gösterilecek olan film ya da programı gösteren kısa tanıtım filmi

listen to the pronunciation of gösterilecek olan film ya da programı gösteren kısa tanıtım filmi
Türkisch - Englisch
A person or thing that teases
{n} one who teases, vexes or provokes
a flat at each side of the stage to prevent the audience from seeing into the wings
{i} one who mocks or taunts; tantalizing and difficult problem or riddle
A short film or quote meant to draw an audience to a film or show
This is a tantalizing initial rate, one actually lower than the note rate at which your mortgage is written It almost guarantees that your rate will increase at the first adjustment period even if the index stays the same, to bring the mortgage closer in line with prevailing rates
a worker who teases wool
An advertisement or promotion planned to excite curiosity about a later advertisement or promotion
A shunt winding on field magnets for maintaining their magnetism when the main circuit is open
A teaser is someone who makes fun of people in a slightly cruel way
poster with maximum artwork and minimum credits heralding a forthcoming release Few printed so always scarcer than the full release poster
a particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution; "he loved to solve chessmate puzzles"; "that's a real puzzler"
One who teases or vexes
A promotion that is intended to arouse interest in the main PR campaign which follows
someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity)
a device for teasing wool; "a teaser is used to disentangle the fibers" an attention-getting opening presented at the start of a television show an advertisement that offers something free in order to arouse customers' interest a worker who teases wool
An attention-getting highlight of a television show presented before the show begins It is intended to draw viewers to the program
an attention-getting opening presented at the start of a television show
A jager gull
Information on the outer envelope designed to entice the customer into opening the envelope to find out more about the offer
gösterilecek olan film ya da programı gösteren kısa tanıtım filmi


    gös·te·ri·le·cek o·lan film ya da prog·ra·mı gös·te·ren kı·sa ta·nı·tım fil·mi