f., bak. sit

listen to the pronunciation of f., bak. sit
Türkisch - Englisch
Simple past tense and past participle of sit
Systems Approach to Training
In cellular applications, refers to the Supervisory Audio Tone 2
the Being, Truth and Reality associated with Brahman as opposed to the non-being (asat) of the phenomenal world
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a seven-section, three-hour exam that is administered seven times a year Three of the sections are verbal, three are math, and one is experimental The experimental section can be either verbal or math It is used by the test-makers for research purposes only and will not count toward your final score
of Sit
the seventh and last day of the week; observed as the Sabbath by Jews and some Christians
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a three-hour exam that measures two sets of skills-verbal and mathematical reasoning-that you need to do college-level work in any academic area About 2 million students take it every year
This is a nationally-accepted college admissions test designed to act as one indicator of a student's potential to be academically successful at the college level
Scholastic Assessment Test- A standardized college admissions test
(See Scholastic Assessment Test )
System Acceptance Test
SAT I: Reasoning (formerly known as Scholastic Achievement Test)
being, existence; Pure Existence; the thing that truly is; the right, the highest or best or real good
Sanskrit word meaning truth; reality; the soul; the real; the essential; the best; the learned; the excellent; the good; the virtuous man Sat is the supreme Self, the conductor of everything
Scholastic Aptitude Test
Scholastic Aptitude Test A standardized test offered by the Educational Testing Service to assess a student's preparation for college Similar to the ACT
Site Acceptance Testing
Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT—formerly the Scholastic Aptitude Test) consisting of verbal and math sections created and scored by The College Board