An excursion is a trip or visit to an interesting place, especially one that is arranged or recommended by a holiday company or tourist organization. Another pleasant excursion is Malaga, 18 miles away. = outing
Where the leaching solutions used in the uranium In Situ Leaching (ISL) mining technique escape outside the mining zone (see ISL - Overview or Out of Sight Out of Mind)
The cheapest, published fare offered by a Domestic, US airline Also known as Super-saver or Max saver fares
A journey chiefly for recreation; a pleasure trip; a brief tour; as, an excursion into the country
] a journey taken for pleasure; "many summer excursions to the shore"; "it was merely a pleasure trip"; "after cautious sashays into the field
If you describe an activity as an excursion into something, you mean that it is an attempt to develop or understand something new that you have not experienced before. Radio 3's latest excursion into ethnic music, dance and literature
An idea generation technique to force discontinuities into the idea set Excursions consist of three generic steps: 1 Step away from the task; 2 Generate disconnected or irrelevant material; 3 Force a connection back to the task
in in situ leaching, the term for a contaminant; the spread of sulfuric acid from a "controlled" underground area to outside boundaries (i e a communities water supply)
The operation of a reactor beyond its normal operating limits This is usually done experimentally to test reactor stability and to explore safety features of nuclear reactors
The (maximum) distance that a speaker (typically a woofer) unit may travel without suffering mechanical damage So called longthrow woofers may feature peak excursions exceeding 25 mm (1")
a journey taken for pleasure; "many summer excursions to the shore"; "it was merely a pleasure trip"; "after cautious sashays into the field"
Definition von günübirlik im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch
Bütün bir gün boyunca, gece kalmadan sabah gidip akşamdan önce dönmek üzere: "Akrabalarından birinin evine günübirlik misafirliğe gitmişlerdi."- O. C. Kaygılı