{a} common, usual, public, extensive, large
General Directorate of Social Assistance and Solidarity
General Directorate of Social Assistance and Solidarity is an institution who gives services of social reliefs in the most extensive and organized way
general ledger
The general ledger, sometimes known as the nominal ledger as named originally by Phil Smith, is the main accounting record of a business which uses double-entry bookkeeping. It will usually include accounts for such items as current assets, fixed assets, liabilities, revenue and expense items, gains and losses
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von general's im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch
