even with a lot of goodwill this is impossible

listen to the pronunciation of even with a lot of goodwill this is impossible
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von even with a lot of goodwill this is impossible im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

with a lot
even with a lot of goodwill this is impossible


    e·ven with a Lot of good·will this I·s im·pos·si·ble

    Türkische aussprache

    ivîn wîdh ı lôt ıv gûdwîl dhîs îz împäsıbıl


    /ˈēvən wəᴛʜ ə ˈlôt əv ˈgo͝odˈwəl ᴛʜəs əz əmˈpäsəbəl/ /ˈiːvɪn wɪð ə ˈlɔːt əv ˈɡʊdˈwɪl ðɪs ɪz ɪmˈpɑːsəbəl/