Definition von fonu im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch
- fund
- To pay for
- A sum or source of money
- An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts for recording cash and other financial resources, together with all related liabilities and residual equities or balances, and changes therein
- A fund is a fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts
- An accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts for recording assets, liabilities, fund balance, and changes in fund balance Accounts with similar accounting and reporting requirements are classifed into funds
- a reserve of money set aside for some purpose furnish money for; "The government funds basic research in many areas"
- Independent fiscal and accounting entity; e g , Public Works, Health and Capital Outlay Funds Governmental entities, including counties, organize and operate their accounting and budgeting systems on a fund basis The formal definition of a fund is a balanced set of accounts for a major County activity which shows an equal amount of income and expenditures Funds may contain one or more budget units With the exception of the General Fund, which accounts for general purpose spending and is funded by discretionary revenues, each fund is restricted to use for specified purposes Establishing funds enables the County to account for the use of restricted revenue sources and carry on specific activities or pursue specific objectives
- A four- to six-digit number denoting the first part of the FOAPAL The fund usually indicates how the money must be managed and/or spent For instance, money "left over" in the General Fund may not be carried over into the next fiscal year, and money in the Federal College Work Study fund (a restricted fund) may be spent only for that program
- The 6-character fund number A fund is the unique identifier for a specific set of financial resources that needs tracking or management
- To provide and appropriate a fund or permanent revenue for the payment of the interest of; to make permanent provision of resources (as by a pledge of revenue from customs) for discharging the interest of or principal of; as, to fund government notes
- To put into the form of bonds or stocks bearing regular interest; as, to fund the floating debt
- A store laid up, from which one may draw at pleasure; a supply; a full provision of resources; as, a fund of wisdom or good sense
- In governmental accounting a fund may be described as representing a distinct phase of the activities of government and is controlled by a self-balancing group of accounts in which all of the financial transactions of the particular phase are recorded NOTE: A fund is both a sum of resources and an independent accounting entity A self- balancing group of accounts must be provided for each fund to show the assets and other resources, on one hand, and obligations, surplus, and other credits, on the other Accounts must also be set up to permit the identification of revenues and expenditures and receipts and disbursements with the fund to which they apply Although the General Fund is available for all legally authorized purposes, the definition also applies to it, for the fund can be used for governmental purposes only and expenditures cannot be made from it without legal authorization
- When a person or organization funds something, they provide money for it. The airport is being privately funded by a construction group. a new privately funded scheme. = finance + -funded -funded government-funded institutions
- A sum of money or other resources set aside for specific activities of a school district The fund accounts constitute a complete entity and all of the financial transactions for the particular fund are recorded in them
- An invested sum, whose income is devoted to a specific object; as, the fund of an ecclesiastical society; a fund for the maintenance of lectures or poor students; also, money systematically collected to meet the expenses of some permanent object
- provide a fund for the redemption of principal or payment of interest
- A fund is an amount of money that is collected or saved for a particular purpose. a scholarship fund for undergraduate engineering students. see also trust fund
- A fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording assets and liabilities for specific activities of the school system
- {i} amount of money set aside for a specific purpose; supply
- fon
- background
I like to read with background music.
- Fon müziği ile okumayı severim.
Music that doesn't transmit feelings, images, thoughts, or memories is just background noise.
- Hisleri, görüntüleri, düşünceleri ya da anıları iletmeyen müzik sadece arka fon gürültüsüdür.
- fon
- fund
His undertaking failed for lack of funds.
- Onun taahhütü fon eksikliğinden başarısız oldu.
They are short of funds.
- Onların fonları bitti.
- fon
- {i} pool
- avrupa kalkınma fonu
- (Politika, Siyaset) european development fund
- emanet fonu
- (Askeri) trust fund
- emeklilik fonu
- (Ticaret) retirement fund
- emlak fonu
- (Ticaret) real estate fund
- fon
- backdrop
- fon
- ground-color
- fon
- ground
- fon
- (Ticaret) request
- fon
- ground-colour
- fon
- (Tiyatro) back-ground
- fon
- (Ticaret) capital
- garanti fonu
- (Ticaret) guaranty fund
- gayrimenkul fonu
- (Ticaret) real estate fund
- ipotek fonu
- (Ticaret) mortgage pool
- istikrar fonu
- (Ticaret) equalization fund
- konut fonu
- (Kanun) housing fund tax
- nakit fonu
- (Ticaret) imprest fund
- sermaye fonu
- (Ticaret) working capital fund
- stok fonu
- (Askeri) stock fund
- teminat fonu
- (Ticaret) guarantee fund
- bölgesel kalkınma fonu
- Regional development fund
- yaşlılık emekli aylığı fonu
- pension fund for elderly
- Avrupa Bölgesel Kalkınma Fonu
- (Hukuk) European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
- Avrupa Kalkınma Fonu
- (Hukuk) European Development Fund (EDF)
- Avrupa Kalkınma Fonu Komitesi
- (Hukuk) European Development Fund Committee
- Avrupa Para Fonu
- (Hukuk) European Monetary Fund (EMF)
- Avrupa Sosyal Fonu
- (Hukuk) European Social Fund (ESF)
- Avrupa Tarımsal Yönlendirme ve Garanti Fonu
- (Hukuk) European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)
- BM Çocuklara Yardım Fonu
- (Askeri) United Nations Children's Fund
- Başkomutan Teşebbüs Fonu
- (Askeri) CINC Initiative Fund
- Birleşmiş Milletler Sermaye Geliştirme Fonu
- (Hukuk) United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
- Birleşmiş Milletler Çocuk Fonu
- (Hukuk) United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
- Ekonomik Destek Fonu; acil durum destek işlevi
- (Askeri) Economic Support Fund; emergency support function
- Hava Kuvvetleri işletme sermaye fonu
- (Askeri) Air Force working capital fund
- Hava Ulaştırması Entüstri Fonu
- (Askeri) Airlift Support Industrial Fund
- Kara ve Hava Kuvvetleri Muhabere Hizmeti (AAFES) Nakit Fonu Faaliyeti
- (Askeri) AAFES Imprest Fund Activity
- Milli Savunma Deniz Taşımacılığı Fonu
- (Askeri) National Defense Sealift Fund
- Parasal İşbirliği Fonu
- (Hukuk) Monetary Cooperation Fund
- Savunma İşleri Harekat Fonu
- (Askeri) Defense Business Operations Fund
- Terörizmle Mücadele Hazırlık Girişimi Fonu
- (Askeri) Combatting Terrorism Readiness Initiative Fund
- Uluslar Arası Para Fonu (UN)
- (Askeri) International Monetary Fund (UN)
- Uluslar arası Para Fonu
- (Hukuk) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Uluslar arası Para Fonu stand-by anlaşması
- (Hukuk) IMF stand-by agreement
- Uluslar arası Tarımsal Kalkınma Fonu
- (Hukuk) International Fund for Agricultural Development
- Uluslararası Para Fonu
- the International Monetary Fund
- acenta fonu
- (Ticaret) agency fund
- amortisman fonu
- depreciation fund
- amortisman fonu
- sinking fund
- amortisman fonu sistemi
- (Ticaret) depreciation fund system
- avrupa fonu
- (Ticaret) european fund
- avrupa yatırım fonu
- (Politika, Siyaset) european investment fund
- din işleri fonu
- (Askeri) chaplain fund
- ek bütçe fonu
- (Hukuk) extra-budgetary fund
- emekli fonu
- pension fund
- emekli ödeneği fonu
- (Ticaret) pension payment fund
- emeklilik fonu
- contributory
- emeklilik fonu yönetişimi
- (Sigorta,Ticaret) pension fund governance
- emeklilik yatırım fonu
- (Sigorta,Ticaret) pension mutual fund
- enerji fonu
- (Ticaret) energy fund
- fon
- base coat, background color
- fon
- ground color
- fon
- ground colour [Brit.]
- fon
- fund; background
- fon
- groundwork
- fon
- cin., theat. background (of a set)
- fon
- (Hukuk) capital, fund
- fon
- reserve
- fon
- phon
A text in Esperanto is written phonetically using an alphabet of 28 letters.
- Esperanto bir metin, fonetik olarak 28 harfli bir alfabe kullanılarak yazılır.
Esperanto is written phonetically with an alphabet of 28 letters.
- Esperanto, 28 harfli alfabe ile fonetik olarak yazılır.
- fon
- fund, designated fund
- fon
- {i} funding
The funding could be inadequate.
- Fonlama yetersiz olabilir.
Where's the funding coming from?
- Fonunuz nereden geliyor?
- fon
- ground colour
- garanti fonu
- (Hukuk) guarantee fund
- gayrimenkul yatırım fonu
- (Ticaret) real estate investment trust
- gençlik fonu
- (Hukuk) youth fund
- ihtiyat fonu
- contingency fund
- kasa fonu
- (Ticaret) cash fund
- katılım fonu
- contributory
- kredi garanti fonu
- (Hukuk) credit guarantee fund
- kültür fonu
- (Hukuk) cultural fund
- masraf muvazene fonu
- equalisation reserve
- mevduat ve tasarruf sigorta fonu
- (Hukuk) deposit and savings insurance fund
- muhabere sınıfı endüstriyel fonu
- (Askeri) communications service industrial fund
- opsiyon fonu
- (Ticaret) option pool
- personel yardım fonu
- (Ticaret) staff provident fund
- petrol arama fonu
- (Ticaret) oil search fund
- planlama fonu
- (Askeri) advance planning funds
- refah fonu
- (Ticaret) welfare fund
- reklam fonu
- (Reklam) advertising fund
- rüşvet fonu
- slush fund
- seçim kampanyası fonu
- campaign fund
- seçim kampanyası fonu
- campaign chest
- sigorta fonu
- (Sigorta) insurance fund
- stok değişim fonu
- (Kanun) stock exchange fund
- toplu konut fonu
- (Ticaret) housing development fund
- tröst fonu
- trust fund
- ulaştırma işletme Sermaye Fonu
- (Askeri) transportation working Capital Fund
- uluslararası para fonu
- international montary fund
- vakıf fonu
- trust fund
A trust fund has been set up for each of the children.
- Çocukların her biri için bir vakıf fonu kuruldu.
- yardım fonu
- benevolent fund
- yeniden yerleştirme fonu
- (Hukuk) reestablishment fund
- ödeme fonu
- (Ticaret) redemption fund
- ücret fonu
- (Ticaret) wage-fund theory
- ücret fonu
- wage fund