an inflammation of the stomach and intestine resulting in diarrhea, with vomiting and cramps when irritation is excessive When caused by an infectious agent, it is often associated with fever
Gastroenteritis is an illness in which the lining of your stomach and intestines becomes swollen and painful. a painful illness which makes your stomach and intestine become swollen. Acute infectious syndrome of the stomach lining and intestines. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps. Severity varies from transient diarrhea to life-threatening dehydration, children and the very old being more at risk for the latter. Many microorganisms produce it, either by secreting toxins or by invading the gut walls. Forms of gastroenteritis include food poisoning, cholera, and traveler's diarrhea. Depending on cause and severity, treatment includes antibiotics or simply supportive care
Definition von gastroenteritis im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch
(Tıp) Mide ve barsakların enfeksiyonu veya tahrişi(Yangısı) durumu.Pis yiyecekler ve sulardan bulaşan parazit ve bakteriler sebep olabilir.Diğer sebepleri, Mide iç çeperini tahriş eden yiyeceklerin yenmesi ve Kızgınlık,korku yada stres gibi duygusal üzüntüler olabilir.Belirtileri ise İshal,Bulantı, kusma ve karın kramplarıdır.Bakınız keza; Infectious Diarrhea (Enfekte İshal) ve Travelers' Diarrhea. (Yolcu İshali)