
listen to the pronunciation of export
Englisch - Türkisch
dışarıya vermek
dışarıya aktarmak
(Bilgisayar) gönder

Ben bir kokain ihracatçısıyım. - I'm a cocaine exporter.

Çin önde gelen bir silah ihracatçısıdır. - China is a leading exporter of arms.

dışarıya yollamak
yurtdışına satmak (malı)
(Bilgisayar) götürme

Ne ihraç etmek istiyorsunuz? - What would you like to export?

Tom JPEG dosyaları nasıl ihraç edeceğini bulamadı. - Tom couldn't figure out how to export JPEG files.

ihraç etmek

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri milyarlarca dolar değerinde yolcu uçakları ihraç etmektedir. - The U.S. exports billions of dollars' worth of passenger airplanes.

Kurak bir ülkeden yağışlı Avrupa'ya su ihraç etmek saf çılgınlık. - Exporting water from an arid country to the rainy Europe is pure folly.

ihraç malı
ihracat yapmak
{f} ihraç et

Malları gizlice ihraç etmeye devam ettiler. - They continued to export goods secretly.

Avustralya çok miktarda yün ihraç etmektedir. - Australia exports a lot of wool.

dışsatım yapmak

Yurtdışı gıda ihracatları tarım dayanaklarından biridir. - Overseas food exports are one of the mainstays of agribusiness.

Silah ihracatı yasaklandı. - Arms export was prohibited.

ihraç etme

Avustralya çok miktarda yün ihraç etmektedir. - Australia exports a lot of wool.

Kurak bir ülkeden yağışlı Avrupa'ya su ihraç etmek saf çılgınlık. - Exporting water from an arid country to the rainy Europe is pure folly.

{f} ihraç etmek, (malı) yurtdışına satmak; dışarıya mal göndermek, ihracat yapmak
ihraç malı/ihracat
{f} dışarıya satmak
ihraç edilen
{i} ihracatçılık
Dışa Aktarım
götürme dışarıya aktarmak
export license ihracat lisansı
(noun) dışarı aktarım
(verb) dışarı aktarmak
dışarıya mal göndermek
(Bilgisayar) ver

İhracaat vergilerini düşürme müzakerelerimiz büyük bir başarısızlıkla sonuçlandı.. - Our negotiations to lower export taxes suffered a big setback.

Silah ihracatına izin verilmedi. - The export of arms was not allowed.

(Bilgisayar) göndermek
dışarı aktarım
(Hukuk) dış satım
dışarı aktarmak
export achievements
(Felsefe) İhracat rakamları, ihracatta ulaşılan rakamlar
export a file
(Bilgisayar) dosya ver
export alert
(Bilgisayar) verme uyarısı
export all
(Bilgisayar) tümünü ver
export as
(Bilgisayar) farklı ver
export as
(Bilgisayar) verme türü
export as
(Bilgisayar) ver
export bonus
(Ticaret) ihracat primi
export business
(Ticaret) ihracatçılık
export by air
(Ticaret) havayolu ihracatı
export contact
(Bilgisayar) kişileri ver
export cookies
(Bilgisayar) çerezleri ver
export cookies
(Bilgisayar) tanımlama bilgilerini ver
export credits
(Ticaret) ihracat kredileri
export data
(Bilgisayar) veri ver
export dumping
(Ticaret) ihracat dampingi
export dumping
(Ticaret) ihracatta damping uygulaması
export event
(Bilgisayar) olayı ver
export events
(Bilgisayar) olay ver
export firm
ihracat firması
export format
(Bilgisayar) sertifika verme biçimi
export format
(Bilgisayar) verme biçimi
export from
(Bilgisayar) verme kaynağı
export goods
(Ticaret) ihraç eşyası
export house
ihracat firması
export keys
(Bilgisayar) anahtarları ver
export laws
ihracat yasaları
export leftover
(Ticaret) ihracat fazlası
export leftover
(Ticaret) ihraç fazlası
export licence
(Askeri,Ticaret) ihraç lisansı
export license
(Ticaret) ihraç lisansı
export loan
(Ticaret) ihracat kredisi
export marketing
ihracaat pazarlaması
export merchant
(Ticaret) ihracatçı
export messages
(Bilgisayar) ileti ver
export now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi ver
export now
(Bilgisayar) şimdi gönder
export options
(Bilgisayar) gönderme seçenekleri
export options
(Bilgisayar) verme seçenekleri
export page
(Bilgisayar) sayfa ver
export path
(Bilgisayar) verme yolu
export pictures
(Bilgisayar) resimleri gönder
export policies
(Bilgisayar) ilke ver
export price
(Ticaret) ihraç fiyatı
export proceeds
(Ticaret) ihracat bedelleri
export proceeds
(Ticaret) ihracat gelirleri
export range
(Bilgisayar) verme aralığı
export rebates
(Ticaret) ihracatta vergi iadesi
export refund
(Ticaret) ihracat iadesi
export refund
(Ticaret) ihracat geri ödemesi
export rules
(Bilgisayar) kural ver
export saleman
(Ticaret) ihracat satış temsilcisi
export sales
(Ticaret) yurtdışı satışlar
export schema
(Bilgisayar) şemayı ver
export shipper
(Ticaret) yükleyici
export shipper
(Ticaret) yükleten
export shipper
(Ticaret) malı sevkeden
export shipper
(Ticaret) ihracatçı
export store
(Bilgisayar) depoyu ver
export surplus
(Ticaret) ihraç fazlası
export table
(Bilgisayar) verme tablosu
export table
(Bilgisayar) tablo ver
export tables
(Bilgisayar) tablo ver
export taxes
(Ticaret) ihracat vergileri
export to
(Bilgisayar) verme hedefi
export to excel
(Bilgisayar) excel'e ver
export to file
(Bilgisayar) dosyaya ver
export to html
(Bilgisayar) html'e ver
export xml
(Bilgisayar) xml verme
export xml
(Bilgisayar) xml ver
export association
ihracat birliği
export commodity
ihracat maddeleri
export credit
ihracat kredisi
export declaration
ihracat beyannamesi
export deficit
ihracat açığı
export department
ihracat bölümü
export duties
ihracat vergisi
export duty
ihracat resmi
export duty
ihracat vergisi
export duty
ihraç resmi
export embargo
ihracat ambargosu
export goods
ihraç malları
export licence
ihracat izni
export license
ihracat ruhsatı
export license
ihracat lisansı
export list
ihraç listesi
export manager
ihracat müdürü
export of merchandise
mal ihracı
export operations
ihracat işlemleri
export prohibition
ihracat yasağı
export share
ihracat payı
export surplus
ihracat fazlası
export tax
ihracat vergisi
export account
ihracat hesabı
export administration regulations
ihracat yönetim düzenlemeleri
export documents
ihracat belgeleri
export drive
ihracat kampanyası
export encouragement measures
ihracatı teşvik önlemleri
export freight
ihracat navlunu
export invoice
ihracat faturası
export listed sale
ihraç kayıtlı satış
export merchant
ihracatçı tüccar
export neutrality
ihracat tarafsızlığı
export of jobs
işçi ihracı, emek ihracı
export order
ihracat siparişi
export performance
ihracat performansı
export point
ihraç noktası
export policy
ihracat politikası
export premium
ihracat primi
export prohibition
ihracat yasağı, ihraç yasağı
export promotion fund
ihracatı teşvik fonu
export promotion policies
ihracatı teşvik politikaları
export quota
ihracat kotası
export receipts
ihracat alindilari
export registered
ihraç kayıtlı
export restraints
ihracat kısıtlamaları
export revenue
ihracat geliri
export risk guarantee
ihracat riski garantisi
export season
ihracat mevsimi
export shipment
ihraç malları sevkiyatı
export source
ihracat kaynağı
export supplier
ihraç mali sağlayan
export surplus
ihracat fazlası, ihraç fazlası
export tariff
ihracat gümrük tarifesi
export tax rebate
ihracat vergi iadesi
export trade
ihracat ticareti
export transaction
ihracat işlemi
export value
ihracat değeri
İhracata dayalı
export article
(Ticaret) ihracat maddesi
export broker
(Ticaret) ihracat komisyoncusu
export levy
(Avrupa Birliği) ihracat prelevmanı
export levy
(Ticaret) ihracat vergisi
export of jobs
(Ticaret) iş ihracı
export of jobs
(Ticaret) emek ihracı
export of jobs
(Ticaret) işçi ihracı
export permit
(Ticaret) dışsatım izni
export permit
çıkış belgesi
export promotion
(Avrupa Birliği) ihracatın teşviki
export receipts
(Ticaret) ihracat alındıları
export refunds
(Avrupa Birliği) ihracat iadesi
export server
Dışa Aktarım Sunucusu
export shipment
(Ticaret) ihraç mallan sevkiyatı
export subsidy
(Ticaret) ihracata verilen sübvansiyon
export subsidy
ihracat kesintisi
export subsidy
(Avrupa Birliği) ihracat sübvansiyonu (desteği)
export subsidy
(Ticaret) ihracat desteği
export subsidy
(Kanun) ihraç sübvansiyonu
export subsidy
(Ticaret) ihracat desteklemesi
export supplier
(Ticaret) ihraç malı sağlayan
export supplier
(Ticaret) ihracat için mal sağlayan
export tax
(Ticaret) ihraç vergisi
export traffic release
(Askeri) trafikten mennin affı
export traffic release number
(Askeri) DENİZAŞIRI SEVKİYAT MÜSAADE NUMARASI, ÇIKIŞ MÜSAADE NUMARASI: Bir veya daha çok vagon yükü veya eşidi hamulenin bir gönderme noktasından daha sonra denizaşırı bölgelere sevkedilmek üzere -bir su veya hava terminaline naklinde, Milli Savunma Bakanlığı sevkiyat makamları tarafından, sevkiyatı tanıtmak veya ibra etmek için kullanılan numara. Bu numara; sevkiyatın yapılacağı yolu ve usulü ihtiva eder
export volume
(Avrupa Birliği) ihracat hacmi
arms export control act
(Askeri) silah ihracat kontrol yasası
commodity export
(Ticaret) ürün ihracatı
(Ticaret) ihracat rejimi
(Ticaret) ihracat yapma
(Bilgisayar) verildi
(Ticaret) ihracederek
(Bilgisayar) veriliyor
(Ticaret) ihracat yapan
(Ticaret) dış satım
yurtdışı satışlar
(Ticaret) ihraç mallan ve hizmetleri
(Bilgisayar) al/ver
invisible export
(Turizm) görünmeyen ihracat
save as/export
(Bilgisayar) farklı kaydet/ver
ihraç edilebilir

Hükümet ateşli silah ihracatını yeniden ele almaktadır. - The government has been reconsidering its firearms exportation.

dışsatımcı kişi ya da ülke
ihraç eden
ihraç etme

Kurak bir ülkeden yağışlı Avrupa'ya su ihraç etmek saf çılgınlık. - Exporting water from an arid country to the rainy Europe is pure folly.

{f} ihraç et

Kurak bir ülkeden yağışlı Avrupa'ya su ihraç etmek saf çılgınlık. - Exporting water from an arid country to the rainy Europe is pure folly.


Birçok büyük Japon şirketleri ihracata bağlıdır. - Most big Japanese companies depend on exports.

Geçen yıl ithalat ihracatı aştı. - Imports exceeded exports last year.

fictitious export
hayali ihracat
commercial export
ticari ihracat
concentration of export trade
ihracat ticaretinin yoğunlaşması
indirect export
Dolaylı ihraç
Arms Export Control Act
(Askeri) Silah İhracatı Kontrol Yasası
actual export
(Ticaret) fiili ihracat
Englisch - Englisch
to carry away

You will be exported from the club if you continue this behaviour.

: to send (data) from one program to another
of or relating to exportation or exports
to cause to spread in another part of the world
something that is exported

Oil is the main export of Saudi Arabia.

to sell (goods) to a foreign country

Japan exports electronic goods throughout the world.

the act of exporting

The export of fish is forbidden in this country.

{v} to carry or send out of a country
{n} any thing carried or sent out in traffic
v t (a symbol in a package) to add the symbol to the list of external symbols of the package
commodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country
A domestic good or service that is sold (export sale) abroad Exports include government and non-government goods and services; however they exclude goods and services to the U S military, diplomatic, and consular institutions abroad Exports do include goods and services that were previously imported
vt: To carry or send a commodity to some other country n: A commodity conveyed from one country to another for purposes of trade
Exports are goods which are sold to another country and sent there. He did this to promote American exports Ghana's main export is cocoa. import
To send things to another country
To carry or send abroad, or out of a country, especially to foreign countries, as merchandise or commodities in the way of commerce; the opposite of import; as, to export grain, cotton, cattle, goods, etc
In computing, if you export files or information from one type of software into another type, you change their format so that they can be used in the new software. Files can be exported in ASCII or PCX formats. import
Transferring data out of a data file in one application to a standard-format file to be used in another application
That which is exported; a commodity conveyed from one country or State to another in the way of traffic; used chiefly in the plural, exports
to send (data) from one program to another
To export products or raw materials means to sell them to another country. The nation also exports beef They expect the antibiotic products to be exported to Southeast Asia and Africa To earn foreign exchange we must export. import Export is also a noun. the production and export of cheap casual wear illegal arms exports
EXPORT creates an ARC/INFO interchange file to transfer coverages, INFO data files, text files, and other ARC/INFO files between various computer systems An interchange file contains all coverage information and appropriate INFO file information in a fixed length, ASCII format It can be fully or partially compressed as well as uncompressed ASCII depending upon the given EXPORT option
The act of exporting; exportation; as, to prohibit the export of wheat or tobacco
To sell goods or services to a buyer outside your country
sell or transfer abroad; "we export less than we import and have a negative trade balance
The process of saving data from one computer program so that another computer program can use it See also import
To export something means to introduce it into another country or make it happen there. It has exported inflation at times. hecklers who said the deal would export jobs to Mexico. import
{i} shipping of goods to other countries; exportation; merchandise or services sold to parties in other countries; storage of data in a format which can be read by other programs (Computers)
The process of backing up a Digital ID to avoid loss Digital IDs contain information you cannot recover in the event of a hard drive crash or browser re-installation, so you should make a copy and store it in a secure place
Transporting data from one computer, program, format, or device to another
Shipment of goods to another country
To save data from one application in a file format that another program can import or open Some programs have an Export command that's separate from the Save command
commodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country cause to spread in another part of the world; "The Russians exported Marxism to Africa"
cause to spread in another part of the world; "The Russians exported Marxism to Africa"
A software function that allows you to save a copy of information produced in one format into a file of another format
commodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country cause to spread in another part of the world; "The Russians exported Marxism to Africa" sell or transfer abroad; "we export less than we import and have a negative trade balance
(n ) The process by which a server advertises the file systems that it allows hosts on a network to access
The process of carrying or sending goods to another country or countries, especially for purposes of use or sale in the country of destination The sale of products to clients abroad
Having to do with the shipment of commodities to other countries
Within the context of a DLL, to make a function or data available for use by application programs or other DLLs
To transfer information from the current program to another location or program See import
Export means an actual shipment, transfer, or transmission of items out of a country; a transfer of goods or technology within a country with the knowledge or intent that the goods or technology shipped, transferred, or transmitted to an unauthorized recipient; or the transfer of goods or information in a country to an embassy or consulate of a foreign country
To convert a Palm database into another format, often one readable by another application
1 (noun) Something, such as food, lumber or a manufactured product, that is sent or sold to another country 2 (verb) To send or sell something to another country
The Carnet files can not be directly read by other applications To export the data stored in a Carnet file, you must save it as a text file The text file is structured by delimiters to separate fields and records (usually tabs and returns, but Carnet can use any character as delimiter)
To carry away; to remove
to sell goods or services to another country; something sold to another country
To convert a file from one application format to another, or to move data out of one file with the purpose of importing it into another file
goods or services produced in one country and sold to another
{f} ship, send abroad, sell overseas
sell or transfer abroad; "we export less than we import and have a negative trade balance"
export subsidies
plural form of export subsidy
export subsidy
A direct or indirect compensation provided by government to private commercial firms to promote exports of domestic products
Export-Import Bank of the United States
One of the principal U.S. government agencies in international finance. Originally incorporated as the Export-Import Bank of Washington in 1934, its goal is to help finance U.S. exports, principally by lending money to foreign buyers of U.S. goods and services. Such assistance often consists of credits to foreign banks and governments in connection with development projects. See also development bank
Export-Import Bank of the United States Ex-Im Bank
One of the principal U.S. government agencies in international finance. Originally incorporated as the Export-Import Bank of Washington in 1934, its goal is to help finance U.S. exports, principally by lending money to foreign buyers of U.S. goods and services. Such assistance often consists of credits to foreign banks and governments in connection with development projects. See also development bank
export bounty
generous shipment of goods out of a country for sale in another
export company
company which ships goods out of a country for sale in another
export credit
a credit opened by an importer with a bank in an exporter's country to finance an export operation
export credit
credit granted on items sent to other countries to be sold
export declaration
A document required by the U S Treasury department and completed by the exporter to show the value, weight, consignee, destination, etc , pertinent to the export shipment The document serves two purposes: to gather trade statistics and to provide a control document if the goods require a valid export license
export declaration
A form filed by an exporter or an exporter’s agent, which states the content of goods being exported Used for the compilation of export statistics and as an export control document
export declaration
A document required by the U S Treasury Department and completed by a shipper indicating the contents, value, and destination of an export shipment
export declaration
Government document permitting designated goods to leave the country Issued by U S Dept of Commerce Includes complete particulars on the shipment Although customers can submit their declarations themselves to U S Customs, the carrier is still responsible for penalties if the documentation is not available by the time a vessel is 'cleared' by Customs for sailing a k a ex-dec, SED (Shipper's Export Declaration)
export declaration
A formal statement declaring full details about goods being exported, made to the collector of customs at a port of exit
export declaration
A form filed by an exporter or an exporter's agent at the port of departure, which states the content of goods being exported Export declarations are used to compile export statistics and as a export control document
export declaration
A government document permitting designated goods to be shipped out of the country
export declaration
A Declaration Form for calculating export statistics and monitoring the movement of certain goods
export declaration
A formal statement made to the Director of Customs at a port of exit declaring full particulars about goods being exported
export declaration
see Shipper's export declaration
export duty
taxes paid on goods shipped out of a country
export duty
a duty imposed on exports
export entry
document indicating the contents of a commercial shipment to be exported
export incentive
benefits offered or received for shipping goods out of a country
export license
license which authorizes the shipping of goods out of a country for sale in another
export of knowhow
transfer of technical or other knowledge to another country
export subsidies
monetary contributions given by the government to support the export industry
export surplus
excess beyond the quantity that may be exported
The act of exporting; the act of conveying or sending commodities abroad or to another country, in the course of commerce
One who, or that which, exports: especially a person who or organization that exports or sells goods made in one country for delivery in another country

India is the leading exporter of guar gum making up nearly 85 per cent of the global production.

invisible export
Any export that does not have a tangible physical presence (e.g. expertise, insurance underwriting)

Although physical imports exceeded exports, when invisible exports were accounted for the balance of payments was healthy.

{a} that may be exported
{n} the act of sending goods abroad
{n} one who sends goods abroad in trade
Jordan Export Development and Commercial Centers
organization established by the Jordanian government to encourage business and trade
earmarked for export
intended for sale out of the country
{s} can be sent out of a country (for sale in another)
Able to be exported
suitable for export; "exportable cultural schievements"
Exportable products are suitable for being exported. They are reliant on a very limited number of exportable products
Suitable for exportation; as, exportable products
suitable for export; "exportable cultural schievements
commodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country
The act of carrying out
Commodity exported; an export
the commercial activity of selling and shipping goods to a foreign country
{i} sending of products to another country (for sale)
past of export
adj (of a symbol in a package) being an external symbol of the package @IGindex{expressed adjustability}
An object known by all nodes in a multiprocessor system An object created with the GLOBAL attribute will be exported
adj (of a symbol in a package) being an external symbol of the package
The party responsible for the export of goods
The principal party in an export transaction that has the power and responsibility for determining the mode of transport, and controls the sending of goods to a recipient in an international destination
a businessperson who transports goods abroad (for sale)
one who sells and/or ships goods to customers in other countries
A firm that makes products in one country and then distributes and sells them in others
Person that exports; originator or wholesaler of exported goods In the context of export control, the person or organization that serves as the source of the exported equipment, technology, information, or software
The person who has authority of a principal party in interest to determine and control the sending of items out of the country
A person who or organization that exports or sells goods made in one country for delivery in another country
One who exports; the person who sends goods or commodities to a foreign country, in the way of commerce; opposed to importer
An exporter is a country, firm, or person that sells and sends goods to another country. France is the world's second-biggest exporter of agricultural products. importer. a person, company, or country that sells goods to another country   importer exporter of
An individual or company that transports goods or merchandise from one country to another in the course of trade
{i} one who exports, one who sends products to another country to be sold
selling some of what the firm produces to foreign markets
(p 64) Selling products to another country
the commercial activity of selling and shipping goods to a foreign country
Entering a foreign market by selling goods produced in the company's home country, often with little modification
A means of entering new markets by sending products to other countries and retaining production facilities within domestic borders
Use of an intermediary that performs most marketing functions associated with selling to other countries; entails the minimum effort, cost and risk involved in international marketing p 93
present participle of export
Selling products made in one's own country for use or resale in other countries
third-person singular of export
The flow of money from the rest of the world in exchange for domestically produced goods and services
Shipments of goods from the 50 states and the District of Columbia to foreign countries and to Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and other U S possessions and territories
trade goods that are sold to another country or colony
refers to goods and services sold to other countries One of the components of measuring GDP
Goods and services produced in one country that are sold and shipped to another Merchandise exports (sometimes called visibles) consist of products or commodities; service exports (sometimes called invisibles) consist of banking and insurance services, transportation, travel and tourism, technology and know-how, and the receipts from foreign investment such as interest and dividends
This entry provides the total US dollar amount of exports on an f o b (free on board) basis
measures the total physical movement of merchandise out of the United States to foreign countries USA Trade presents exports on a total basis and reports value on a f a s (free alongside ship) basis
Exports include both domestic exports and re-exports Domestic exports include goods grown, extracted or manufactured in Canada, including goods of foreign origin which have been materially transformed in Canada Re-exports are exports of foreign goods which have not been materially transformed in Canada, including foreign goods withdrawn for export from bonded customs warehouses
the sale of goods or services from one country to another U S exports are reported by the Department of Commerce in it's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reports
*see Trade--Exports
Products and services produced in Canada and sold in other countries
goods produced domestically but sold abroad
Goods and services one country produces and sells to others The opposite of imports, strong exports are necessary to have a favorable balance of trade BACK TO TOP
Goods and services one country produces and sells to others The opposite of imports
Goods or services which are produced in one country and sold to and consumed in another country Also see imports
goods which are sold to other countries
to send goods or products out of the country
goods or services the people of one country sell to another country
Refer to all commodities, goods and services, which are exported outside the country, or to free customs regions It includes the national commodities and re-exported services of commodities and goods F O B is the base to count it by its costs loaded by means of transportation in the country of origin
Products sent out of the country for sale to foreigners
the total value of the goods and services that people in one country sell to people in other countries (chapter 6)
Domestically produced goods and services that are sold abroad
Goods and services produced in one country but sold in another
The value of all goods and nonfactor services sold to the rest of the world; they include merchandise, freight, insurance, travel, and other nonfactor services The value of factor services (such as investment receipts and workers' remittances from abroad) is excluded from this measure See also merchandise exports and imports
The goods and services sold to citizens of another country plus the services furnished to the citizens of the foreign country in shipping, financing, and otherwise facilitating the export
As used in the Commerce Department's Export Control Regulations: 1) When an item is exported from this country to another country and then that country transfers the item on to another country 2) When a foreign-made item is imported to this country, export-controlled U S technology (parts, components, materials, etc ) is added to the item, and the item is then "re-exported" back to the country of origin or to another country
Export of wildlife or plants that have been previously imported
Export of wildlife or plants that have been previously imported Registration: The process of developing and maintaining an immediate, brief, and permanent means of identifying an object for which the institution has permanently or temporarily assumed responsibility (Nauert 1979) Relative humidity (RH): The proportion of actual vapor pressure of air to its saturation vapor pressure at that temperature Rigging: (1) The art of combining and securing the proper slings and hitches to the proper pick of an object to be lifted The person responsible for this is the rigger; (2) the actual slings and equipment used in moving large objects Risk assessment: Evaluation of museum object for suitability to travel ABC- DEF- GHI- JKL- MNO- PQR- STU- VWX- YZ Updated 12-3-98 Please send comments to: the RCAAM Webmaster