(Askeri) ÖZEK TERTİBATI: Yarım römorku cer aracına bağlamak için kullanılan tertibat. Bu tertibat; yarım römorkun altına tespit edilmiş kalın çelik bir levha ve özek eksenini havi üst özek tablası (upper fifth wheel plate) ile cer aracının şasesine yerleştirilmiş olan ve yuvarlak çelik levhadan yapılan alt özek levhası (lower fifth wheel plate) den oluşur. Alt özek levha, üst özeklevhaya yataklık eder ve yarı römorkun yükünü taşır
A type of trailer hitch, which consists of a horseshoe-shaped plate on a multi-directional pivot, with a locking pin to couple with the kingpin of a truck trailer
Coupling device attached to a tractor or dolly which supports the front of a semitrailer and locks it to the tractor or dolly The fifth wheel's center is designed to accept a trailer's kingpin, around which the trailer and tractor or dolly pivot in turns
vehicle designed for recreational purposes to carry persons or property on its own structure and so constructed as to be drawn by a motor vehicle by means of a kingpin connecting device VC §432
Load supporting plate mounted to the frame of a vehicle Pivot mounted, it contains provision for accepting and holding the kingpin of a trailer, providing a flexible connection between the tractor and the trailer Center of the fifth wheel should always be located ahead of the centerline of the rear axle
a steering bearing that enables the front axle of a horse-drawn wagon to rotate an extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehicle someone or something that is unwanted and unneeded
Circular or wheel-shaped bearing mechanism, secured on the rear of the chassis of a truck-tractorm that engages the semi-trailer king pin with a spring lock device and supports the weight of the front end of the semi-trailer
The sloping plate with two hinged jaws, which is fitted to the back of the tractor unit of an articulated vehicle and receives the pin on the front of the trailer portion