
listen to the pronunciation of extenuating
Englisch - Englisch
That lessens the seriousness of something by providing an excuse
Present participle of extenuate
partially excusing or justifying; "extenuating circumstances"
If you say that there are extenuating circumstances for a bad situation or wrong action, you mean that there are reasons or factors which partly excuse it. The defendants decide to admit their guilt, but insist that there are extenuating circumstances. = mitigating. extenuating circumstances/factors etc facts or reasons which make you feel that it was reasonable for someone to break the usual rules, or make you have sympathy for someone who did something wrong or illegal (past participle of extenuare, from tenuis )
{s} reducing the seriousness of (an action or guilt); partially excusing or offering of excuses or reasons to lessen the seriousness of an action
partially excusing or justifying; "extenuating circumstances
{a} palliative
extenuating circumstance
Any fact that mitigates or lessens a crime
extenuating circumstances
plural form of extenuating circumstance
extenuating circumstance
(Kanun) In law, extenuating circumstances (or mitigant circumstances) are criminal cases in which, though an offense has been committed without legal justification or excuse, its gravity, from the point of view of punishment or moral opprobrium, is mitigated or reduced by reason of unusual or extreme facts leading up to or attending the commission of the offense
extenuating circumstances
(Kanun) In law, extenuating circumstances (or mitigant circumstances) are criminal cases in which, though an offense has been committed without legal justification or excuse, its gravity, from the point of view of punishment or moral opprobrium, is mitigated or reduced by reason of unusual or extreme facts leading up to or attending the commission of the offense
extenuating circumstance
or mitigating circumstance In law, circumstance that diminishes the culpability of one who has committed a criminal offense. In many Anglo-American legal systems, provocation of the accused by the victim can reduce a charge of first-degree murder to second-degree murder or to manslaughter. In Britain, a charge of murder may be reduced to manslaughter if the accused is found to be suffering diminished capacity (see diminished responsibility). The Italian penal code allows consideration of motives of honour. Extenuating circumstances also are a factor in many civil actions
extenuating circumstances
Circumstances which render a crime less aggravated, heinous, or reprehensible than it would otherwise be
extenuating circumstances
Circumstances which render a crime less aggravated, heinous, or reprehensible than would otherwise be
extenuating circumstances
Unforeseeable and unpreventable circumstances which may adversely affect a student's academic performance and which are beyond the student's control
extenuating circumstances
1 Unusual factors tending to contribute to the consummation of an illegal act, but over which the actor had little or no control These factors therefore reduce the responsibility of the actor and serve to mitigate punishment or payment of damages
To lower or degrade; to detract from
To lessen; to palliate; to lessen or weaken the force of; to diminish the conception of, as crime, guilt, faults, ills, accusations, etc.; -- opposed to aggravate
to diminish the gravity or importance of
{v} to lessen, palliate, degrade, make thin
opposed to aggravate
Thin; slender
To lessen; to palliate; to lessen or weaken the force of; to diminish the conception of as crime, guilt, faults, ills, accusations, etc.; -- opposed to aggravate
To make thin or slender; to draw out so as to lessen the thickness
To become thinner; to make excuses; to advance palliating considerations
To lessen; to palliate; to lessen or weaken the force of; to diminish the conception of, as crime, guilt, faults, ills, accusations, etc
lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of; "The circumstances extenuate the crime"
{f} reduce the seriousness of (an action or guilt); make smaller, make thin (Archaic)
lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of; "The circumstances extenuate the crime