gönderme, havale etme, müracaat

listen to the pronunciation of gönderme, havale etme, müracaat
Türkisch - Englisch
A document used by schools detailing some form of a student's misbehavior and listing the actions taken before and after the student's receipt of the referral

After misbehaving in class, George was given a referral for disrupting class and sent to the office.

The act or process of transferring to another, of sending by reference, or referring
A formal process that authorizes an HMO member to get care from a specialist or hospital To assure coverage, an HMO patient generally must get a referral from his or her primary care doctor before seeing a specialist
Physician recommendation to a patient to see another physician for further evaluation or treatment In HMOs that use gatekeepers, services provided by specialists or other practitioners require a referral by the patient’s primary care provider in order for the health plan to cover the cost of the care
the act of referring (as forwarding an applicant for employment or referring a matter to an appropriate agency)
A recommendation, a suggestion to a client of the value of the services of a person or firm (i e a real estate agent may refer a purchaser to a particular banker or lawyer )
Specific directions or instructions from a Member's PCP, in conformance with Plan policies and procedures, which direct a Member to a Participating Provider for medically necessary care A referral may be written or electronic
When the Council feels further detailed study is needed on any matter, it may refer the item to the City Manager, to one or more of the citizen advisory boards and commissions for review and recommendations, or to a City Council committee created for a special purpose
A recommendation by a physician or insurer that an individual receive care from a different doctor or facility
May be either an informal suggestion from one provider for the patient to see another provider, or a formal process within managed care plans by which the primary care physician refers the patient to specialists, hospitals or other services Back to Top
A formal process that authorizes an HMO member to get care from a specialist or hospital Most HMOs require patients to get a referral from their primary care doctor before seeing a specialist
a recommendation to consult the (professional) person referred to; "this patient is a referral from Dr Bones"
A new member of the ad network (either a publisher or advertiser) referred directly by a current member through a button link or other means
Practice of sending a patient to another program or practitioner for services or advice that the referring source is not prepared or qualified to provide
Occurs when a physician or other health plan provider receives permission to consult another physician or hospital (H)
In managed care, a health plan member must first contact his/her PCP to obtain medical services unless it's an emergency Together, the member and PCP decide if the member needs to see a specialist or obtain special services This is also be referred to as "preauthorization"
The process of sending a patient from one practitioner to another for health care services Health plans may require a designated primary care provider to authorize a referral in order for specialty services to be covered
A prospect (qv) recommended to a travel agent by another person, usually a present customer The act of recommending such a person
A prospect who has been referred to a salesperson by another person
An OK from your primary care doctor for you to see a specialist or get certain services In many Medicare managed care plans, you need to get a referral before you get care from anyone except your primary care doctor If you do not get a referral first, the plan may not pay for your care (See Emergency Care; Primary Care Doctor; Urgently Needed Care )