fiyatini kirmak

listen to the pronunciation of fiyatini kirmak
Türkisch - Englisch
{k} (deyim) knock off
An imitation, especially one of poorer quality

This spreadsheet program is a knock off of VisiCalc.

To kill someone

The mobsters hired the guy to knock off their enemies.

To steal

They decided to knock off a TV set from the community centre.

To bump or hit so that something falls off

Don't knock off the ornament with your clumsy arms.

To reduce or remove

They agreed to knock off 20% of the price.

To quit; stop doing work or other activity. The term originated from the practice aboard slave galleys to have a man beat time for the rowers by knocking on a block or drum; when he stopped, the rowers could rest

I think I'll knock off for the evening and go to bed.

If you knock off weight , you lose weight

He's knocked off ten pounds in a couple of week , this is better than any diet.

stop pursuing or acting; "drop a lawsuit"; "knock it off!"
When you knock off, you finish work at the end of the day or before a break. If I get this report finished I'll knock off early
If you knock something off a list or document, you remove it. Tighter rules for benefit entitlement have knocked many people off the unemployment register
take by theft; "Someone snitched my wallet!"
cut the price of
{f} stop work or any activity; bump off, come into contact with something and cause it to fall; cut the price of something; (Slang) waste, kill a person
unlicensed copy of a retail product that is offered at a lower price than the original
get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing; "The mafia liquidated the informer"; "the double agent was neutralized"
write quickly; "She dashed off a note to her husdband saying she would not be home for supper"
To knock off an amount from a price, time, or level means to reduce it by that amount. Udinese have knocked 10% off admission prices When pressed they knock off 10 per cent
fiyatini kirmak