The complete system of vegetable species growing without cultivation in a given locality, region, or period; a list or description of, or treatise on, such plants
You can refer to plants as flora, especially the plants growing in a particular area. the variety of food crops and flora which now exists in Dominica. all the plants that grow in a particular place or country (Flora Roman female god of flowers, from flos ). Roman goddess of flowering plants. Her cult was supposedly introduced into Rome during its earliest years by the Sabine king Titus Tatius. Her temple stood near Rome's Circus Maximus, and her festival, the Floralia, was instituted in 238 BC. All species of plants that are found in a particular region, period, or special environment. Six floral kingdoms are commonly distinguished: Boreal (Holarctic), Paleotropical, Neotropical, South African (Capensic), Australian, and Antarctic. These kingdoms are further broken down into subkingdoms and regions, over which there is some dispute
the total of all different plants (species, forms, varieties) of an area versus vegetation, a total of all plants The limitation of a flora can be geographical or artificial For example, the "flora of Michigan" should not include a plant found even a meter outside of its border, for instance in neighboring Indiana
1. Bir bölgede yetişen bitkilerin hepsi, bitki örtüsü.2. Flora, Roma mitolojisinde çiçek ve bahar tanrıçasıdır. Roma'ya Sabinler'den gelme bir tanrıçadır. Çiçek açan her bitkinin yönetimi onun elindedir. Söylenceye göre, Zeus'a (Jüpiter) kızan İuno, erkek araya girmeden çocuk doğurmak istemiş. Ona, dokunduğu kadını gebe bırakan bir çiçek veren Flora, Mars'ı (Ares) doğurmasını sağlamış. Romalılar takvimlerinin ilk ayına baharın başlangıcı olan Mars (Mart) adını vermişlerdir