
listen to the pronunciation of fs
Englisch - Türkisch
(Askeri) harp filosu; dosya ayıracı; dosya sunucu; tek birimlik aydınlatma cephanesi (fighter squadron; file separator; file server; flare single-unit)
(Askeri) arama çapı emniyet faktörü (search radius safety factor)
fire support
ateş desteği
fire support
atış desteği
flight simulator
Uçuş simülatörü
fire support
(Askeri) ATEŞ DESTEĞİ, ATIŞ DESTEĞİ (DZ.): Yer kuvvetlerinin piyade, zırhlı birlik gibi düşmana yaklaşan unsurlarına topçu ateşi, deniz top ateşi, uçak yalama ateşi ve bombardımanları ile yapılan yardım
Englisch - Englisch
the written abbreviation for foreign service
plural of F
Formation Skydiving, formerly known as relative work In FS, skydivers attempt to go through a predetermined sequence of freefall formations
Free air resonance of driver - The frequency at which the driver resonates or naturally vibrates in free air This number is measured in Herz (Hz)
For Sale
fire support
flight simulator
Signaling Framing
Feasibility study, the Superfund study following a remedial investigation which identifies, develops, evaluates and selects remedial action alternatives
The frequency of resonance for a driver in free air
Foster Son
CRS Free sale (qv)
U S Forest Service
"Fee Simple" Real Estate term It means you own the house, and the land under it, which is not always the case in the state of Hawai'i
Abbrev , "Formation Skydiving" The new "official" term for a dicipline of skydiving in which two or more jumpers fly relative to each other in freefall in order to form various formations However, most skydivers refer to it as Relative Work, or "RW " (See RW )
A file-system driver that registers itself with the I/O Manager as an active file system
Functional Specifications
Forward Shell
a term used for a Jefferson nickel where 5 1/2 or 6 steps are fully defined on the portrait of Monticello
Feasibility Study
flight standards (FAA)
= resonance frequency of the driver In free-air, the driver's impedance will peak at this frequency
Forest Service