formerly the currencies of ıtalian somaliland and portuguese ındia

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Englisch - Englisch

Definition von formerly the currencies of ıtalian somaliland and portuguese ındia im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

Formerly the currencies of Italian Somaliland and Portuguese India
formerly the currencies of ıtalian somaliland and portuguese ındia


    for·mer·ly the currencies of I·tal·ian So·ma·li·land and Por·tu·guese In·di·a

    Türkische aussprache

    fôrmırli dhi kırınsiz ıv îtälyın sımäliländ ınd pôrçıgiz îndiı


    /ˈfôrmərlē ᴛʜē ˈkərənsēz əv əˈtalyən səˈmälēˌland ənd ˈpôrʧəˌgēz ˈəndēə/ /ˈfɔːrmɜrliː ðiː ˈkɜrənsiːz əv ɪˈtæljən səˈmɑːliːˌlænd ənd ˈpɔːrʧəˌɡiːz ˈɪndiːə/