
listen to the pronunciation of file
Englisch - Türkisch

O bir eğe ile pası sildi. - He rubbed the rust off with a file.

Alet kutusunda bir eğen var mı? - Do you have a file in the tool chest?


Nakido bir dosya paylaşım platformudur. - Nakido is a file sharing platform.

Windows ile eklentilere sahip olmak zorundasın,yoksa o dosyalarını okumaz. - With Windows, you have to have extensions or it won't read your files.

{f} eğelemek
{i} klasör

Dosyayı hangi klasöre kaydettin? - In which folder did you save the file?

{f} törpülemek
(Bilgisayar) dosyası

Tam burada Tom'un dosyasına sahibim. - I have Tom's file right here.

Ben bir Microsoft Excel dosyası yükledim. - I have attached a Microsoft Excel file.

(Bilgisayar) kütüğe yazmak
(Kanun) kaydettirmek
(Bilgisayar) yazılacak dosya
(Kanun) açmak (dava)
(Kanun) ikame etmek
(Ticaret) sunmak

Bu iflasımızı sunmak zorunda olduğumuz anlamına mı geliyor? - Does this mean that we have to file bankruptcy?

(Bilgisayar) dosyaya

Bu komutun çıktısını o dosyaya yeniden yönlendirmenizi istiyorum. - I want you to redirect the output of this command into that file.

Sami dosyaya göz attı. - Sami took a look at the file.

(Bilgisayar) dosyaya yazmak
dosyalama yapmak
tek sıra halinde yürümek
tasnif etmek
dosyaya koymak
resmi işleme koymak
{f} dosyala

Tom vergilerini dosyalamayı unuttu. - Tom forgot to file his taxes.

Dosyalarımıza giriş için FTP'nin nasıl kullanılacağına dair bilgileri ekledim. - I have attached instructions on how to use FTP to access our files.

bir konu hakkında toplanan belgeler

Alet kutusunda bir törpün var mı? - Do you have a file in the tool chest?

Bir tırnak törpün var mı? - Do you have a nail file?


Tom bir kaza raporunu dosyalamak için polis karakoluna gitti. - Tom went to the police station to file an accident report.

Bir hasar raporunu dosyalamak için mi geldin? - Have you come to file a damage report?


Çocuklar tek sıra halinde üst kata çıktı. - The children went upstairs in single file.

O, dosyaları alfabetik olarak sıraladı. - She sorted the files in alphabetical order.

{i} (Bilgisayar) dosya
resmi işleme koyma
{i} evrak/dosya dolabı
{f} pürüzlerini gidermek
Stephanolepis ocheticus
eğe ile düzeltmek
file fish dikenli çütre balığı
{i} dosya (bir şeyle/kişiyle ilgili belgeler)
{f} sıra ile yürümek
(Askeri) TEK KOLDA YÜRÜMEK: Tek kol düzeninde yürütmek veya hareket ettirmek
{f} 1. dosyalamak, dosyaya koymak. 2
file yürü/eğele/dosyala
double file çapraz dişli eğe
{f} kayda geçirmek
evrak klasörü
(Kanun) dava açmak
(Bilgisayar) dosya kütük
(Bilgisayar) hedef dosya
File Dossier
(Bilim, İlim) İhale Dosyasıtendering, contracting dossier for the projects
file as
(Bilgisayar) dosyala
file copy
(Bilgisayar) dosya kopyalama
file date
(Bilgisayar) dosya tarihi
file hash
(Bilgisayar) sağlama dosyası
file i/o
(Bilgisayar) dosya g/ç
file id
(Bilgisayar) dosya kimliği
file info
(Bilgisayar) dosya bilgileri
file info
(Bilgisayar) dosya bilgisi
file link
(Bilgisayar) dosya bağlantısı
file list
(Bilgisayar) dosya listesi
file menu
(Bilgisayar) dosya menüsü
file only
(Bilgisayar) yalnızca dosyala
file only
(Bilgisayar) sadece dosya
file open
(Bilgisayar) dosya aç
file path
(Bilgisayar) dosya yolu
file read
(Bilgisayar) dosya oku
file save
(Bilgisayar) dosya kaydet
file send
(Bilgisayar) dosya gönderme
file suit
(Kanun) sorunca açmak
file test
eğe deneyi
file time
(Bilgisayar) dosya zamanı
file to import
(Bilgisayar) alınan dosya
file to import
(Bilgisayar) alınacak dosya
file type
(Bilgisayar) dosya tipi
file type
(Bilgisayar) dosya türü
file view
(Bilgisayar) dosya görünümü
(Bilgisayar) dosyanın
(Bilgisayar) dosya/disk
file a suit
dava açma
file away
sırayla yürü
file based
kütüğe dayalı
file cabinet
dosya kabini
file cabinet
dosya dolabı
file control block
dosya denetim öbeği
file label
kütük etiketi
file label
dosya etiketi
file locking
dosya kilitleme
file maintenance
dosya bakımı
file name
kütük adı
file name
dosya adı
file number
dosya numarası
file organization
dosya düzenleme
file processing
dosya işleme
file processing
kütük işleme
file protection
dosya koruma
file protection device
dosya koruma aygıtı
file purging
kütük silme
file purging
dosya silme
file size
dosya boyutu
file size
kütük boyutu
file store
kütük deposu
file store
dosya deposu
file structure
dosya yapısı
file system
dosyalama sistemi
file transfer
dosya transferi
file transfer
kütük aktarımı
file updating
dosya güncelleştirme
file validation
dosya onaylama
file volatility
dosya değişimi
file volatility
kütük uçuculuğu
file a lawsuit
Dava açmak
file access
dosya erişimi
file arrangement
düzenleme dosyası
file catalogue
katalog dosyası
file clean up
temizlemek dosya
file control
Kontrol dosyası
file conversion
dosya dönüştürme, kütük dönüşümü
file description
dosya tanımlaması, kütük tanımlaması
file dust
ege tozu
file extension
(Bilgisayar) Dosya uzantısı, uzantı
file extent
dosya bölümü, kütük kesimi
file for bankruptcy
iflas etmek

For all their efforts, company had to file for bankruptcy - Tüm çabalarına rağmen şirket iflas etti.

file for bankruptcy
iflas başvurusunda bulunmak
file identification
tanımlama dosyası
file interrogation
dosya sorgulama, kütük sorgulama
file layout
kütük içerik ve ögütlenmesinin tanımı, kütük betimi
file management
system dosya yönetim sistemi, kütük yönetim dizgesi
file management
dosya yönetimi
file marker
dosya işareti, kütük işareti
file mask
dosya maskeleme, kütük maskeleme
file not open
açık dosya
file organization
dosya organizasyonu
file out
Tek sıra halinde dışarı çıkmak

Reluctantly they all filed out to their next class.

file packing density
dosya paketleme yoğunluğu, kütük paketleme yoğunluğu
file print
dosya başımı, kütük başımı
file reconstitution
yeniden dosya yaratma, yeniden kütük yaratma
file record layout
dosya görünümü, kütük görünümü
file recovery
dosya kurtarma, kütük onarma
file response time
dosya yanıtlama zamanı, kütük yanıtlama zamanı
file search
dosya arama
file section
dosya kesimi, kütük bölümü
file separator
dosya ayırıcı, kütük ayırıcı
file set
dosya seti, kütük takımı
file sharing
(Bilgisayar) Dosya paylaşımı
file storage
dosya depolama
file suit
yasal bir iddiada bulunmak
file transmission table
(Bilgisayar) Dosya aktarım tablosu
file volatility
dosya değişimi, kütük uçuculugu
(Bilgisayar) Dosya paylaşımı
file a claim
dava açmak
file a complaint
yazılı olarak şikâyet etmek
file a petition
mahkemeye dilekçe vermek
file card
eğe fırçası
file clerk
evrakları dosyalayan görevli. filing cabinet evrak/dosya dolabı
file formation
(Askeri) Birerle kol
file identifier
kutuk  (dosya) kimligi
file leader
file mask
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kütük maskeleme
file out
tek sıra halinde çıkmak
file record segment
Dosya Kayıt Kesimi
file replication and maintenance service
Dosya Yineleme ve Bakım Hizmeti
file service management
Dosya Hizmeti Yönetimi
file transfer protocol
(Askeri) dosya devir protokolü
file folder
file folder
{s} kayda geçmiş
(Bilgisayar) ile ilgili dosyalar
(Bilgisayar) dosya

Dosyaların geri kalanı nerede? - Where are the rest of the files?

Tom yanlışlıkla harici hard disklerden birindeki tüm dosyaları sildi. - Tom accidentally deleted all the files on one of his external hard disks.

(Bilgisayar) dosya sayısı
(Ticaret) başvuru

Son başvuru tarihi pazartesiydi. - The filing deadline was Monday.

{f} dosyala

Ben zaten raporumu dosyaladım. - I've already filed my report.

O, o bilgi parçasını daha sonra faydalı olabileceğini düşünerek sessizce dosyaladı. - She silently filed away that piece of information, thinking it might be useful later.

{i} dosya

Tom dosya dolabının üzerinde yürüdü. - Tom walked over to the filing cabinet.

Bana yeni dosyalama sistemini göster. - Show me your new filing system.

{f} dosyala

Bana yeni dosyalama sistemini göster. - Show me your new filing system.


Windows ile eklentilere sahip olmak zorundasın,yoksa o dosyalarını okumaz. - With Windows, you have to have extensions or it won't read your files.

Tom yanlışlıkla harici hard disklerden birindeki tüm dosyaları sildi. - Tom accidentally deleted all the files on one of his external hard disks.

file folder
Dosya Dizini
file server
Dosya Sunucusu
{s} eğelenmiş
{s} dosyalanmış
{i} dosyalama

Bana yeni dosyalama sistemini göster. - Show me your new filing system.

(isim) dosyalama
geolocation code file; standard specified geographic location file
(Askeri) yer
tagged image file format file
tagged image file format file
Türkisch - Türkisch
Pamuk ve ipliklerden düğümlerle oluşmuş ağ
Bilgisayar tarafından bir bütün olarak kabul edilen, birbirleri ile ilgili data gruplarının toplandığı program
Alışverişte kullanılan ilmeklerden oluşmuş ağ torba
Yün, pamuk vb. ipliklerden düğümlerle oluşmuş ağ
Saçların dağılmaması için kullanılan ağ biçiminde örgü
Yün, pamuk vb. ipliklerden düğümlerle oluşmuş ağ. İlmeklerden oluşan, alışverişte kullanılan ağ torba
Englisch - Englisch
To make a formal request for the benefit of an official status

They filed for a refund under their warranty.

to smooth, grind, or cut with a file

I'd better file the bottoms of the table legs. Otherwise they will scratch the flooring.

To move in a file
An aggregation of data on a storage device, identified by a name
To commit official papers to some office
A man, guy, fellow; especially one known for being cunning or resourceful
one of the eight vertical lines of squares on a chessboard (i.e., those which run from number to number). The analog horizontal lines are the ranks
to defile
To store a file (aggregation of data) on a storage medium such as a disc or another computer
To shape (an object) by cutting with a file (cutting tool)
To place in an archive in a logical place and order
To cut with a file (cutting tool)
A hand tool consisting of a handle to which a block of coarse metal is attached, and used for removing sharp edges or for cutting, especially through metal
A column of people one behind another

The troops marched in Indian file.

to corrupt
A collection of papers collated and archived together
{v} to cut with a file, to march in file, to place papers in order in a bundle with a minute of the contents
{n} a smith's tool, wire for or bundle of papers, row of soldiers
a set of related records (either written or electronic) kept together
A set of related information that a computer can access by a unique name (e g , a text file, a data file, a DLG file) Files are the logical units managed on disk by the computer's operating system Files may be stored on tapes or disks
When someone files a report or a news story, they send or give it to their employer. Catherine Bond filed that report for the BBC from Nairobi
Anything employed to smooth, polish, or rasp, literally or figuratively
office furniture consisting of a container for keeping papers in order
A collection of any form of data that is stored, usually on a computer disk or tape
A named collection of information that is stored on a computer Also, an Internet protocol that refers to files on a disk or local area network In FrontPage, you can create hyperlinks to files (file: //) in Page view
place in a container for keeping records; "File these bills, please"
An orderly succession; a line; a row A row of soldiers ranged one behind another; in contradistinction to rank, which designates a row of soldiers standing abreast; a number consisting the depth of a body of troops, which, in the ordinary modern formation, consists of two men, the battalion standing two deep, or in two ranks
A collection of related information A file represents a single entry in a disk directory (folder in Windows95), but can be of almost any size Programs are stored as application files WORD EXE is an example Programs create data files Budget XLS is an example of a data file created by EXCEL A data file is often useful only to the program that created it However, interchangeability between programs is becoming more common
To set in order; to arrange, or lay away, esp
Collection of characters, instructions, or data that can be referenced by a unique identifier Files are usually stored on various types of media, such as disk, or magnetic tape A CP/M file is identified by a file specification and resides on disk as a collection of from zero to 65,536 records Each record is 128 bytes and can contain either binary or ASCII data Binary files contain bytes of data that can vary in value from 0H to 0FFH ASCII files contain sequences of character codes delineated by a carriage return and line-feed combination; normally byte values range from 0H to 7FH The directory maps the file as a series of physical blocks Although files are defined as a sequence of consecutive logical records, these records can not reside in consecutive sectors on the disk See also block, directory, extent, record, and sector
To smooth or polish as with a file
If you file a formal or legal accusation, complaint, or request, you make it officially. A number of them have filed formal complaints against the police I filed for divorce on the grounds of adultery a few months later
a line of persons or things ranged one behind the other
Course of thought; thread of narration
smooth with a file; "file one's fingernails"
An organised and structured collection of information In computing it is the basic unit of stored or accessible user data held in auxiliary storage Programs as well as data are held in file format
A group of people who are walking or standing in single file are in a line, one behind the other. We were walking in single file to the lake. In hardware and metalworking, bar-or rod-shaped tool of hardened steel with many small cutting edges raised on its surfaces. Files are used for smoothing or forming objects, especially of metal. A file's cutting or abrading action results from rubbing it, usually by hand, against the workpiece. The single-cut file has rows of parallel teeth cut diagonally across the working surfaces. The double-cut file has rows of teeth crossing each other. Rasp teeth are disconnected and round on top; rasp files are usually very coarse and are used primarily on wood and soft materials
A basic unit of storage on a computer--for example sequence information, the output of a program, or a memo to other individuals in your lab Most Wisconsin Package programs require one or more files as input and produce an output file of results For more information, see "Working with Files" in Chapter 1, Getting Started
If you file a document, you put it in the correct file. They are all filed alphabetically under author
To march in a file or line, as soldiers, not abreast, but one after another; generally with off
A collection of information, such as text, data, or images saved on a disk or hard drive
uci A collection of data that is stored in a computer, treated as a single unit by the operating system of the computer [MIL-HDBK-1908B]
A collection of information treated as a single unit by computers
A physical unit of storage on a computer disk or tape Example, the California dataset of STF 1A might contain a file of data, a file of codebook information, and a file of SPSS control cards for use with the statistical software SPSS
A file is a collection of information about a particular person or thing. We already have files on people's tax details, mortgages and poll tax You must record and keep a file of all expenses
A collection of related information in a computer that can be accessed by a unique name Files may be stored on tapes or disks
A collection of related data treated as a single unit In a computer, a file can exist on a disk, magnetic tape, or as an accumulation of information in memory
To make foul; to defile
Refers to a complete collection of data (as text or a program) treated by a computer as a unit especially for purposes of input and output i e a GIF, TXT, and WAV are all files
A named collection of information that is stored on a computer Also, an Internet protocol that refers to files on a disk or local area network In a web page editor, you can create hyperlinks to files
record in a public office or in a court of law; "file for divorce"; "file a complaint"
a steel hand tool with small sharp teeth on some or all of its surfaces; used for smoothing wood or metal
A steel instrument, having cutting ridges or teeth, made by indentation with a chisel, used for abrading or smoothing other substances, as metals, wood, etc
A collection of data treated as a unit, such as a list, document, index, note, set of procedures, etc Generally used to refer to data stored on magnetic tapes or disks See also filename, extension, and file type
Something that is on file or on someone's files is recorded or kept in a file or in a collection of information. His fingerprints were on file in Washington We'll keep your details on file It is one of the most desperate cases on her files
A shrewd or artful person
To rub, smooth, or cut away, with a file; to sharpen with a file; as, to file a saw or a tooth
named collection of information that is stored on a computer disk Also, an internet protocol that refers to files on the local disk
The line, wire, or other contrivance, by which papers are put and kept in order
{f} arrange papers methodically for preservation and reference; formally submit; walk in a line, march in line; sharpen, smooth with a file
A file is a unit of (usually named) information stored on a computer
A file is a box or a folded piece of heavy paper or plastic in which letters or documents are kept. He sat behind a table on which were half a dozen files. a file of insurance papers
file a formal charge against; "The suspect was charged with murdering his wife"
a steel hand tool with small sharp teeth on some or all of its surfaces; used for smoothing wood or metal office furniture consisting of a container for keeping papers in order a set of related records (either written or electronic) kept together a line of persons or things ranged one behind the other place in a container for keeping records; "File these bills, please"
In computers, an aggregation of data on a storage device
Named collection of information stored in one or more extents
A named collection of information that is stored on a computer disk Also, an internet protocol that refers to files on the local disk
An orderly collection of papers, arranged in sequence or classified for preservation and reference; as, files of letters or of newspapers; this mail brings English files to the 15th instant
{i} dossier, collection of documents on a subject; collection of computer data which is stored under one filename (Computers); file folder; tool for smoothing surfaces; line, queue
(fee-lay) - Also called gumbo file powder File powder, which is made from the ground dried leaves of the sassafras tree File is a thickening agent that must be stirred in a dish after it is removed the heat to prevent a stringy or ropey texture from developing It is used as a seasoning and primarily thickening agent in gumbo, and has a wonderfully pungent and aromatic flavor File should never be added to a pot of gumbo while it's cooking, but rather added to individual servings (if cooked or reheated, it will turn stringy)
file allocation table
A table used internally by the operating system to keep track of the structure of a disk and where files are stored on it
file allocation tables
plural form of file allocation table
file away
To store in a file

Would you help me file away these reports?.

file cabinet
An item of office furniture comprised of a set of either drawers, or shelves with individual doors or panels, sized to standard widths of file folders and traditionally used for the storage of files
file cabinets
plural form of file cabinet
file extension
A short series of letters and/or numerals at the end of a personal computer filename, used to indicate the type of file and the software that will be required to operate or open it

A text file will have a file extension of .txt.

file extensions
plural form of file extension
file in
To enter in line (in a single file)
file out
To exit in line (in a single file)

People filed out in a single line to get through the narrow door.

file section
The part of the data division of a COBOL program that describes the format of the logical records associated with external files to be accessed by the progrem
file sharing
The use of a file sharing network, or peer-to-peer software
file sharing
The process of making files available to others to download from the Internet
file shredder
A software program designed to overwrite the contents of a data file to prevent recovery of the file contents. In addition, File Shredder software may also be used to overwrite the unused sections of a hard drive (freespace) to erase previously deleted files. The number of overwrites as well as the pattern of data used in the overwrite function vary from program to program
file size
The length of a file, often specified in bytes
file snake
Any of various snakes resembling a file in texture or appearance, especially a wart snake or a non-venomous South African snake of the genus Mehelya
file system
A method of organizing blocks on a storage device into files and directories
file system
A set of blocks which are so organized
file types
plural form of file type
file-drawer problem
The bias to meta-analysis resulting from statistical studies with low statistical power tending to remain unpublished and inaccessible to the analyst
file-drawer problems
plural form of file-drawer problem
file sharing
(Bilgisayar) File sharing is the practice of making files available for other users to download over the Internet and smaller networks
file access
Allows users to work with a remote file as if the file were local
file allocation table
is a file that stores information about the physical location of every file on the computer's hard disk
file allocation table
Table listing the location of all blocks of data on a disk, as well as blocks of disk space available for data
file allocation table
A table or list maintained by an operating system to keep track of the status of various segments of disk space used for file storage
file allocation table
A table maintained by the DOS or OS/2 operating systems that lists all of the clusters available on a disk The FAT includes the location of each cluster, as well as whether it is in use, available for use, or damaged in soem way and therefore unavailable Because files are not necessarily stored in consecutive clusters on a disk, but can be scattered all over the disk, the FAT also keeps track of which pieces belong to which file OS/2 supports a compatible version of the DOSFAT, sometimes known as the SuperFAT, which adds 32-bit capabilities to increase speed, access to OS/2 extended attributes, and a free space bitmap which results in much reduced allocation times
file allocation table
This is a special map on each disk (or diskette) that keeps track of where the files on the disk are stored
file allocation table
area of a disk on which the location of each file is recorded
file allocation table
An area on the disk (floppy or logical drive) set aside to reference file locations on that disk The table is a chain identifying where each part of a file is located It acts similarly to a table of contents for a book
file attribute
code which indicates the properties of a file
file compression
compression of accumulated computerized information
file folder
Filing unit, preferably made from acid-free materials; titles of file folders are listed in the box inventory in a FINDING AID The use of parentheses with a number and a lower case f at the end of a folder entry, e g (5f), indicates that there are multiple file folders with the same title
file folder
An organizational structure that allows files to be stored on and retrieved from a disk
file folder
folder that holds papers together in a filing cabinet
file fragmentation
condition in which a file is spread out in several segments across the surface of a disk
file handle
A structure that identifies and provides access to a file on disk
file maintenance
continuous updating and editing of data
file management program
program which allows the organization of a disk and the files contained on the disk
file name
The name assigned to a file when it is saved and stored on a disk Different operating systems impose different restrictions on filenames
file name
The name given to a file on disc
file name
Word assumes that you want to use the first line of your document as its file name, and places this text in the File name text box in the Save As dialog box
file name
A designation used in a computer system to identify a file Sometimes, a file name is called a "data set name " For external designations of a computer file, see Title proper
file name
The name that an operating system gives to a file when it is stored to a disk
file name
Web pages are saved with a file name and a file title The file name is what the computer uses to find a page on the Internet Examples of file names: index html, favorites html, best_pics htm
file name
Label or name given to set of data or information when it is saved
file server
When several or many computers are networked together in a LAN situation, one computer may be utilized as a storage location for files for the group File servers may be employed to store e-mail, financial data, word processing information or to back-up the network
file server
A computer designated to store software, courseware, administrative tools, and other data on a local- or wide-area network It "serves" this information to other computers via the network when users enter their personal access codes
file server
hardware component of a computer that services files on the computer network
file server
A computer that provides (access to) a set of files for other computers on a network
file server
A computer containing files available to all users connected to a local-area network (LAN) In some LANs, a microcomputer is designated as the file server, while in others it is a computer with a large disk drive and specialized software Some file servers also offer other resources such as gateways and protocol conversion
file server
A mass storage device that allows files to be accessed by several computers
file server
(computer science) a digital computer that provides workstations on a network with controlled access to shared resources
file server
(n ) A process running on a computer that provides access to files for remote user systems
file server
A computer running on a network that stores files and provides access to them Also called server See also Web server
file server
A computer connected to the network that contains primary files/applications and shares them as requested with the other computers on the network If the file server is dedicated for that purpose only, it is connected to a client/server network An example of a client/server network is Novell Netware All the computers connected to a peer-to-peer network are capable of being the file server Two examples of peer-to-peer networks are LANtastic and Windows for Workgroups
file server
A centrally located computer that acts as a storehouse of data and applications for numerous users of a local area network It allows users on the network to share files and software
file server
A device on a LAN that provides mass storage of files A file server can be dedicated (only performs network management functions) or non-dedicated (where user applications can co-exist while the network is available
file server
A computer that stores data for network users and provides network access to that data
file server
  1   A high-capacity disk storage device or a computer that each computer on a network can use or access and retrieve files that can be shared among attached computers   2   A program, running on a computer, that allows different programs, running on other computers, to access the files of that computer
file system
A collection of files and directories that, when set into a logical hierarchy, make up an organized, structured set of information File systems can be mounted from a local system or remote system
file system
A hierarchical structure of data on one or more disks or partitions The actual structural details depend on the file system type See Andrew File System (AFS), Common Internet File System (CIFS), distributed file system (DFS), Fast File System (FFS), Hierarchical File System (HFS), Institutional File System (IFS), Network File System (NFS), and Unix File System (UFS)
file system
a system of classifying into files (usually arranged alphabetically)
file system
n a facility which permits aggregations of data to be stored in named files on some medium that is external to the Lisp image and that therefore persists from session to session
file system
- A standard that tells an operating system how to access and interpret the contents of a disk or tape drive, or other storage medium Common file systems include: Ext2, Ext3, ReiserFS, Swap, FAT and FAT-32 (DOS/Windows), HPFS (OS/2), NFS, NTFS (Windows NT/2000), and others
file system
An operating system makes it possible to use space on a computer's disk drives by imposing a structured file system on the disk storage Each file system has its own conventions for the way in which files are named, folders and directories are structured, and large files are split into smaller pieces, for instance It is not usually possible to transfer data directly from the file system of one operating system to that of a different operating system, because their conventions are likely to be incompatible
file system
A data structure that translates the physical (sector) view of a disc into a logical (files, directories) structure, which the application and user can more easily use to locate files See also Logical Format
file system
Multics was the first operating system to introduce a true hierarchical storage system, in which a directory could contain other directories
file system
Or, File Management System - The set of procedures that an operating system or program uses to organize and keep track of files
file transfer protocol
client-server protocol which allows a computer user to transfer files from one computer to another over a network
Agent noun of file; one who files something
file in
enter by marching in a file
file out
march out, in a file
file server
A computer, attached to a LAN, that runs a Network Operating System (nos) This lets the file server regulate communications among the workstations connected to it across the LAN, and to manage shared resources available on the file server, such as hard disk storage and printers A file server may be dedicated: the computer is used only as a file server; or non- dedicated: the underlying computer that the LAN nos runs on is used for another task simultaneously, for example as a workstation
file server
A computer that controls a central repository of data that can be downloaded or manipulated in some manner by a client
file server
In local area networks, a station dedicated to providing file and mass data storage services to the other stations on the network (Novak)
file server
A primary computer in a network that stores data files and applications for use by other computers in the network The file server functions in a network as the hard disk functions in an individual computer
file server
A program running on a network that stores files and provide access to them Also called server
file server
A computer whose principal purpose is to store files and provide network access to those files
file server
A computer that serves as the storage component of a local area network and permits users to share its hard disks, storage space, files, etc
file server
A computer that provides networked computers with access to shareable resources A dedicated file server can be used only as a file server while it is on the network A non-dedicated file server can be used simultaneously as a file server and a workstation
file server
A networked computer used to store files for access by other client computers on the network On larger networks, the file server may run a special NOSNetwork Operating System
file server
A file server is a computer on a network that stores the programs and data files shared by the users of the network A file server is the nerve center of the network, and also acts as a remote disk drive, enabling users to store information It can be physically located in another judicial district from the suspect's machine
file server
In a local area network (LAN), a personal computer that provides access to files for all the workstations in the network
file server
A file server is a host computer system that stores files and provides them to you as if they were on a hard disk attached to your own computer
file server
A computer that serves as the storage component of a local area network and permits users to share its hard disks, storage space, files, and so on
file server
A server that provides the software and file storage for systems on a network
{s} arranged in for convenient reference, placed in a file folder; smoothed, polished
past of file
a party who files a notice with a law court
A person who files something
{i} person who files documents or items in a particular order, file clerk; one who smooths and polishes with a file
One who works with a file
a clerk who is employed to maintain the files of an organization
Plural of filer
A group of related records; for example, customer files and journal files (p 624)
(Internal) FILES=(number) Used in the CONFIG Sys file to specify the maximum number of files that can be open at the same time
Files include user data, but also programs, the computer operating system and the system's configuration data
A collection of data or information that has a name, called the filename Almost all information stored in a computer must be in a file There are many different types of files: data files, text files, program files, directory files, and so on Different types of files store different types of information For example, program files store programs, whereas text files store text
A collective term usually applied to all records of an office or agency
A collective term usually applied to all records and nonrecord materials of an office or agency See also DOCUMENTARY MATERIALS, FILE, MASTER FILES, NONRECORD MATERIALS, PERSONAL PAPERS, RECORDED INFORMATION, RECORDS
Files are collections of logically related items, much like a file cabinet contains file folders made up of similar types of information For example, in one file cabinet you may find file folders containing information about your customers, while in another cabinet may be the folders for your suppliers In the Pick System, the number of items that can be put into a file is limited by the capacity of the disk We will put all of the PICK/BASIC programs, which are each considered "items," into a file called BP
Lays away papers, etc ; arranged in a methodical manner
Information stored on a computer From a letter to a program, any piece of information on a computer is called a file
of Direct Identification Microdata
A file is a collection of data referred to by a given name
Total Files The total number of files that were successfully served during the reporting period
A term used to describe some or all records and non-record materials of an office or department
clip files, idea files
A steel tool with sharp edged furrows for smoothing or rasping metals
Some requests made to the server, require that the server then send something back to the requesting client, such as a html page or graphic image When this happens, it is considered a 'file' and the files total is incremented The relationship between 'hits' and 'files' can be thought of as 'incoming requests' and 'outgoing responses'
- see culture files
third-person singular of file
All information on your computer is stored in files A file may contain a computer program, a word processing document, a photographic image, sounds, a link to a Web page, a video clip, an animation, a spreadsheet -- the list goes on
Logical storage units used to store data and programs
plural of file
Lateral: A side access file wider than deeper Vertical: The "original" front to rear file Bi-File: A row of files with slide files in front with one unit removed for rear access Power: Enclosed ferris wheel type, the file moves to the operator work level
In this context meaning filing with a Court; the delivery of legal documents to the Clerk of Courts or the proper officer with the intent that it be filed with Court
{i} classifying, categorizing, putting in a file; submission (of documents, legal claims, etc.)
preservation and methodical arrangement as of documents and papers etc
To deposit a trademark application at the Trademark Office
The process whereby documents are accepted by a court and often this is evidenced by the court stamping its seal on the filed document •Civil Courts
present participle of file
Delivery to the Director of Arbitration of the statement of claim or other pleadings, to be kept on file as a matter of record and reference
A written or oral request for a State hearing
Any particle that has been removed by a file or similar implement; a shaving
The act of recording with the clerk of the court the various legal documents regarding a suit
giving the clerk of Court your legal papers
preservation and methodical arrangement as of documents and papers etc ; "I have some filing to do"
To physically keep an original instrument in the Register's office
a fragment rubbed off by the use of a file
Giving court papers to the court clerk to place in the case file
- bringing a document to the attention of the court, who will place it 'on the file', usually by delivery to the court office
The act of putting documents into their place in accordance with an established system
"I have some filing to do" the act of using a file (as in shaping or smoothing an object) the entering of a legal document into the public record; "he filed a complaint"; "he filed his tax return" a fragment rubbed off by the use of a file
The delivery of real estate documents to a county/city recorder for recording
A fragment or particle rubbed off by the act of filing; as, iron filings
the act of using a file (as in shaping or smoothing an object)
"I have some filing to do"
the process of submitting the application for examination by the Patent Office
The act of storing documents in an archive; archiving
the act of using a file (as in shaping or smoothing an object) the entering of a legal document into the public record; "he filed a complaint"; "he filed his tax return"
Putting documents into their place in accordance with a plan, or filing system See also ARRANGEMENT, FILE, RECORDS MAINTENANCE AND USE
the entering of a legal document into the public record; "he filed a complaint"; "he filed his tax return"
Türkisch - Englisch

I captured butterflies with a net. - Kelebekleri bir fileyle yakaladım.

(Bilgisayar) fillet

Can I get a kilo of tuna fish fillets please? - Lütfen bir kilo ton balığı filetosu alabilir miyim?

(Tekstil) mesh
string bag
string bag; hair net; netting
file başlık
file cep
net pocket
file derz bandı
fly wire
file hareketi
(Spor) net acting
file minyon mantarlı
(Gıda) filet mignon with mushroorns
file topları
(Spor) net balls
file yan bandı
(Spor) vertical side band
file üst bandı
(Spor) upper band
tagged image file format file
(Bilgisayar) tiff