aches in the body during childhood and adolescence often attributed to the process of physical growth; emotional stress that occurs when a person is presented with a major challenge
If children suffer from growing pains, they have pain in their muscles or joints that is caused by unusually fast growth
If a person or organization suffers from growing pains, they experience temporary difficulties and problems at the beginning of a particular stage of development. There's some sympathy for this new country's growing pains, but that sympathy is fast wearing out
problems that arise in enlarging an enterprise (especially in the early stages) emotional distress arising during adolescence pain in muscles or joints sometimes experienced by children and often attributed to rapid growth
gençlerde görülen ve muhtemelen romatizmal kaynaklı olan uzuv ağrıları
genç·ler·de gö·rü·len ve muh·te·me·len ro·ma·tiz·mal kay·nak·lı o·lan u·zuv ağ·rı·la·rı