find a way to understand a situation in order to control it

listen to the pronunciation of find a way to understand a situation in order to control it
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von find a way to understand a situation in order to control it im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

get a handle on something
Anlamaya/kavramaya başlamak
Englisch - Englisch
get a handle on something
find a way to understand a situation in order to control it


    find a way to un·der·stand a si·tu·a·tion in or·der to con·trol it

    Türkische aussprache

    faynd ı wey tı ʌndırständ ı sîçueyşın în ôrdır tı kıntrōl ît


    /ˈfīnd ə ˈwā tə ˌəndərˈstand ə ˌsəʧo͞oˈāsʜən ən ˈôrdər tə kənˈtrōl ət/ /ˈfaɪnd ə ˈweɪ tə ˌʌndɜrˈstænd ə ˌsɪʧuːˈeɪʃən ɪn ˈɔːrdɜr tə kənˈtroʊl ɪt/