
listen to the pronunciation of financial
Englisch - Türkisch

İşçiler iş krizinde mali yenilgi alıyorlar. - Workers are taking a financial beating in the employment crisis.

Mali olarak ressama yardım ettiler. - They assisted the painter financially.

{s} parasal

Tom'un parasal sorunlar yaşadığının farkında mıydın? - Were you aware Tom was having financial problems?

Parasal sorunlar yaşıyor musunuz? - Are you having financial problems?

{s} finansal

Tom, Mary ve John'un finansal durumlarını tartışmalarını dinlememeye çalıştı. - Tom tried not to listen to Mary and John discussing their financial situation.

Tom bir finansal analist. - Tom is a financial analyst.

{s} parasal

Onların parasal problemleri var. - They have monetary problems.

Parasal değer Amerikan toplumunda egemen değerdir. - Monetary value is the dominant value in American society.

financial turmoil
Mâli çalkantı
financial accounts
(Ticaret) bilanço
financial aid
(Ticaret) parasal yardım
financial aid
finansal yardım
financial analysis
(Ticaret) finansal analiz
financial analyst
(Ticaret) hesap uzmanı
financial asset
(Ticaret) mali varlık
financial asset
(Ticaret) finansal varlık
financial assets
(Ticaret) finansal aktifler
financial assets
(Ticaret) finansal varlıklar
financial assets
(Ticaret) finansal varlık
financial audit
(Ticaret) mali denetim
financial audit
(Ticaret) finansal denetim
financial audit
(Ticaret) mali kontrol
financial backer
(Ticaret) finansör
financial capital
(Ticaret) finansal sermaye
financial capital
(Ticaret) mali sermaye
financial expenses
(Ticaret) sermaye giderleri
financial issues
finansal konular
financial market
(Ticaret) finansal piyasa
financial market
(Ticaret) finansal pazar
financial markets
(Ticaret) para ve sermaye piyasaları
financial planning
(Ticaret) mali planlama
financial policy
(Ticaret) mali politika
financial position
(Ticaret) finansal yapı
financial position
(Ticaret) finansal durum
financial privilege
financial ratio
(Ticaret) finansal oran
financial report
(Ticaret) finansal rapor
financial review
(Ticaret) finansal inceleme
financial service
(Ticaret) finansal hizmet
financial services
mali hizmetler
financial support
(Ticaret) yardım
financial support
(Politika, Siyaset) finansal destek
financial accounting
mali muhasebe
financial administration
mali idare
financial advisor
mali müşavir
financial affair
mali durum
financial aid
mali yardım
financial aid
finans yardımı
financial analysis
mali analiz
financial analyst
mali analist
financial and spiritual support
maddi ve manevi destek
financial backer
parasal destek sağlayan
financial balance sheet
mali bilanço
financial books
mali defterler
financial budget
mali bütçe
financial center
mali merkez
financial circles
mali çevreler
financial columns
ekonomi sütunu
financial company
mali şirket
financial company
mali ortaklık
financial condition
finansal durum
financial condition
mali durum
financial crisis
mali kriz
financial customs duties
mali gümrük vergisi
financial difficulty
ödeme güçlüğü
financial difficulty
para sıkıntısı
financial embarrassment
mali sıkıntı
financial engagements
mali taahhütler
financial expenses
mali masraf
financial facilities
finansal imkânlar
financial gain
finansal gelir
financial incentive
mali teşvik
financial institution
finans enstütüsü
financial institutions
mali kuruluşlar
financial intermediation
finansal aracılık
financial investment
mali yatırım
financial jurisdiction
mali kaza
financial law
finansman kanunu
financial liability
mali sorumluluk
financial loan
finansman kredisi
financial magnate
sanayi kralı
financial market
mali piyasa
financial muscles
mali kuvvet
financial obligation
mali yükümlülük
financial obligation
finansal zorunlukları
financial officer
finans memuru
financial operation
mali işlem
financial paper
ekonomi gazetesi
financial period
mali dönem
financial policy
finansman politikası
financial position
mali durum
financial power
finansal güç
financial power
mali güç
financial ratio
mali oran
financial reforms
finansal reformlar
financial reforms
mali reformlar
financial resource
mali kaynak
financial sector
mali kesim
financial situation
mali durum
financial standing
mali durum
financial statement
mali çizelge
financial statement
financial statistics
mali istatistikler
financial status
mali yağdayı
financial structure
finansal yapı
financial structure
mali yapı
financial support
mali yardım
financial survey
mali analiz
financial syndicate
mali sendika
financial system
mali jüye
financial world
finans dünyası
financial year
hesap dönemi
financial year
mali yıl
financial year
muhasebe dönemi
Financial Intelligence
Mâli soruşturma
Financial Intelligence Unit
Türkiye'de kara para aklama ve terörizmin finansmanını önlemek amacıyla kurulmuş Maliye Bakanlığı çatısı altında faaliyet gösteren "Mali Suçlar Araştırma Kurumu" (MASAK) tır
Financial Services Committee
Finansal Hizmetler Komitesi
financial accounts
mali hesapları
financial adviser
mali danışman
financial bind
mali çıkmaz
financial body
Finansal kurum/yapılanma
financial consultant
Mali Müşavir
financial deregulation
(Finans) Finansal serbestlik
financial documents
mali vesaik
financial erosion
finansal erozyon
financial exploitation
mali sömürü
financial facts
finansal gerçekler
financial fodder
Mâlî malzeme/yem

Burger King first became a financial fodder in 1967 when it was bought by Pillsbury.

financial gain
para kazanma
financial guarantee
mali teminat
financial instrument
finansal araç
financial intermediation
mali aracılık
financial markets
finansal piyasalar
financial officer
Hazinedar, veznedar, mali işler sorumlusu, hazine sorumlusu
financial or other help
mali ya da diğer yardım
financial plan
mali plan
financial planning
finansal planlama
financial profitability
finansal karlılık
financial relief
mali yardım
financial reporter
finans muhabiri
financial section
Finansal bölüm
financial settlement
finansal çözüm
financial support
Mâli destek
financial system
mali sistem
financial transfer
mali transfer
financial tutelage
mali vesayet
(Ticaret) moneter
mali bakımdan

Mali bakımdan karısına güveniyor. - He relies on his wife financially.

Tom otuz yaşından fazla ama o hâlâ mali bakımdan ailesine bağlı. - Tom is over thirty, but he's still financially dependent on his parents.

financial statement
mali bilanço
mali açıdan

O, mali açıdan karısına bağımlıdır - He's financially dependent on his wife.

Mali açıdan güvendeyim. - I'm financially secure.

paraya ait
{s} para ile ilgili
{s} parayla ilgili, parasal, para
(Mukavele) paraya ait, parayla ilgili
sikkeye ait
{s} para

Parasal değer Amerikan toplumunda egemen değerdir. - Monetary value is the dominant value in American society.

Bir milletin para ve mali politikalarının yeterli karışımına sahip olması önemlidir - It is important for a nation to have an adequate mix of monetary and fiscal policies.

Englisch - Englisch
related to finances
having dues and fees paid up to date for a club or society (a financial member)
{a} of or relating to matters of finance
Competent in monitoring and handling of quantitative issues related to costs, budgets and investments
involving financial matters; "fiscal responsibility"
Pertaining to finance
{s} of money matters, of finance
– Programs containing financial or accounting content required for a certification program or to teach specialized skills to employees in finance areas
Financial means relating to or involving money. The company is in financial difficulties. the government's financial advisers. + financially fi·nan·cial·ly She would like to be more financially independent. relating to money or the management of money
relating to finance
- A district in West Sector
Competent in monitoring and handling of quantitative issues relating to costs, budgets, and investments
Financial Intelligence Unit
A government agency found in many countries, responsible for investigating and preventing criminal manipulation of finance systems
Financial Intelligence Units
plural form of Financial Intelligence Unit
financial bombs
plural form of financial bomb
financial capital
The money used by entrepreneurs and businesses to buy what they need to make their products or provide their services
financial crisis
A period of economic slowdown characterised by declining productivity and devaluing of financial institutions often due to reckless and unsustainable money lending
financial instrument
Any form of funding medium, mostly those used for borrowing in money markets, including cash instruments and derivative instruments
financial instruments
plural form of financial instrument
financial investment
A deposit of money into a specified service or in the purchase of an item or commodity with the expectation that the value of the deposit will increase over time
financial market
A market where financial securities (such as stocks and bonds) and commodities are bought and sold
financial markets
plural form of financial market
financial year
Alternative form of fiscal year
financial years
plural form of financial year
Attributive form of financial market, noun
Financial Accounting Standards Board
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is a private, not-for-profit organization whose primary purpose is to develop generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) within the United States in the public's interest
Financial Intelligence
Financial Intelligence (or FININT) is the gathering of information about the financial affairs of entities of interest, to understand their nature and capabilities, and predict their intentions. Generally the term applies in the context of law enforcement and related activities
financial leverage
(Finans) In finance, leverage (or gearing) is using given resources in such a way that the potential positive or negative outcome is magnified. It generally refers to using borrowed funds, or debt, so as to attempt to increase the returns to equity
financial officer
1. Treasurer, an officer charged with receiving and disbursing funds
financial statement
financial report, account summary, record of financial transactions during a specified period
In a financial manner
from a financial point of view; "this was financially unattractive"
from a financial point of view; "this was financially unattractive
from a financial standpoint, from a monetary standpoint
Of or referring to finance or money