gül biçiminde renkli pencere

listen to the pronunciation of gül biçiminde renkli pencere
Türkisch - Englisch
Catherine wheel
A firework that rotates when lit
The image of a breaking wheel, or wheel with spikes on it

Sorcerers are too common; cunning men, wizards, and white witches have commonly St. Catherine's wheel printed in the roof of their mouth, or in some other part about them .

A breaking wheel

She only lied to the boy to keep him from hurt, and for her sin her intestines were pulled from her on a Catherine wheel.

A Catherine wheel is a firework in the shape of a circle which spins round and round. a round flat firework that spins around as it burns (Saint Catherine of Alexandria (4th century), who was sentenced to be killed on a wheel)
instrument of torture used in the Middle Ages
gül biçiminde renkli pencere