
listen to the pronunciation of firing
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} ateşleme

Ateşleme pimi çıkarıldı. - The firing pin's been removed.

Sami silahı ateşlemeye başladı. - Sami started firing the gun.

{i} işten çıkarma
(Havacılık,Tekstil) pişirme
(İnşaat) pişirim
(Askeri) ateş etmek
ateş alma
ateş etme

Sami bir Uzi ile bize ateş etmeye başladı. - Sami started firing at us with an Uzi.

Sami bize ateş etmeye başladı. - Sami started firing at us.

{f} ateşle

Sami silahı ateşlemeye başladı. - Sami started firing the gun.

Ateşleme pimi çıkarıldı. - The firing pin's been removed.

{i} (toprak eşyayı) pişirme
{i} (kurşun, top, belirli bir el silah) atma, atış
firing squad idam mahkumunu kurşuna dizen asker bölüğü
{i} işten kovma

Patron Tom'u işten kovmayı düşündü fakat bunun aleyhinde karar verdi. - The boss considered firing Tom, but decided against it.

{i} kovma

Seni kovmayı düşünüyorum. - I'm thinking of firing you.

Patron, Tom'u kovmayı düşünüyor. - The boss is thinking about firing Tom.

{i} atış
{i} (tüfek, top v.b.'ni) ateşleme; ateşlenme, ateş alma
{i} yakacak
firing line ateş hattı
ölü kimsenin mezarı başında saygı gösterisi olarak ateş eden asker bölüğ
{f} ateşlemek

İnsan su baskınları ve yangınlar gibi felaketlerden korkar. - Man fears disasters such as floods and fires.

Yangın çocukların kibritlerle oynamasından kaynaklandı. - The fire was brought about by children's playing with matches.

{f} kovmak

Patron beni kovmakla tehdit etti. - The boss threatened to fire me.

Bu kadar sık geç gelirsen, seni işten kovmak zorunda kalacağım. - I'll have to fire you if you come late so often.

(isim) Ateş

Hayvanlar ateşten korkar. - Animals are afraid of fire.

Ateş olmayan yerden duman çıkmaz. - Where there's smoke there's fire.

firing circuit
(Askeri,Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) ateşleme devresi
firing party
(Askeri) atış mangası
firing pin
ateşleme iğnesi
firing point
(Askeri) ateşleme noktası
firing position
(Askeri) nişan vaziyeti
firing practice
(Askeri) atış tatbikatı
firing range
atış yeri
firing system
(Askeri,Çevre) ateşleme sistemi
firing line
ateş hattı
firing mechanism
ateşleme mekanizması
firing order
ateşleme sırası
firing parameter
ateşleme parametresi
firing power
ateşleme gücü
firing range
atış alanı
firing range
firing squad
merasim mangası
firing squad
idam mangası
firing squad
selam makamında grup ateşi eden takım
firing time
ateşleme zamanı
firing at
ateş at
firing off
ateş off
firing pad
ateş yastık
firing pin
firing potential
ateşleme potansiyeli
firing voltage
ateşleme gerilimi
firing angle
(Askeri) ATEŞ AÇISI: Bir topun görmeyerek nişanında, atış hattı ile top-nişan noktası hattı arasında kalan ve saat yelkovanı istikametinde ölçülen yatay açı
firing angle
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) ateşleme açısı
firing angle
(Askeri) ateş açısı
firing area
(Askeri) ateş sahası
firing area
(Askeri) ATEŞ SAHASI: Bir arama tarama tertibinde, belirli bir mayının patlatılacağı yatay derinlik. Ateş sahası önleme sahası ile aynı boyutlara sahip olup, fakat mayın faaliyete geçirildiğinde mayın hemen patlamadıkça onun kıç tarafında uzanacaktır
firing azimuth
(Askeri) ATIŞ İSTİKAMET AÇISI: Topun tevcihinde kullanılan ve grid kuzeyinden saat yelkovanı yönünde ölçülen yatay açı
firing azimuth
(Askeri) atış istikamet açısı
firing base
(Askeri) TOP DÖŞEMESİ, DÖŞEME: Bazı toplarda, top ateş için mevzie sokulduğu zaman, kundağa desteklik eden mekanizmanın bir parçası. Bak. "base"
firing base
(Askeri) top döşemesi
firing battery
(Askeri) atış bataryası
firing battery
(Askeri) ATIŞ BATARYASI: Topçuda, karargah ve hizmet bölüklerinden farklı olarak, bilfiil atış için teşkil ve teçhiz edilmiş batarya
firing battery data sheet
firing battery record sheet
firing bay
(Askeri) ATEŞ BÖLMESİ: Bir siperin, ara siperleri ile birbirinden ayrılmış avcıların ateş ettikleri kısımları. Bu kısımlar, birbirine ara siperlerini dolaşan irtibat yolları ile bağlıdır. Bunlardan birine bir mermi veya bomba isabet ettiği takdirde infilak tesiri ara siperler vasıtasıyla tahdit edilir. Buna "fire bay" da denir
firing button
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) ateşleme anahtarı
firing chamber
yanma odası
firing chamber
yanma hücresi
firing charge
barut yüklü
firing charge
patlayıcı madde yüklü
firing chart
(Askeri) atış cetveli
firing chart
(Askeri) ATIŞ PLANI: Atış esaslarının hazırlanması için gerekli olan bataryaların nisbi yatay ve dikey mevkilerini, düzeltme tanzim noktalarını (base points) atış hatlarını (base point lines), kontrol noktalarını (check points), hedefleri ve diğer teferruatı, sıhhatli olarak, gösterilen harita, foto harita veya grid taksimatlı kağıt
firing chart
(Askeri) atış planı
firing circuit
(Askeri) ATEŞLEME DEVRESİ: Kara harekatında ateşleme noktasına bağlı patlayıcıları infilak ettirmek için yapılmış bir elektrik devresi ve/veya havai fişek devresi
firing controls
(Havacılık) ateşleme kontrolleri
firing data
(Askeri) atış esasları
firing data
(Askeri) atış verileri
firing data
(Askeri) ATIŞ ESASLARI: Bir topun herhangi bir hedefe ateş etmesi için lüzumlu bütün esaslar. Bu esaslar hesaplanmak suretiyle tespit edilir, sonra ağızdan komut verilerek toplara nakledilir, ya da muhtelif tevcih cihazlarından herhangi biri ile elektromekanik olarak toplara intikal ettirilir
firing data computation
(Askeri) atış hesaplama
firing device
(Askeri) ateşleme düzeni
firing device
(Askeri) ateşleme cihazı
firing device
(Askeri) ATEŞLEME DÜZENİ: Bubi tuzakları, personel mayınları, tank mayınları ve tahrip kalıplarında bulunan esas paralama hakkını ateşleyecek şekilde imal edilen, bir başlatıcı (initiator) ve bir yay ile müteharrik madeni bir iğneyi ihtiva eden, madeni küçük kutu
firing electrode
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) ateşleme elektrodu
firing elevation
(Askeri) ATIŞ YÜKSELİŞ AÇISI: Belirli bir hedefe ateş etmek için topun tevcih edilmesiyle husule gelen dikey açı
firing elevation
(Askeri) atış yükseliş açısı
firing flag
(Askeri) atış flaması
firing from covered positions
(Askeri) Örtülü mevzilerden ateş açmak
firing interval
(Askeri) atış fasılası
firing interval
(Askeri) ATIM FASILASI: Atılan bir mermi ile bunu takiben atılan mermi arasındaki zaman farkı
firing interval
(Askeri) atım aralığı
firing interval
(Askeri) atım fasılası
firing jack
(Askeri) atış mesnet krikosu
firing jack
(Askeri) ATIŞ MESNET KRİKOSU: Bazı topçu silahlarına, ateş mevziinde istikrar sağlayan bir tertibat
firing lane
(Askeri) Atış koridoru
firing lane
(Askeri) ATIŞ KORİDORU: Bak. "lane"
firing line
(Askeri) ATEŞ HATTI: Askerlerin atış yapmak için sıralandıkları hat. Hedefli atış eğitiminde ateş hattı, askerlerin veya silahların yerleştirildiği hattır. Muharebede ateş hattı, silahların ateş açtıkları cephe hattıdır
firing mechanism
ateşleme mekanizması, ateşleme tertibatı
firing mechanism
(Askeri) ATEŞLEME MEKANİZMASI, ATEŞLEME TERTİBATI: Bir silahın sevk barutunu ateşleyen parçalar grubu. Ateşleme mekanizması, genellikle, çarpma suretiyle çalışır, fakat, bazen de, elektrikle husule getirilen ısı yardımı ile çalışır. Bak. "firing circuit"
firing party
tören kıtası
firing party
idam mangası
firing pattern
patlama paterni
firing pin
(Askeri) ATEŞLEME İĞNESİ, ATEŞLEME PİMİ: Tapadaki hassas infilak maddesine vurup tapayı faaliyete geçiren parça, bir detonatör veya kapsülü faaliyete geçiren tertibat
firing pin
horoz (tüfek vb.)
firing pin
ateşleme iğnesi, ateşleme pimi
firing pin stop
(Avcılık) ateşleme iğnesi durdurucusu
firing point
(Askeri) ATIŞ NOKTASI, ATEŞLEME NOKTASI: Hedefli atış eğitiminde ateşin açıldığı nokta
firing point; force protection; frequency panel
(Askeri) ateşleme noktası; kuvvet muhafazası; frekans paneli
firing port
(Askeri) atış mazgalı
firing position
(Askeri) NİŞAN VAZİYETİ, ATIŞ VAZİYETİ: Bir askerin ateş etmek için aldığı vaziyet. Ayrıca bakınız: "kneeling position", "squatting position" ve "standing position"
firing position
(Askeri) Ateş vaziyeti
firing practice
(Askeri) ATIŞ TATBİKATI: Bak. "combat firing practice"
firing problem
(Askeri) atış meselesi
firing problem
(Askeri) ATIŞ MESELESİ: Atışları hedefe isabet ettirme tekniğinde personeli yetiştirmek için yapılan muharebe atışı tatbikat meselesi. Buna "fire problem" de denir
firing range
(Askeri) ATIŞ MESAFESİ: Bir silahın ateş edilmek üzere tevcih edildiği mesafe
firing schedule
yangın idaresi
firing sequence
tutuşturma sırası
firing sequence
ateşleme sırası
firing squad
tören kıtası
firing squad
(Askeri) ATIŞ MANGASI: Bak. "firing party"
firing step
(Askeri) ateş basamağı
firing step
(Askeri) ATEŞ BASAMAĞI: Bir siperin dibinden takriben 30 santimetre yüksekte bulunan ve şahısların, ateş ederken veya gözetleme yaparken, üzerinde durmalarına yarayan, tahta veya basamak şeklinde, çıkıntı. Buna "fire step" de denir
firing stroke
(Otomotiv) ateşleme stroku
firing system
(Askeri) ATEŞLEME SİSTEMİ: Bir tahrip kalıbında, ana patlayıcı veya patlatıcıları ateşleyen elemanlardan oluşan bir sistem
firing table
(Askeri) ATIŞ CETVELİ: Bir silahla, standart şartlar altında, hedefe sıhhatli atış yapılabilmesi için gerekli bilgiyi veren ve rüzgar, sıcaklık değişmesi gibi özel şartlar için yapılması gereken düzeltmeleri gösteren çizelge veya grafik
firing table
(Askeri) atış cetveli
firing table elevation
(Askeri) ATIŞ CETVELİ YÜKSELİŞ AÇISI: Standart olarak kabul edilen şartlar altında, belli bir mesafeye ateş etmek üzere tevcih edilmiş bir topun ekseni ile yatay satıh arasındaki açı
firing table muzzle velocity
(Askeri) ATIŞ CETVELİ İLK HIZI: Bir silaha ait atış cetvellerinin hazırlanmasında o silahın bu cetvellere esas teşkil eden ilk hızı
firing tests
(Askeri) atış testleri
firing time table
(Askeri) ateş zaman cetveli
firing trigger
(Havacılık) ateşleme düğmesi
firing volley
(Askeri) şeref atışı
firing wire
yakıt ateşleme teli
field firing
(Askeri) MUHAREBE DERS ATIŞI: Muharebe şartlarını mümkün olduğu kadar hakikate yakın olarak canlandıran sahte muharebe atış hedeflerine karşı yapılan atış tatbikatı
field firing
(Askeri) Muharebe şartlarında eğitim atışı
field firing range
(Askeri) MUHAREBE DERS ATIŞI SAHASI: Muharebe ders atış hedeflerine karşı yapılan atış tatbikatlarına mahsus saha
{f} işten atmak

Tom'u işten atmak için otoritem yok. - I don't have the authority to fire Tom.

İstediğim kişiyi işten atmakta haklı olduğumu düşündüm. - I thought I had the right to fire anyone I wanted to.


Tom ateş yakmak zorunda kaldı. - Tom had to make a fire.

Tom yakmak için odun yardı. - Tom chopped wood for the fire.

{f} (kurşun, top, belirli bir el silah) atmak
{f} (tüfek, top, v.b.'ni) ateşlemek; (silah) ateş almak
cehennem azabı
{f} (toprak eşyayı) (fırında)
{f} ateş et

Tom Mary'ye ateş etmek istedi fakat John onu durdurdu. - Tom wanted to fire Mary, but John stopped him.

Ateş etrafında oynamak tehlikelidir. - It's dangerous to play around the fire.

{f} işten çıkar
işten çıkarmak
(Tıp) İltihap
{i} alev

Her iki araç da alev aldı. - Both vehicles caught fire.

İtfaiye, alevleri kontrol altına getirmek için çalışıyor. - The firefighters are trying to bring the flames under control.

işten çıkartma
alternate firing position
(Askeri) değiştirme ateş mevzii
blind firing
(Askeri) kör atış
captive firing
(Askeri) tespit edilmiş atış
cease firing
(Askeri) ateşkes
(Gıda) ateş tuğlası
(Kanun) yangın çıkarmak
fayrap etmek
avaraya vermek
tezkeresini eline vermek
teşvik etmek
tahrik etmek
silah atmak
isten atmak
isten çıkarmak

Ateş yanarken kendinizi ısıtın. - Warm yourself while the fire burns.

Lütfen ateşte kendini ısıt. - Please warm yourself at the fire.

sepet havası çalmak
lift firing
(Askeri) ateş kes! komutu
preliminary firing
(Askeri) alıştırma atışı
gayrete getirmek

Biz ateşin yanmasını sürdürdük. - We kept the fire burning.

Islak odun iyi yanmaz. - Wet firewood doesn't burn well.

(seramik/vb.) pişirmek
ateşe vermek

Sami kulübeyi ateşe vermek istedi. - Sami wanted to set the shed on fire.

O, evimizi ateşe vermekle tehdit etti. - She threatened to set our house on fire.

ısıtma aygıtı
ateş etmek

Tom Mary'ye ateş etmek istedi fakat John onu durdurdu. - Tom wanted to fire Mary, but John stopped him.

high level firing time
yüksek düzeyli ateşleme süresi
missile firing interlock
roket ateşleme bağlantısı
seri ateşli (top)
rocket firing
roket ateşleme
{f} ateşle

Tom ateşle kendisini ısıttı. - Tom warmed himself by the fire.

Kendisini ateşle ısıttı. - She warmed herself by the fire.

practice range for firing guns
ateş topları için uygulama aralığı
actual firing
(Askeri) hakiki atış
alternate firing position
(Askeri) DEĞİŞTİRME ATEŞ MEVZİİ: Bak. "alternate position"
alternative firing handle
(Havacılık) yardımcı ateşleme kolu
automatic firing
(Askeri) OTOMATİK ATEŞLEME: Bir roket motoru veya motorun, özellikle uçuş esnasında, otomatik bir cihaz kullanarak ateşlenmesi
background firing rate
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) zemin ateşlenme oranı
be in the firing line
(deyim) topun ağzında olmak
be in the firing line
(deyim) ateş hattında olmak
blind firing
(Askeri) KÖR ATIŞ: Hedefi görmeden yapılan atış
cancel check firing
(Askeri) kontrol ateşine son verme
cancel check firing
(Askeri) ATEŞE ARA VERMENİN İPTALİ: "Ateşe ara verme" durumunu iptal eden emir
captive firing
(Askeri) TESPİT EDİLMİŞ ATIŞ: Bir bremzeye tespit edilmiş durumdaki çalışır füze tahrik sistemi ile yapılan, kısa süreli bir deneme atışı
check firing
(Askeri) ATEŞE ARA VER: Ateşi geçici olarak kesen bir komut
coal firing
kömürle yakma
coal firing
kömür yakma
coke firing
kok kömürü yakma
Türkisch - Türkisch

Definition von firing im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch

Her tür ticari malda kuruma, dökülme, bozulma gibi sebeplerle eksilme, ağırlık yitimi
Bir iş yapılırken çıkan artık parça
Azalma, eksilme
Kuruma, dökülme, bozulma gibi nedenlerle bir malda meydana gelen eksilme
Englisch - Englisch
The discharge of a gun or other weapon
The dismissal of someone from a job
Present participle of fire
The fuel for a fire
The process of applying heat or fire, especially to clay etc to produce pottery
{n} something used for the fire, fuel
The mode of introducing fuel into the furnace and working it
heating clay or glazed ware in a kiln or open fire to bring the clay or glaze to maturity
the act of setting on fire or catching fire
Process of heating the ware inside a kiln until matured
The process of (1) heating the batch in order to fuse it into glass by exposing it to the required degree of heat in a crucible or pot, (2) reheating unfinished glassware while it is being worked, 93) reheating glassware in order to fuse enamel or gilding The melting of the batch may require a temperature of 1300-1500C, and the muffle kiln may require a temperature of 500-700C
The application of fire, or of a cautery
(noun) The perturbation or event which causes the ejection of the droplet from an impulse ink jet
A baking process under carefully controlled temperatures to which all ceramic ware is subjected for either hardening, strengthening, or fusing
Use of a kiln to raise the temperature of glass high enough where it can be worked for slumping, fusing, glass blowing
The process of exposing ceramic pieces to high heat in order to convert them into durable finished pieces During firing, the clay and/or glaze goes through a transformation whereby it is fused together into a solid piece Unfired clay will dissolve in water, but the clay becomes impervious to water after firing Although some fired pieces may still absorb water, this will have not an adverse effect on them An experienced potter can achieve a wide variety of results by carefully controlling such firing factors as the rate at which pieces are heated and cooled, the presence of other materials in the kiln, and the amount of air (oxygen) that is present in the kiln Often, pieces are fired several times at various temperatures levels in order to achieve the potter's desired results Higher fired clays such as stoneware and porcelain tend to be less absorbent and more durable See also kiln, oxidation, reduction, salt glaze, raku
a high-temperature heat treatment that increases the density and strength of a ceramic piece
the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
a baking process under carefully controlled temperatures to which all ceramic ware is subjected for either hardening, strengthen-ing, or fusing
the act of discharging a gun
{i} act of dismissing from a job; setting on fire, igniting; shooting of a gun; shot of a gun; fuel for a fire; baking of ceramics in a kiln; exposing to heat
the process of rapidly heating the leaf, either with hot air or in a wok, to quickly halt fermentation and dry the leaf to its final product
Europe firingî European firišta angel fursat 1) opportunity; 2) leasure;  ~ kanning to take the opportunity (of) a (â) b c d D e f g gh h i (î) j k l m n o p r s Back to Main page
The process of conversion from clay to ceramic It involves heat of at least 600C (1112F) During firing clay is changed into a stone-like material; organic matter is burned away The colors of the mineral used change and a layer of glass known and glaze is fused to the surface of the ware
1 The action or event of igniting a rocket engine
baking process where all ceramics are subject to hardening, strengthening, or fusing
This treatment burns the skin over a leg injury with a hot iron to produce scar tissue
The subject of gradual heating to high temperate in a controlled environment, generally using gas as the fuel source Typical temperatures around 1200 degrees centigrade are achieved to make the units hard and durable
The process of partly vitrifying pottery by exposing it to intense heat in a kiln
Fuel; firewood or coal
The act of discharging firearms
The process whereby the tea leaves are dried to arrest further enzymic changes This makes the tea fit for packing and storing
the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy; "hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes"; "they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire"
firing away
Present participle of fire away
firing line
The vanguard of an activity
firing line
The line from which soldiers fire their weapons at a target; especially the front line of troops in a battle
firing off
Present participle of fire off
firing pin
the part of the firing mechanism which stikes the cartridge's primer to ignite the gunpowder
firing range
A range designed for target practice, especially for firearms
firing ranges
plural form of firing range
firing squad
A group of soldiers or paramilitaries detailed to execute someone, usually by rifle shot, or to discharge their weapons ceremonially at a funeral
firing squads
plural form of firing squad
firing up
Present participle of fire up
firing chamber
chamber that is the part of a gun that receives the charge
firing data
information that is needed in order to hit a target with an artillery weapon
firing from a prone position
firing from a position of lying down, firing from a prostrate position
firing from the hip
shooting quickly and at close range; acting rashly, acting without deliberation
firing line
position at which troops are stationed to fire upon targets or the enemy
firing line
the line from which soldiers deliver fire
firing line
If you say that someone is in the firing line, you mean that they are being criticized, blamed, or attacked for something. Foreign banks are in the firing line too. in the firing line to be in a position or situation in which you can be attacked or blamed for something, often unfairly (be)
firing line
If you are in the firing line in a conflict, you are in a position where someone is aiming their gun at you. Any hostages in the firing line would have been sacrificed
firing line
the most advanced and responsible group in an activity; "the firing line is where the action is"
firing loophole
small opening in a fortified position through which a weapon can be fired on the enemy
firing off
the act of discharging a gun
firing order
(Otomotiv) The order in which the engine cylinders should fire. The sequential firing distributes the shock of combustion evenly and reduces engine vibrations
firing party
group of soldiers whose duty is to perform gun salutes
firing pin
The part of the bolt or breech of a firearm that strikes the primer and detonates the charge of a projectile
firing pin
striker that ignites the charge by striking the primer
firing pin
In the breech mechanism of a firearm, the pin which strikes the head of the cartridge and explodes it
firing positions
positions from which weapons can be aimed and fired at targets
firing range
a practice range for target practice
firing squad
military detachment assigned to fire a salute at a burial of an honoured person or to execute a condemned person
firing squad
a squad formed to fire volleys at a military funeral or to carry out a military execution
firing squad
A firing squad is a group of soldiers who are ordered to shoot and kill a person who has been found guilty of committing a crime. He was executing by firing squad. a group of soldiers whose duty is to punish prisoners by shooting and killing them
part of a mechanism (in a grenade, mine, etc.) which sets off the detonator and explodes the charge
circular firing squad
A political party or other group experiencing considerable disarray because the members are engaging in internal disputes and mutual recrimination

ust about everyone who helped create this mess is busy pointing fingers, scapegoating the other guys, firing the lower-downs and diming out the higher-ups. Last week what was once envisioned as a new kind of company resembled little more than a circular firing squad of executives, accountants, consultants and lawyers.

circular firing squads
plural form of circular firing squad
dry firing
Present participle of dry fire
Something that has produced or is capable of producing this chemical reaction, such as a campfire

We sat around the fire singing songs and telling stories.

To shoot (a device that launches a projectile or a pulse of stream of something)

He fired his radar gun at passing cars.

To set (something) on fire

It was long a question of debate, whether the burning of the South Side ghetto was accidental, or whether it was done by the Mercenaries; but it is definitely settled now that the ghetto was fired by the Mercenaries under orders from their chiefs.

A heater or stove used in place of a real fire (such as an electric fire)
One of the four basic elements
The in-flight bullets or other projectiles shot from a gun

The fire from the enemy guns kept us from attacking.

To drive away by setting a fire
A button (of a joypad, joystick or similar device) whose only or main current function is that when it is pressed causes a video game character to fire a weapon
To forcibly direct (something)

He answered the questions the reporters fired at him.

To heat without setting on fire, as ceramic, metal objects, etc

They fire the wood to make it easier to put a point on the end.

To terminate the employment contract of an employee, especially for cause (such as misconduct or poor performance)

She should fire the employee who stole from the company.

The elements necessary to start a fire

The fire was laid and needed to be lit.

One of the five basic elements (see Wikipedia article on the Classical elements)
To shoot; to attempt to score a goal
To cause an action potential in a cell

When a neuron fires, it transmits information.

To shoot a gun, a cannon or a similar weapon

His nail gun fired about twenty roofing nails a minute.

test firing
A launch of a rocket or missile in order to investigate its performance, handling characteristics etc
feelings of great warmth and intensity; "he spoke with great ardor"
once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
{n} what burns, heat, passion, courage, love, eruption
{v} to take or set on fire, kindle, discharge firearms
bump firing
(Silahlar) The simulated automatic firing of a semi-automatic firearm or a revolving firearm (like a revolver), usually a rifle due to their larger size. It works by using the recoil to cause the shooter's finger to pull the trigger repeatedly more rapidly than is usually attainable by simply moving your finger
bump firing
(Silahlar) Rapid manual trigger manipulation to simulate automatic fire defined by the BATF FTB (Firearms Technology Branch)
bake in a kiln so as to harden; "fire pottery"
azimuth firing cut out
restriction of firing range
The evolution of light and heat in the combustion of bodies; combustion; state of ignition
Ardor of passion, whether love or hate; excessive warmth; consuming violence of temper
once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles) bake in a kiln so as to harden; "fire pottery"
The splashes of color that you see when a light source enters a diamond, and is refracted back out by the angle of the facets as well as the shape, color and clarity of the diamond
a fireplace in which a fire is burning; "they sat by the fire and talked"
the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy; "hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes"; "they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire"
results from malfunction of the internal organs or from extreme mood swings Symptoms include fever, red or bloodshot eyes, swelling, sore throat and flushed face May also include dry mouth, bleeding or inflammed gums, and a desire for cold drinks
To cauterize
The great shaper and transformer of the northern forest Ishkote or ashkote in the Ojibwe
{f} dismiss from a job; set on fire, ignite; shoot a gun; excite, inflame; glow; cast, throw; be ignited; be excited; exposed to heat; bake in a kiln (Ceramics)
drive out or away by or as if by fire; "The soldiers were fired"; "Surrender fires the cold skepticism"
To discharge artillery or firearms; as, they fired on the town
Splendor; brilliancy; luster; hence, a star
To be irritated or inflamed with passion
Torture by burning; severe trial or affliction
Simultaneous release of heat, light, and flame, generated by the combustion of flammable material
(Fuoco - foo-oh-koh) - one of the four elements of Creation, associated with the south and with the ritual spirit blade
To cause a state transition See: transition
go off or discharge; "The gun fired"
One of the four elements The fire element finds expression in zodiac through the three signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius and is held to represent among other things: intuition, action, spiritualty, creativity and drive toward individuality See also Earth, Air and Water
One of the four classic elements of the fantasy world Also, a spell domain composed of nine divine spells and a granted power themed around the element fire Also, a spell descriptor denoting spells that produce or use fire
South; wand; powers of passion and will, the ability to act effectively, to destroy, purify and change; the qualities of the flame, heat, anger, aggression, affection, sexual desire; red, orange, gold, deep yellow; snakes, scorpions, fire ants, sparkles, the sun, the God
A (usually self-sustaining) chemical reaction involving the bonding of oxygen with carbon or other fuel, with the production of heat and the presence of flame or smouldering
provide with fuel; "Oil fires the furnace"
call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses); "arouse pity"; "raise a smile"; "evoke sympathy"
Fire burns because three elements are presentheat, fuel and oxygen In technical language, fire is a chemical reaction: It happens when a material unites with oxygen so rapidly that it produces flame Think of fire as a triangle If any one of three sidesheat, fuel or oxygenis taken away, the fire goes out This is the basis for fire extinguishment Heat can be taken away by cooling, oxygen can be taken away by excluding air, fuel can be removed to a place where there is no flame, chemical reaction can be stopped by inhibiting the oxidation of the fuel
The, often accidental, occurrence of fire in a certain place leading to its full or partial destruction
destroy by fire; "They burned the house and his diaries"
Court decisions have held generally that there are three elements which constitute a fire within the meaning of an insurance policy: (1) Rapid oxidation (combustion) (2) Visible flame or glow (3) Hostile or unfriendly (A "hostile" fire is one which escapes the area in which it was intended to burn A "friendly" fire is one which does not exceed its intended purpose )
Combustion evidenced by a flame or glow Insurance distinguishes between a "hostile" fire (one out of bounds) and "friendly" fire (such as that contained within the firebox of a stove)
a severe trial; "he went through fire and damnation"
To feed or serve the fire of; as, to fire a boiler
Fuel in a state of combustion, as on a hearth, or in a stove or a furnace
Anything which destroys or affects like fire
The discharge of firearms; firing; as, the troops were exposed to a heavy fire
A rule is said to "fire" when its action is executed A rule fires only when its condition evaluates to true
In property insurance, "fire" refers to the unintentional or "hostile" occurrences of flame and combustion Damage caused by fire in your fireplace, for instance, is not covered under your homeowners insurance quotes policy But if your rug were ignited by a spark from that same fireplace, you would be covered
To inflame; to irritate, as the passions; as, to fire the soul with anger, pride, or revenge
One of the 4 classical elements, representing spirit, intuition, vitality and inspiration The fire signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
To light up as if by fire; to illuminate
- Combustion sufficient to produce a spark, flame, or glow and which is hostile (as opposed to friendly - i e , not in the place where it is intended to be, such as in a furnace )
Rapid burning of combustible material, producing heat and usually accompanied by flame. For eons, lightning was the only source of fire. The earliest controlled use of fire seems to date to 1,420,000 years ago, but not until 7000 BC did Neolithic humans acquire reliable firemaking techniques, including friction from hardwood drills and sparks struck from flint against pyrites. Fire was used initially for warmth, light, and cooking; later it was used in fire drives in hunting and warfare, and for clearing forests of underbrush to facilitate hunting. The first agriculturalists used fire to clear fields and produce ash for fertilizer; such "slash-and-burn" cultivation is still used widely today. Fire also came to be used for firing pottery and for smelting bronze ( 3000 BC) and later iron ( 1000 BC). Much of the modern history of technology and science can be characterized as a continual increase in the amount of energy available through fire and brought under human control. fire ant fire escape Fire Island fire walking Great Fire of London Greek fire Reichstag fire Ring of Fire Saint Elmo's fire Triangle Shirtwaist Co. fire
(Feu or Incendie) To ignite, to cause burning, the chemical change in combustion producing heat and light Fire has long been used for the benefit of humans Fires heat our premises, cook our meals and are used in many manufacturing processes Such situations are known as "friendly fires " When uncontrolled, fire can be an enemy and can destroy houses, crops, lumber stands, etc Such fires are known as "hostile fires" and are the subject of insurance
the event of something burning (often destructive); "they lost everything in the fire"
To take fire; to be kindled; to kindle
To animate; to give life or spirit to; as, to fire the genius of a young man
To cause to explode; as, to fire a torpedo; to disharge; as, to fire a musket or cannon; to fire cannon balls, rockets, etc
intense adverse criticism; "Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party"; "the government has come under attack"; "don't give me any flak"
- Slang for shooting a picture Example: I pressed the shutter button to fire
(Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989) An act signed into law in August 1989, by President Bush that restructured the thrift regulatory insurance system
a combustion accompanied by a flame or glow, which escapes from its normal confines to cause damage
cause to go off; "fire a gun"; "fire a bullet"
The burning of a house or town; a conflagration
terminate the employment of; "The boss fired his secretary today"; "The company terminated 25% of its workers"
a metaphorical quality associated with the signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; the 1st, 5th and 9th houses and the planets Mars, Jupiter and the Sun Fire represents the initiation of action, confidence, outreach, spontaneity, creativity, eagerness, zest, excitement and the need to do something new
Liveliness of imagination or fancy; intellectual and moral enthusiasm; capacity for ardor and zeal
terminate the employment of; "The boss fired his secretary today"; "The company terminated 25% of its workers
To set on fire; to kindle; as, to fire a house or chimney; to fire a pile
To subject to intense heat; to bake; to burn in a kiln; as, to fire pottery
{i} act of setting on fire; flame, blaze; gunshot; bonfire; glow; excitement; passion
To drive by fire
start firing a weapon
Combustion sufficient to product a spark, flame or glow and which is hostile (as opposed to friendly - i e not in the place where it is intended to be as in a furnace or fireplace )
the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke; "fire was one of our ancestors' first discoveries"
Combustion which is rapid enough to produce a flame or glow A fire, for purposes of Property Insurance, must be "hostile," which means it is not in a place in which it is intended to be Fires in their proper contained area are called "friendly fires" and are not covered under most basic Property Insurance policies
To execute a state transition See: transition
Because of the high incidence of fires in theatres during the candle and gas lighting eras, to speak of fire whilst in a theatre is generally considered unlucky
{i} ignis
proof firing
test firing, checking the working order of weapons by firing ammunition
quick firing
shooting rapidly
rocket firing
the launching of a rocket or missile under its own power
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von firing im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

{i} outage
{i} shrinkage
(Ticaret) deficiency
(Tekstil) cloth waste
loss in weight
ullage, wastage, shrinkage, loss, decrease



    Türkische aussprache



    /ˈfīrəɴɢ/ /ˈfaɪrɪŋ/


    ... Their amygdala is firing. ...