
listen to the pronunciation of gammas
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von gammas im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

i gamma
{i} gama

Gama fonksiyonu faktöriyel fonksiyonunun bir genellemesidir. - The gamma function is a generalization of the factorial function.

Alfa, beta ve gama, Yunan harfleridir. - Alpha, beta and gamma are Greek letters.

{i} orta not [brit.]
{i} kontrast derecesi
Yunan alfabesi nin uçuncü harfi gamma globulin gamma globulin gamma rays gamma ışınları
orta not
Türkisch - Türkisch

Definition von gammas im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch

Radyoaktif cisimlerin yayımladığı ışınımlardan biri
bakınız gama
Englisch - Englisch
plural of gamma
A constant approximately equal to 0.55721566, symbolized by γ
The Gamma function, symbolized by Γ
The name of the third letter of the Greek alphabet (Γ, γ), preceded by beta (Β, β) and followed by delta, (Δ, δ)
the 3rd letter of the Greek alphabet a unit of magnetic field strength equal to one-hundred-thousandth of an oersted
A unit of magnetic field equal to 1 nT
A measurement of how fast delta changes, given a unit of change in the underlying futures price
A measurement of how fast delta changes, given a unit change in the underlying futures price
G of the Greek alphabet
Gamma is a value that expresses the relationship between the input and output of a device By adjusting the gamma, the brightness of the mid-tones of an image can be changed without affecting the shadows and highlights
The brightness of mid-level tones in an image More precisely, a parameter that describes the shape of the transfer function for one or more stages in an imaging pipeline The transfer function is given by the expression output = input ^ gamma where both input and output are scaled to the range 0 to 1
Measures the contrast that affects the mid-level grays (midtowns), which can be adjusted without significantly affecting the shadows and highlights in an image
Portuguese navigator who led an expedition around the Cape of Good Hope in 1497; he sighted and named Natal on Christmas Day before crossing the Indian Ocean (1469-1524)
1) A measure of contrast in photographic images Film types are listed as creating certain gamma ranges appropriate to different uses 2) In electronic color correction, the difference in the status of the color curves The color curve represents highlight to shadow values between current values and corrected values Changing the color curve (making a gamma correction) increases or decreases the highlights, midtones, and shadows relative to the original points on the curve
The sensitivity of an option s delta to changes in the price of the underlying futures contract
A term used to denote the measure of change of the delta of an option
Unit of charge of the earth's magnetic field 1 gamma = 1 nanotesla = 10 gauss
The rate of change of delta for a derivative security relative to the price of the underlying asset; i e , the second derivative of the option price relative to the security price
A measure of the rate of change in an option's delta for a one-unit change in the price of the underlying asset
A measure of how fast an option's delta changes for each point the the price of the underlying asset One of the "greeks" in the option pricing lexicon
The relationship between the voltage input and the brightness of a monitor An important factor in calibration as monitors have to compensate for gamma to get the desired on-screen grey values The standard gamma on Windows is 2 2, and on Mac 1 8
The name of the third letter of the Greek alphabet (Γ, γ), preceded by beta (Β, β) and followed by delta, (Δ, δ)
a unit of magnetic field strength equal to one-hundred-thousandth of an oersted
(1) In photography, the degree of contrast in an image Film types are listed as creating certain gamma ranges appropriate to different uses (2) In electronic color correction, the difference in the status of the color curve The color curve represents highlight to shadow values between current values and corrected values Changing the color curve (making a gamma correction) increases or decreases the highlights, midtones and shadows relative to the original points on the curve
Informally, a measure of the brightness of mid-level tones in an image Outside this specification, the term "gamma" is often used as the exponent of a power function that is the transfer function of any stage(s) of an imaging pipeline: output = input ^ gamma where both input and output are scaled to the range 0 to 1 Within this specification, gamma refers specifically to the function from display output to image samples
The rate at which a delta changes over time
The measure of change in the delta of an option compared with a price change in the underlying See Delta
Gamma is a measure of contrast in an image, typically in the midrange grays (mid-tones) Many image editing programs express gamma as a curve which can be manipulated by moving points to change the contrast of the image Adjusting the gamma allows you to correct mid-tones without noticeable changes in the highlight and shadow areas Gamma is also the way the brightness of an image is interpreted by computer hardware Many monitors and graphics cards let you adjust the gamma level to alter the monitor appearance or to compensate for brightness or color in a room This is one reason why the same image may look very different on two different monitors
The third letter Γ, γ = Eng
Gamma is the third letter of the Greek alphabet. the third letter of the Greek alphabet. gamma decay gamma globulin gamma ray gamma ray astronomy
The sensitivity of an Option's Delta to changes in the price of the underlying contract A measurement of how fast delta changes, given a unit change in the underlying futures price
Simply, the units in which magnetic survey maps are often contoured 1 gamma = 1 nanotesla A unit for stating the magnitude of the magnetic field vector B represented by the number of lines of induction passing through a unit area perpendicular to the vector direction 1 gamma = 10-5 gauss = 10-5 lines/cm2 = 10-1 line/m2 = 10-9 weber/m2 = 10-9 tesla = 1 nanotesla
The change in delta when the price of the underlying asset changes by one unit
the 3rd letter of the Greek alphabet
The ratio of a change in the option delta to a small change in the price of the asset on which the option is written
{i} third letter of the Greek alphabet
A measure of the brightness and contrast of a monitor or the midtone brightness of digital image Adjusting the Gamma slider within an image-editing program will adjust the midtones while maintaining detail in the highlight and shadow areas Adjust the monitor gamma to make the image appear more natural to your eye A setting of around 18 is right for a Mac monitor while a 2 5 setting is more appropriate for a PC
The rate at which a delta changes over time or for one unit change in the price of the underlying asset
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von gammas im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

third letter of the Greek alphabet