
listen to the pronunciation of executive
Englisch - Türkisch

Yeni bir öneriyi tartışmak için bir yürütme kurulu oluşturuldu. - An executive council was formed to discuss the new proposal.

Yürütme komitesi onu şirketin başkanlığına atadı. - The executive committee appointed him the president of the company.


Bir sigorta şirketinde bir yönetici. - He is an executive in an insurance company.

Baş yönetici ile tanıştım. - I got acquainted with the chief executive.

{i} idareci

Tom tipik idareciniz değil. - Tom isn't your typical executive.

{i} hükümet
{s} yönetim

Üst yönetimi kim temsil ediyor? - Who represent the executive management?

Bu bir yönetim kararıydı. - This was an executive decision.

(Askeri) muavin
(Ticaret) yürütme organı
(Bilgisayar) yürütülebilir
yürütmeye ilişkin
(Politika, Siyaset) yürütmeyle ilgili
yetki sahibi
idareci durumunda olan
yetkili şâhıs
{s} yönetimsel, idari
{s} yöneticiye ait
(Askeri) MUAVİN: Bak. "executive officer"
yürütme yetkisi
güverte subayları
{s} uygulama ile ilgili
{s} icra
kanunları yapan
icra salâhiyeti olan
{s} yetkili

Ben müzenin yetkili müdürüyüm. - I am the executive director of the museum.

(Bilgisayar) executive
executive air charter
özel çartır uçağı
executive analysis
(Askeri) icrai analiz
executive assistant
(Ticaret) yönetici asistanı
executive assistant
özel kalem müdürü
executive board
(Kanun) başkanlık divanı
executive body
(Askeri) yürütme organı
executive branch
(Politika, Siyaset) yürütme organı
executive chef
(Gıda) aşçı başı
executive coaching
(Ticaret) üst düzey yönlendirme
executive commitee
(Ticaret) icra komitesi
executive commitee
(Ticaret) idari komite
executive competence
(Politika, Siyaset) icra yetkisi
executive departments
yönetici bölümleri
executive director
(Ticaret) murahhas aza
executive director
baş yönetmen
executive editor
genel yayın yönetmeni
executive expenses
(Ticaret) yönetim giderleri
executive function
(Ticaret) icra fonksiyonu
executive function
(Ticaret) hükümet
executive function
(Kanun,Ticaret) yürütme görevi
executive information system
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) üst yönetim bilişim sistemi
executive judgement
(Ticaret) yönetici tahmini
executive level
(Ticaret) genel yönetim
executive office
executive officer
(Askeri) ikinci komutan
executive officer
(Askeri) muavin
executive order
başkanlık emri
executive organ
(Kanun) idari kurum
executive organ
yürütme organı
executive organ
(Kanun) idari organ
executive organs of the state
(Kanun) devletin idari kurumları
executive organs of the state
(Kanun) devletin idari organları
executive power
(Politika, Siyaset) yürütme
executive president
(Ticaret) icra kurulu başkanı
executive program
(Bilgisayar) yürütücü program
executive program
(Bilgisayar) yürütücü izlence
executive report
(Bilgisayar) üstyönetim raporu
executive routine
(Bilgisayar) yürütücü altprogram
executive training
(Ticaret) yönetici yetiştirme
executive training
(Ticaret) yöneticilik eğitimi
executive unit
(Politika, Siyaset) icrai birim
executive vice president
(Ticaret) başkan vekili
executive vice president
(Ticaret) başkan yardımcısı
executive board
yönetim kurulu
executive board chairman
yönetim kurulu başkanı
executive expense
yönetim gideri
executive information system
üstyönetim bilişim sistemi
executive officer
ikinci kaptan
executive power
yürütme yetkisi
executive power
icra kuvveti
executive routine
yürütücü yordam
executive secretary
yönetici sekreter
executive session
gizli celse
executive workstation
yürütücü iş istasyonu
Executive Producer
(Film) İdareci yapımcı
Executive Producer
(Film) Baş yapımcı
executive airplane
uçakların işletilmesi
executive assistance
yönetici asistanlığı
executive assistant
(İdari Yönetim) yönetici yardımcısı
executive board of directors
(Ticaret) İcra kurulu
executive development
Yönetici geliştirme
executive lounge
VıP salonu
executive manager
Yönetici müdürü, idare müdürü
executive position
yönetici pozisyonu
executive producer
Yönetici yapımcı, Baş yapımcı
executive room
kral dairesi
executive sponsor
yürütme sponsor
executive system
yönetici sistem
executive trade agreement
karşılıklı ticari anlaşma
Executive Council for Modeling and Simulations
(Askeri) Modelleme ve Simülasyon Yürütme Konseyi
Executive Director (CIA)
(Askeri) İcra Başkanı (CIA)
Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs (USG)
(Askeri) İstihbarat Toplum İlişkileri İcra Başkanı (Birleşik Devletler (US) hükümeti (USG))
executive act
(Kanun) hükümet tasarrufu
executive agreement
(Politika, Siyaset) yürütme anlaşması
executive agreement
(Askeri) CUMHURBAŞKANLIĞI ANLAŞMASI: A. B. D. ile bir yabancı memleket arasında yapılan bir anlaşma. Bu anlaşma, Cumhurbaşkanı' nın idaresi altında yapılır; genellikle imzalandığı andan itibaren yürürlüğe girer ve tasdik için Senatoya arzedilmez
executive agreement
(Politika, Siyaset) yürütücü anlaşma
executive aircraft
(Havacılık) irtiba uçağı
executive analysis
(Askeri) İCRAİ ANALİZ (HV.): İşlem kararının alınmasını kolaylaştırmak üzere teşkil edilmiş nihai karar verme yetkisine sahip üst karargah seviyesine, Manajman/ Durum Analizi usullerine özel surette uygulanması. EXECUTIVE FOR RESERVE AND ROTC AFFAIRS: İHTİYATLIK VE YEDEK SUBAY HAZIRLIK EĞİTİM TEŞKİLAT İŞLERİ MUAVİNİ
executive committee
(Askeri) icra komitesi
executive committee
icra heyeti
executive committee
yürütme kurulu
executive compensation
(Ticaret) makam ödeneği
executive department
(Politika, Siyaset) yürütme dairesi
executive expense
(Ticaret) idare masrafı
executive information system
(Üst) Yönetim Bilişim Sistemi
executive officer
(Askeri) KOMUTAN MUAVİNİ, MUAVİN: Kıtalarda komutanın, idari teşkilatla bir daire veya şube şefinin birinci derecede yardımcısı. Buna "executive" de denir
executive officer
(Askeri) icra subayı
executive order
(Askeri) CUMHURBAŞKANI EMRİ: Kongre tarafından kendisine verilmiş yetkiye dayanarak A. B. D. Cumhurbaşkanı tarafından verilen emir. Bu emir kanuni mahiyettedir
executive program
yürütme programı
executive report
ustyonetim raporu
executive salaries
(Ticaret) uzman maaşları
executive secretary
(Eğitim) genel müdürlük sekreteri
executive steering group
(Askeri) yürütme grubu
executive system
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yönetici dizge
execution and executive qualifications
yönetim ve yönetici özellikleri
field executive
alan yöneticisi
territory executive
Bölge Sorumlusu

Ben şirketin geleceği ile ilgili üst düzey yöneticilerinin toplantısında duvardaki sinek olmayı isterdim. - I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the meeting of the senior executives about the future of the company.

Şirket yöneticilerinden bazıları bir konferans için şehir dışındalar. - Some of the company's executives are out of town for a conference.

account executive
müşteri temsilcisi
chief executive officers
şef yöneticiler
executive board
(Kanun,Ticaret) idare heyeti
executive director
(Politika, Siyaset) icra direktörü
executive director
(Ticaret) yetkili müdür
executive director
(Ticaret) murahhas üye
executive director
(Askeri) yönetici müdür
executive officer
icra memuru
executive summary
(Ticaret) idari özet
sales executive
satış yetkilisi
account executive
hesap yöneticisi
business executive
iş idarecisi
chief executive
communication executive
iletişim yöneticisi
senior executive
yüksek düzey idareci
top executive
en üst yönetici
Army Executive Officer
(Askeri) 1. Emir Subayı,Emir Astsubayı. Generallerin görev ile ilgili emirlerini takip eden subay, astsubay veya görevli kişi.2. İcra Subayı
Board of Executive Directors
İcra Direktörleri Kurulu
chairman of the executive board
yürütme kurulu başkanı
chief executive officer
CEO - İdari yönetim amiri
communications executive
iletişim yöneticisi
corporate executive
(Ticaret) şirket yöneticisi
federal executive board
Federal yönetim kurulu
health and safety executive
sağlığı ve güvenliği yönetim
health and safety executive (gbr)
sağlığı ve güvenliği yönetim (gbr)
information executive
bilgi yürütme
geçici yönetici
non executive
olmayan yönetim
sales executive
satış yetkilisi, satış yöneticisi
Chief Executive
{i} baş yönetici
Defense Intelligence Executive Board
(Askeri) Savunma İstihbarat İcra Kurulu
Intelligence Community Executive Committee
(Askeri) İstihbarat Topluluğu İcra Komitesi
National Counterintelligence Executive
(Askeri) Milli İKK Subayı
National Military Command System (NMCS) Automated Control Executive
(Askeri) Milli Askeri Komuta Sistemi (NMCS) Otomatik Kontrol Subayı
advanced interactive executive
(AIX) İleri Etkileşimli Yönetici
battery executive
(Askeri) BATARYA SUBAYI: Batarya komutan yardımcısıdır. Kıyı topçusunda ise, kısım komutanıdır
battery executive
(Askeri) batarya subayı
central executive
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) merkezi yürütme
central executive board
(Politika, Siyaset) merkez yürütme kurulu
central executive committee
(Politika, Siyaset) merkez yürütme kurulu
central executive unit
(Havacılık) merkezi yönetim birim
chairman of executive council
(Ticaret) yürütme kurulu başkanı
company executive
(Ticaret) kurum yetkilisi
company executive
(Ticaret) şirket yetkilisi
company executive
firma yetkilisi
dual executive
(Politika, Siyaset) çift başlı yürütme
electromagnetic; executive manager
(Askeri) elektromanyetik; icra idarecisi
electronic attack (previously ECM); emergency action; executive agent; executive
(Askeri) elektronik saldırı (eski adıyla Elektronik Karşı Tedbirler (ECM)); acil faaliyet/işlem; icra üyesi; icra üyesi asistanı
environmental executive agent
(Askeri) çevresel icra üyesi
executive council
yürütme kurulu
icra salahiyeti olarak
general executive board
(Kanun) genel idare kurulu
joint modeling and simulation executive panel
(Askeri) müşterek modelleme ve simülasyon idare paneli
jury of executive opinion
(Ticaret) satış tahmini yöntemi
justices' chief executive
(Kanun) sulh mahkemesi idare amiri
local executive personnel
yerel yönetim personeli
marketing executive
satış elemanı
party executive
(Politika, Siyaset) parti yöneticisi
resident executive
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yerleşik uygulayıcı
special operations executive
(Askeri) özel harekat subayı
start executive proceeding
(Kanun) icra takibinde bulunmak
top level executive
(Ticaret) üst düzey yöneticisi konumu
Türkisch - Türkisch

Definition von executive im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch

Executive assistant
yönetici asistanı
Englisch - Englisch
Of, pertaining to, or having responsibility for the day-to-day running of an organisation, business, country, etc.; as, an executive act, an executive officer, executive government
A title of a chief officer or administrator, especially one who can make significant decisions on her/his own authority
Designed or fitted for execution, or carrying into effect
That branch of government which is responsible for enforcing laws and judicial decisions, and for the day-to-day running of the state
{s} administrative, operational, having the power to execute laws and policy
{i} manager, person or group of persons having administrative authority within an organization; branch of a government or organization which executes laws and policy
{n} executive power, or the person or council administering a government
{a} having a power or tending to act
The branch of government that carries out the laws
persons who administer the law a person responsible for the administration of a business having the function of carrying out plans or orders etc
A position responsible for directing or assisting in directing the overall activities of a department, autonomous agency, bureau, or equivalent
a runtime environment within a SAS session It is a complete, independent SAS session within the current SAS process The experimental startsas statement in SAS software, Version 7, can be used with submitted SAS code to create multiple executives in a single SAS session When SAS is started, one executive is created Most programs run in this single executive and then terminate In the case of the Application Server, the appsrv proc runs in the main executive and launches other executives to run the user programs
The resident portion of the operating system, also called kernel, supervisor, monitor, or master program 8 2
meaningless 1980s term advertisers used to add prestige to a product or service (Added December 2002)   
7 25 x 10 5 184 x 267
The set of kernel-mode components that form the base Microsoft Windows NT® or later operating system See the Windows DDK
the branch of government which carries out or administers the laws ministers from the governing party who make policy and control government departments, and who are answerable to Parliament for the way they run the government
The executive sections and tasks of an organization are concerned with the making of decisions and with ensuring that decisions are carried out. A successful job search needs to be as well organised as any other executive task I don't envisage I will take an executive role, but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing
The act of making a document legally valid, such as formalizing a contract by signing, or acknowledging and delivering a deed
The Prime Minister and other Ministers and Parliamentary Under-Secretaries; the Government
Designed or fitted for execution, or carrying into effect; as, executive talent; qualifying for, concerned with, or pertaining to, the execution of the laws or the conduct of affairs; as, executive power or authority; executive duties, officer, department, etc
a person responsible for the administration of a business
Relating to the branch of government charged with the execution and administration of the nation's laws
A title of a chief officer or administrator, especially one who can make significant decisions on his own authority
Employees exercising key managerial roles in the Department and having a significant effect on its overall operations
interface program between the user application code and the hardware resources; usual executives are designed, compiled, linked, and loaded separately from application code, and therefore must take at runtime resource allocation decisions; SynDEx executives are generated, compiled, linked, and loaded together with application code, and therefore may take at compile time more sophisticated resource allocation decisions with no runtime overhead
An impersonal title of the chief magistrate or officer who administers the government, whether king, president, or governor; the governing person or body
Executive goods are expensive goods designed or intended for executives and other people at a similar social or economic level. an executive briefcase. executive cars
an individual who holds a position of authority in a firm and who is called on to make administrative or managerial decisions
A faculty of Screen's HQ RIP which provides a direct PostScript interface
In Windows NT, the components of the operating system that run in the kernel (ring 0) and handle interprocess communication, interrupt requests, and object security Graphics operations have been moved from user mode to kernel mode in Windows NT 4 0 to speed performance See kernel mode and user mode
In this document, this term is used to referred to RTEMS Commonly, an executive is a small real-time operating system used in embedded systems
Members of the Executive Committee are the most powerful people at Knox, and also the people with the biggest responsibility for making sure that everything is done correctly
A small group of elected officials who direct the policy process, and oversee the vast array of departments and agencies of government
"the executive branch
someone who manages a government agency or department
The executive committee or board of an organization is a committee within that organization which has the authority to make decisions and ensures that these decisions are carried out. He sits on the executive committee that manages Lloyds the executive of the National Union of Students
persons who administer the law
The executive is the part of the government of a country that is concerned with carrying out decisions or orders, as opposed to the part that makes laws or the part that deals with criminals. The government, the executive and the judiciary are supposed to be separate The matter should be resolved by the executive branch of government. In politics, a person or persons constituting the branch of government charged with executing or carrying out the laws and appointing officials, formulating and instituting foreign policy, and providing diplomatic representation. In the U.S., a system of checks and balances keeps the power of the executive more or less equal to that of the judiciary and the legislature. See also mayor, president, prime minister
The executive is the branch of government responsible for the administration or carrying-out (implementation) of laws
the part of goverment responsible for carrying out the affairs of the government and enforcing the laws of the state Also is responsible for military and foreign policy decisions
An executive is someone who is employed by a business at a senior level. Executives decide what the business should do, and ensure that it is done. an advertising executive. Her husband is a senior bank executive
(00/03/05) an executive managing director a senior executive managing director (Reference: Monday Nikkei)
The body of government that suggests new laws to the legislature, and puts into effect the laws passed by the legislature
having the function of carrying out plans or orders etc ; "the executive branch"
executive branch
The branch of government that oversees the carrying out of the laws
executive committee
the equivalent of the cabinet of ministers for a city government, serving the mayor
executive committees
plural form of executive committee
executive ego function
The management of mental processes by the ego in order to meet an individual's needs
executive mansion
The White House
executive mansion
Any ostentatious or pretentious home
executive order
A legally enforceable order, decree, or regulation issued on the authority of the head of the executive branch of government
executive producer
An employment title, of ill-defined meaning, common in entertainment, computing and many other industries; often a person in charge of other producers
executive development
Executive development is the whole of activities aimed at developing the skills and competencies of those that (will) have executive positions in organisations. While "executive" and "manager" and "leader" are often used interchangeably, "executive" is commonly used to signify the top 5% to 10% of the organization. Similarly, "development" and "training" and "education" are often used as synonyms, however "development" is generally seen as the more encompassing of the three in terms of activities that build skills and competencies
executive functions
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Executive functions is a term synonymous with cognitive control, and used by psychologists and neuroscientists to describe a loosely defined collection of brain processes whose role is to guide thought and behaviour in accordance with internally generated goals or plans. Often, the executive functions are invoked when it is necessary to override responses that may otherwise be automatically elicited by stimuli in the external environment. For example, on being presented with a potentially rewarding stimulus, such as a tasty piece of chocolate cake, the automatic response might be to take a bite. However, where this behaviour conflicts with internal plans (such as having decided not to eat chocolate cake whilst on a diet), the executive functions might be engaged to inhibit this response. The neural mechanisms by which the executive functions are implemented is a topic of ongoing debate in the field of cognitive neuroscience
executive producer
Executive producer is a major role in the entertainment industry but one that is ambiguous and often difficult to define clearly. Executive producers vary in involvement, responsibility and power. Some executive producers have hands-on control over every aspect of production, some supervise the producers of a project, some manage the financial aspect of the project, while others are involved in name only
Executive Branch
branch of the United States Government that is composed of the President and his staff (Vice President, Cabinet members, etc.)
Executive Summary
{i} summary of main points of a business plan; document that summarises the main points of a business proposal
executive agency
an agency of the executive branch of government
executive agency
Any executive department or independent establishment in the executive branch of the U S Government, including any wholly owned Government corporation See also FEDERAL AGENCY
executive agency
An executive agency is a Government Department, or semi-autonomous unit within a Department, which carries out executive functions within a policy and resources framework set by Ministers
executive agency
statute of limitations
executive agreement
An agreement made between the executive branch of the U.S. government and a foreign government without ratification by the Senate
executive authority
governing power responsible for implementation and enforcement
executive board
governing board; executive authority, administrative authority
executive branch
Branch of government that carries out the laws made by the legislative branch; and in the national government, makes treaties with foreign governments and conducts wars
executive branch
Branch of government charged with "executing," or implementing and enforcing the laws
executive branch
The branch of local, state or federal government that is responsible for carrying out laws Enforcing laws or executing laws is another way of saying this The President heads the excutive branch of the federal government The Governor heads the executive branch of the Ohio government, and the Mayor heads the executive branch of the City of Cleveland government
executive branch
The branch of government that carries out and enforces the law In the service classification, "executive" at the local level refers to the county, parish, or municipal government and could include the county executive, commissioner, council, board, or mayor At the state level, "executive" refers to the governor's office or an office, department, or agency within the governor's cabinet We have attempted to further classify an executive branch agency's primary focus as being one of four types: The types are: Juvenile Corrections, Adult Corrections, Welfare/Social Services, and Children and Youth (protective services and juvenile corrections) The FAQs present summary information using these designations
executive branch
- carries out and enforces laws to protect individual rights and promote the common good
executive branch
This entry includes several subfields Chief of state includes the name and title of the titular leader of the country who represents the state at official and ceremonial functions but may not be involved with the day-to-day activities of the government Head of government includes the name and title of the top administrative leader who is designated to manage the day-to-day activities of the government For example, in the UK, the monarch is the chief of state, and the prime minister is the head of government In the US, the president is both the chief of state and the head of government Cabinet includes the official name for this body of high-ranking advisers and the method for selection of members Elections includes the nature of election process or accession to power, date of the last election, and date of the next election Election results includes the percent of vote for each candidate in the last election
executive branch
In common use, refers to all of state government outside the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch Sometimes refers only to the governor and agencies that answer directly to the governor Rarely used in statute The state constitution actually names four "departments": the Executive, Administrative, Judicial, and Legislative
executive branch
The branch of government that carries out the laws made by the legislative branch
executive branch
the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws
executive branch
Consists of the United States president and his/her administration
executive clemency
the power (usually of a president or governor) to pardon or commute the sentence of someone convicted in that jurisdiction
executive council
a council that shares the supreme executive power
executive department
a federal department in the executive branch of the government of the United States
executive director
A professional staff member responsible for the total management and administration of Council operations The E D attends Board of Directors meetings and is accountable to the Board
executive director
A senior NHS manager who is a member of the Trust Board
executive director
TSAC's CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
executive director
The Executive Director is Judy Hallman (judy_hallman@unc edu), UNC-CH Information Technology Services, 118 Abernethy, CB# 3420, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3420, 919-962-5277, FAX 919-962-5334
executive director
a person employed by a non-profit organization to oversee operations and management and implement the policy decisions of the Board of Directors
executive director
a person responsible for the administration of a business
executive director
From the perspective of an actor inside an opaque composite actor, the director of the container of the opaque composite actor
executive director
Board level senior management employees of the Trust who are accountable for carrying our the work of the organisation
executive director
The head of each DSDC organization [DSDC]
executive director
17 In a managed care plan, individual responsible for all operational aspects of the plan All other officers and key managers report to this person, who in turn reports to the board of directors
executive office
official presidential bureau of the President of the United States of America
executive officer
the officer second in command
executive officer
officer who is second in command
executive order
Action by the governor in implementing executive authority under the law
executive order
A rule or order having the force of law, issued by the President
executive order
Action by the Governor in implementing his or her authority under the law
executive order
A direct order from the chief executive that has the force of law
executive order
Generally, a rule or regulation having the force of law promulgated directly by the Governor under his statutory authority Executive Orders take effect unless the legislature takes action to disapprove them within a specified period of time
executive privilege
The principle that members of the executive branch of government cannot legally be forced to disclose their confidential communications when such disclosure would adversely affect the operations or procedures of the executive branch. the right of a president or other government leader to keep official records and papers secret
executive routine
A set of coded instructions designed to use a computer for developing or controlling other routines
executive secretary
secretary who has managerial duties and responsibilities and who reports to an executive or senior manager in a firm; official who handles the business operations of organization
executive secretary
a secretary having administrative duties and responsibilities
executive session
a congressional meeting closed to the public (and the media)
executive session
a session (usually of a legislative body) that is closed to the public
executive session
A meeting of committee members held after a hearing to review public testimony and discuss the merits of the bill before making recommendations to the full membership of the House or Senate Open to the public
executive session
A meeting of a Senate or House committee (or occasionally of either chamber) that only Members, staff, and witnesses may attend
executive session
A committee meeting restricted to only committee members and specifically invited guests
executive session
A formal way of saying that an Assembly or Senate Committee will hold a vote on a bill When a committee goes into "exec," this means no further comments or testimony will be heard by anyone other than those who sit on the committee, and committee members vote an issue up or down A tie vote in committee usually means the bill dies in committee But, unlike other states, Wisconsin gives considerable power to its committee chairs who can still send a bill onto the floor for full debate with a tie vote or even a negative vote
executive session
A meeting of a committee to conduct business, usually vote on bills referred to the committee
executive session
A meeting of any deliberative body which excludes from attendance any person who is not a member of the body or one of its essential staff
executive session
A closed meeting of a Senate or House committee
executive session
A session, as of a legislature or committee, often closed to the public, in which executive business is transacted
executive session
A portion of a board meeting which concerns confidential matters and which therefore cannot be publicly minuted Examples include salary discussions, areas covered by non-disclosure agreements, disciplinary actions, and some types of funding decisions
executive session
A popular euphemism for a closed meeting held by a government body such as a city council or school board
executive session
Times during a site visit when the site visit team meets privately to assess findings, review records, obtain consumer input, or prepare oral report and other documentation
executive session
(1) A meeting of a Senate or House committee (or occasionally of either chamber) that only its members may attend Witnesses regularly appear at committee meetings in executive session - for example, Defense Department officials during presentations of classified defense information Other members of Congress may be invited, but the public and press are not allowed to attend (2) A Senate meeting devoted to the consideration of treaties and nominations
executive session
A meeting closed to the public
executive session
A committee meeting restricted to committee members and specifically invited persons
executive sponsor
The management role that provides the corporate goal and budget for the project being considered Executive sponsors are typically directors, department heads or vice- presidents, and they operate from a project review or screening board during project selection
executive sponsor
An executive-level manager who interacts with the project team leader and acts as liaison with other executive staff members in taking high-level responsibility to champion, guide, and monitor a given project
executive sponsor
The person or group who has final authority over project wide decisions This person or group should be responsible for committing to a feature set, approving the user interface design, and deciding whether the software is ready to release to its users or customers If the decision-making authority is a group, each person in the group should represent a different interest - management, marketing, development, quality assurance, and so on Sometimes this group is the Change Board
executive summary
an executive summary captures and presents succinctly the essence of the business plan It is, in effect, a capsulized version of the entire plan The executive summary is not simply a background statement, nor is it an introduction It is in a sense the business plan in miniature Because many business plan reviewers are inundated with proposals, they use the executive summary for a quick understanding of the total plan
executive summary
The executive summary is a brief overview of the most important information in a business plan
executive summary
A rather long but condensed version of the report that details all essential parts of the purpose, procedure, results, and conclusions It must stand alone, with no additional information introduced that is not in the report
executive summary
The portion of a research report that explains why the research was done, what was found and what those findings mean, and what action, if any, management should undertake See also conclusion
executive summary
A brief summary of the key points of a more detailed report or study
executive summary
| Introduction | Background New York State Pesticide Use and Sales Data Water Contamination | Recommendations | Conclusion | References Appendix: Methodology and Data Quality Issues
executive summary
A nontechnical summary statement designed to provide a quick overview of the full-length report on which it is based
executive summary
A synopsis of a project that presents key facts such as amount of money requested, activities that will be executive, outcomes that will be achieved, and need for the proposed project
executive summary
The portion of a research report that summarizes all of the sections of the report
executive summary
A one or two page document which includes the essence of the whole business plan Executive summaries are helpful when seeking financing, especially when many people are reviewing the plan
executive summary
Appears at the beginning of the report and gives a condensed version of the entire document An informative abstract
executive talent
managing aptitude
executive vice president
a vice president holding executive power
account executive
an executive in an advertising agency, or public relations firm who manages a client's account
chief executive
The president of the United States
chief executive
The governor of a U.S. state
chief executive
The head of government or head of state
chief executive
chief executive officer
chief executive officer
The highest-ranking corporate officer or executive officer of a corporation, company, or agency, responsible for carrying out the policies of the board of directors on a day-to-day basis; CEO
chief executive officers
plural form of chief executive officer
corporate executive
A manager or other executive level staff member of a corporation or other enterprise
Army Executive Officer
(Askeri) Someone in charge of the daily operational functions in U.S. Army units such as companies and battalions
Executive Committee
Chief Executive
{i} the president of the United States; governor of a state in the United States
Chief Executive
the Chief Executive the President of the US
Chief Executive Officer
{i} CEO, head manager of a company or large organization, managing director
Executive Board
Executive Officer
Executive Officer
Executive Order
Health and Safety Executive
HSE a British government organization that gives advice to companies about health and safety, and makes rules to prevent workers from being injured or becoming ill at work OSHA
account executive
Also known as a Registered Representative they are Stock Brokers or Investment Dealers
account executive
The individual, either as employee of a reinsurer or a reinsurance intermediary, who is responsible for all matters pertaining to the reinsurance account of a particular insurer
account executive
someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising agency or brokerage or other service business
account executive
Advertising agency representative who is the service and contact person for a specific client account or accounts; performs all supervision and liaison work between client and agency services
account executive
A person, as in an advertising or a public relations firm, who manages clients' accounts
account executive
- The agency employee responsible for a client's marketing and administrative efforts At Motto Advertising, account executives deal directly with the client, vendors and the media Our AE's are all highly experienced and have more autonomy than at most other agencies
account executive
A Registered Representative, generally means any employee of a Stock Broker or Investment Dealer
account executive
The agent of a commission house who serves customers/traders by entering their commodity futures and options orders, reporting trade executions, advising on trading strategies, etc [NYMEX]
account executive
Synonomous with the term "Registered Representative " For NASD (National Association of Securities Dealers) registration, exam and licensing purposes, the category of "Registered Representatives" (RR) includes all associated persons engaged in the investment banking and securities business This includes assistant officers (who are not "principals"); individuals that supervise, solicit or conduct business in securities; and individuals who train people to supervise, solicit or conduct business in securities Anyone who is not a "principal" and not engaged in clerical or brokerage administration is subject to registration and exam licensing as a registered represntative Bill Shackelford, owner of WHS Financial Services, is a Registered Representative
account executive
The liaison between the agency and the client The account executive is responsible both for managing all the agency's services for the benefit of the client and for representing the agency's point of view to the client (Ch 3)
account executive
An employee of a brokerage firm who must pass specified tests and must be registered with the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) before he or she may solicit or accept orders from clients
account executive
The brokerage firm employee who handles stock orders for clients See: Broker
account executive
The title given by some brokerage firms to their stockbrokers Other variations on the title include registered representative, financial counselor and financial consultant
account executive
A personnel consultant (counselor) employed by a recruiting or executive search firm who works directly with clients and candidates to fill job orders (See also: Counselor/ Consultant ) Administrative Fee The additional fee charged to a client (subscriber) by a professional employer organization (PEO)/staff leasing company to cover selling, general, and administrative costs over and above the costs of leased employee salary, taxes, and benefits provided Typically in the 4-6% range
account executive
one who is authorized to manage a client's accounts (for a commission fee)
business executive
an executive in a business corporation
chief executive
Generally the highest ranking executive officer of a jurisdiction
chief executive
{i} main executive officer (president of a republic for example); governor of a state
chief executive
The director in charge of the day-today running of a company
chief executive
the office of the United States head of state; "a President is elected every four years"
chief executive
The Chief Executive is the highest executive officer in a company, rather like the captain of a ship He or she is accountable to the company's Board of Directors and is frequently a member of that Board The Chief Executive participates in setting strategy with the Board and other officers and is responsible for the tactics in meeting the company's goals Known in the USA as the Chief Executive Officer or CEO
chief executive
means a Chief Executive of an administrative unit established under the Public Sector Management Act 1994; or a chief executive officer of a Territory instrumentality or of an autonomous instrumentality
chief executive
The head of a department of State, as prescribed in the Public Service Act 1996, and certain other key officers The chief executives are the Directors-General, or their equivalent in other agencies such as the Under Treasurer, the Auditor-General and the Parliamentary Counsel The term sometimes means the principal officer of a statutory authority, a peak body or private corporation
chief executive
the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government; "the President likes to jog every morning"
chief executive
means the most senior executive of the Registered Training Organisation
chief executive officer
The head of a company The person ultimately responsible for setting the direction and policies of the firm Usually the CEO is also the chairperson of the board of directors
chief executive officer
The highest senior management position in an organization; chosen by and reports to the board of directors 10 6
chief executive officer
The person responsible for the firm’s overall performance
chief executive officer
the top managerial position in a company
chief executive officer
The CEO is the highest executive officer in a corporation, sort of like the captain of a ship He or she is accountable to the company's board of directors and is frequently a member of that board The CEO participates in setting goals with the board and other officers and is responsible for the strategies and tactics employed to meet the corporation's goals
chief executive officer
the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm; reports to a board of directors; may appoint other managers (including a president)
chief executive officer
- The manager who leads the company's strategic direction The "seat of power"
chief executive officer
The chief executive officer of a company is the person who has overall responsibility for the management of that company. The abbreviation CEO is often used. The highest-ranking executive in a company or organization, responsible for carrying out the policies of the board of directors on a day-to-day basis. CEO the person with the most authority in a large company
chief executive officer
The Chief Executive Officer helps the board to frame and articulate the vision for the organization The Chief Executive Officer and the Board serve as checks and balances for the organization The Chief Executive Officer hires, supervises and evaluates staff and serves as a liaison between staff and board See also: Executive Director Topic areas: Governance
chief executive officer
The elected or appointed leader of any governing body
chief executive officer
The manager responsible for an organization's overall operation, general administration, and public affairs
chief executive officer
of a State or unit of general local government means the elected official or the legally designated official, who has the primary responsibility for the conduct of that entity's governmental affairs Examples of the "chief executive officer" of a unit of general local government are: the elected mayor of a municipality; the elected county executive of a county; the chairperson of a county commission or board in a county that has no elected county executive; and the official designated pursuant to law by the governing body of unit of general local government
chief executive officer
The highest ranking executive officer who manages the day to day operations of a business
corporate executive
an executive in a business corporation
executive committee
ministerial committee
in an executive manner; operatively; administratively; by means of executive authority
In the way of executing or performing
plural of executive
A non-executive is someone who has a non-executive position in a company or organization
Someone who has a non-executive position in a company or organization gives advice but is not responsible for making decisions or ensuring that decisions are carried out. non-executive directors executive
non-executive director
one of the directors of a company who gives advice, but who does not make decisions about how the company is run
top executive
baron: a very wealthy or powerful businessman; "an oil baron"
Türkisch - Englisch
(Bilgisayar) executive
chief executive officer
il idare kurulu executive committee of
a provincial assembly